Neolithic, Eneolithic, Early Bronze Age
Recent papers in Neolithic, Eneolithic, Early Bronze Age
Studie byla publikována roku 1952 v časopise Archeologické rozhledy / The study was published in 1952 in the journal Archaeological Perspectives.
Studie byla publikována v knize ,,Ivan Pavlů ed.: Památky archeologické - Supplementum 13 – In Memoriam Jan Rulf " vydané v Praze roku 2000. ISBN: 80-86124-27-4 / The study was published in the book "Ivan Pavlů ed .: Archaeological... more
In questo articolo sono esposti i risultati della prima campagna di scavi del sito di Casale del Cavaliere, situato ad est di Roma, quasi ai confini del territorio comunale. La campagna si è svolta nell’autunno del 1991 ed ha interessato... more
Human skull artifacts are found relatively rarely and in various cultural environments. They have been discussed in anthropological literature since the nineteenth century during which the discovery of the majority of the known finds from... more
The main aim of this work was to collect available information from the period of Neolithic and Early Eneolithic from the Slovak part of river Ipeľ and to determine the relationship between the settlement and the environment (altitude,... more
Kniha vyšla v Kijevě v roce 1974 / The book was published in Kiev in 1974.
This file contains citations of articles by Ivan Vajsov. Most of them have links to review the originals.
2021 marked the 30th season of the archaeological excavations of the Durankulak Archaeological Complex. The buildings and structures of the 8th and 7th horizon were mainly studied, such as those from the Early Neolithic settlement on the... more
The collection "Art and Religion of Ancient Societies" is a continuation of the series of the scientific publications which is devoted to the problems of study of the spiritual culture in the primitive societies. The previous edition "Art... more
This volume has been prepared quickly, smoothly and cheerfully. This is, perhaps, because it is dedicated to the 70th birthday anniversary of a person who is always cheerful himself, an archaeologist, zealous and lucky researcher, a... more
In 2018, the field studies on The Big Island (Tell Golemija ostrov ) at Durankulak village continued for the 27th consecutive season. Building N8/ VII was fully explored (Culture Hamangia IV). We found out that it was originally without... more
The book was published in 1986 in Oxford (BAR - International Series Vol. 287), ISBN 0860543692 / Kniha byla vydána roku 1986 v Oxfordu (BAR - International Series Vol. 287), ISBN 0860543692 / Книга была издана в 1986 году в Оксфорде (BAR... more
At the beginning of July 2021, thanks to a happy coincidence, a new large hoard of metal items of the Cucuteni A – Tripolye BI period (2nd half of the 5th millennium BC) was discovered. This is an extraordinary case, judging by the number... more
Above: elegant vine krater in bronze and silver from Macedonia. From the Shelby White and Leon Levy private collection in NewYork, handed over to Grease on 1 August 2008. This krater is one of the best examples of Macedonian craftsmanship... more
This article reconstructs the personality and life of a remarkable woman, Zsófia Torma, a pioneering Transylvanian archaeologist, who broke the conventions of her time and, with the risk of being ridiculed, ignored and humiliated,... more
Kniha byla vydána v roce 2011 v Stuttgartu : Franz Steine, (Prähistorische Bronzefunde. Abteilung VI. Band 13), ISBN 978-3-515-10121-9 / The book was published in 2011 in Stuttgart: Franz Stein, (Prähistorische Bronzefunde. Abteilung VI.... more
Antonio De Gregorio Brunaccini nasce a Messina il 27.06.1855 e muore a Palermo il 15.12. Esponente di una nobile famiglia siciliana, si distingue per la natura versatile e per la curiosità in ogni settore del sapere. Dottore in Scienze... more
Studie byla publikována v roce 1967 jako 9 svazek serie ,,Археологический сборник Государственного Эрмитажа (АСГЭ)". / The study was published in 1967 as a 9 volume series ,,Archaeological collection of the State Hermitage (ASGE)."
This article is of the earliest metal daggers, which in some cases are hardly distinguishable from knives, is compiled in the area between southern Bulgaria (Rohdope mountains), the western Ukraine and Upper Austria (Mondsee). They can be... more
The results of the study of building № 25 / VII-VIII showed that it has a slightly trapezoidal shape. The total built-up area is 69 m2. The building has undergone two stages of development: the first stage refers to the Hamangia III... more
In this article we reach the mytho-symbolic and ritual character of the drum considering the Macedonian (and broadely the Balkan) Traditional culture. We summarize its role in the shamanic activities, afterwards assuming its role as the... more
This article is a case study about how object photography was produced and used in 19th century archaeology, revealing its importance in facilitating the dissemination, exchange and publishing of archaeological information. It aims to... more
Výroba artefaktu bývala kedysi magickým aktom. Dochovali sa nám najmä povesti o kováčoch, svoje kúzla však spriadali aj pravekí hrnčiari a hrnčiarky. Lúštenie značiek na pravekej keramike a celkovo aj skúmanie pravekého náboženstva nebolo... more
Статья посвящена некоторым вопросам происхождения абхазо-адыгов в свете новейших данных ряда наук. Осуществляется пересмотр предшествующих гипотез, в частности, теории миграции предков абхазо-адыгов (народа каска) из Малой Азии во II-I... more
A rare Chalcolithic rolled-gold bead-like ornament dated to c. 2400–2200 cal. BC was found in association with sherds of early Beaker ware in an Early Bronze Age Collared Urn burial dated to c. 1545–1450 cal. BC. The grave was located at... more