Nuclear Accidents
Recent papers in Nuclear Accidents
Nuclear energy is one of the most important components of the world electricity supply in today's world. It provides approximately 21% of electricity in OECD countries. However, there has been a growing social and academic debate over the... more
Abstract: The nuclear accident that occurred on April 26th, 1986 in Chernobyl, Ukraine is the first “major nuclear accident” of history. A badly designed and conducted safety test resulted in an explosion in the 4th reactor unit. Large... more
Turkey intends to build three nuclear power stations in the Akkuyu, Sinop and Igneada regions to meet its increasing energy demands. This policy, however, is still a highly controversial topic in Turkey as nuclear energy has both... more
In this study, the question of whether or not the occurrence of the Fukushima nuclear disaster is ascribable to the accumulation of manufactured risk factors was addressed. In order to construct a plausible argument, this study considers... more
Central nuclear de Three Mile Island, Harrisburg, condado de Dauphin, Pensilvania.
This article traces the history of the development and construction of the first prototypes and operating nuclear power plants, all as part of the Manhattan Project. Beginning with CP-1, the first self-sustained nuclear chain reaction in... more
Nuclear energy is the third most common energy source after fossil fuels and renewable energy worldwide. Nuclear energy provides about 10% of the world's electricity currently. However, there has been a growing discussion over nuclear... more
Disertační práce, předložená k velké obhajobě na FSV UK (mělo by proběhnout 06/2018). Cílem disertační práce je popsat a porovnat způsob, kterým denní tisk v komunistickém Československu informoval o dopravních a průmyslových nehodách, k... more
Hydrogen accumulation at the top of containment or reactor building may occur due to an interaction of molten corium and water followed by a severe accident of a nuclear reactor (TMI, Chernobyl, Fukushima Daiichi). The hydrogen, released... more
Emrah Akyüz advances an environmental human rights approach to environmental protections regarding nuclear power. Using the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster as a case study, Akyüz argues for three main approaches to environmental... more
FROM TCHERNOBYL TO FUKUSHIMA: ON THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF NUCLEAR ENERGY SAFETY This article analyses the process of constructing the ‘safety discourse’, which is created by persons and institutions representing the Polish Nuclear... more
Silencios y deslealtades trata sobre el accidente nuclear de Palomares, considerado por los EE.UU. el accidente atómico más importante hasta el desastre de Chernóbil en 1986. En enero de 1966, en plena Guerra Fría, colisionaron en los... more
The main purpose of this article is to analyse the link between environmental issues and human rights. It investigates whether environmental dangers and degradation constitutes a violation of these rights. The concept of a right to life... more
The World Health Organization (WHO) has responded to the 2011 East-Japan earthquake and tsunami through the three levels of its decentralised structure. It has provided public health advice regarding a number of issues relating to... more
Ha pasado más de medio siglo de uno de los accidentes nucleares más relevantes. Al igual que en el resto de similares sucesos, se creó una historia oficial falsa, creada en dictadura y mantenida en democracia, plagada de sesgos, con... more
The ability to energy production has played an important role in the development of humanity. Industrial growth has led to a rapidly growing need for energy. In the context of investigating moral disparities in people who have to work in... more
In this experimental study, graphene oxide (GO) nanopowder was prepared and irradiated by the 60 Co γ-rays in different absorbed doses of 0, 10, 30, 50, 80, 100, 120 and 150 kGy at dose rate of 1.62 Gy s-1 at room temperature. Field... more
El secretismo que ha rodeado durante más de 40 años al accidente de Palomares generó múltiples mitos y leyendas para suplir la falta de información a la opinión pública o su débil credibillidad. La mayoría se han enquistado en la sociedad... more
For a higher resolution PDF: 彭保羅 (Paul Jobin)「核電員工裡的隱形人:日、台包工的見證」in 平井憲夫、劉黎兒等《核電員工最後遺言》台北:推守文化,2011,140-162頁。... more
The Claw sits alone in a dead pocket of a forest on the outskirts of Pripyat, where it was abandoned in the aftermath of the clean-up efforts following the 1986 disaster. Workers, unsure of where to leave the highly radioactive claw,... more
Introduction to International and EU Law applicable in the context of nuclear accidents
Nuclear geographies and geographers contemplate the significance of nuclear technologies and issues for humans, nonhumans, and ecologies in the past, present, and future. This definition highlights how radiation interacts across different... more
Since the release of HBO’s miniseries Chernobyl, there’s been a great deal of discussion about its historical accuracy. We know that in the early hours of April 26, 1986, a safety test at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine... more
Tras el accidente nuclear en 1966 y una descontaminación parcial, el área de Palomares (Almería, España) espera impaciente una limpieza real y efectiva. En las negociaciones entre España y USA de los últimos años se ha acordado un nuevo... more
Nuclear accidents such as Chernobyl have far reaching impacts on ecological systems. Likewise they have major implications for agricultural systems, since crops and livestock can become contaminated and rendered unfit for human... more
The aim of this study was to assess the abilities of European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) to adjudicate upon cases concerning violations to environment upraised from nuclear accidents. This was non-causal research, based on qualitative... more
Popular culture fundamentally shapes the way we understand the world we live in. It serves as a frame for issues we face in life and can help to make complex and seemingly impregnable problems more accessible. Conversely, in the desire to... more
La descontaminación de Palomares en 1966 realizada por la USAF fue parcial. Se detalla un decálogo de malas praxis que condicionaron el futuro de la zona en más de 50 años, además de contaminar a más de 1500 soldados estadounidenses y al... more
N uclear accidents such as Chernobyl have f a r reaching impacts on ecological systems. Likewise they have major implications for agricultural systems, since crops and livestock can become contaminated and rendered unfit for human... more
E. Schlosser, ‘Command and Control’, International Affairs, March 2014.
It is an undeniable reality that energy production and their sustained growth constitute indispensable elements to ensure the economic and social progress of any country. For this reason, the possible use of all types of energy sources... more