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Estas reflexiones constituyen el núcleo de la video conferencia que el autor realizó en el marco de las VI Jornadas de Investigación y Docencia del Centro de Investigaciones de Trabajo Social (CITS) de la Universidad del Zulia, en la... more
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      ConflictEpistemology of the Social SciencesPHILOSOPHY OF PEACE AND PEACE EDUCATION
Abstract As the architect of Uechi Ryu Karate-do, Kanei Uechi formalized an Okinawan system of karate which was developed from Chinese Gongfu. In his September 27, 1982 “Letter to All Karatekas of the World,” he emphasizes the importance... more
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      EthicsCosmopolitanismOkinawan History and CulturePhilosophy of Martial Arts
I reflect on the following words from John Paul II’s 2002 letter, “The Rosary of the Virgin Mary”: “Families seldom manage to come together, and the rare occasions when they do are often taken up with watching television. To return to the... more
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      Family studiesFamilyImaginationJohn Paul II/Karol Wojtyla
A logical God exists, in separation from the philosophical or speculative God of religion, and capable of reuniting atheists and theists into a formidable force for good against the twin problems perplexing humanity at present: the... more
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building policies and practices, but also address their feasibility. Finally, the development of education and peace research can be enhanced by rigorously designed evaluation studies. How do we measure the outcomes of peace-building... more
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      Peace EducationPeace Education, Critical Education, Education and DemocracyEducation for peacePeace Education and Curriculum Development