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Excavations at the Ille site in north Palawan have produced a large Terminal Pleistocene to Late Holocene faunal assemblage. Derived both from the natural deaths of small mammals and the human hunting of large and intermediate game, the... more
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      PalaeogeographyArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeology
The tomb of Kairsu is located north of the pyramid of Neferirkare and is part of a so far unexplored cemetery dating to the reign of Neferirkare – Nyuserre. The mastaba features several highly unusual characteristics. Basalt blocks had... more
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      Ancient HistoryZoologyArchaeologyEgyptology
Publikacja po konferencji Koła Naukowego Studentów Archeologii UJ w Krakowie.
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      ArchaeologyAnimal StudiesArchaeozoologyEcology
M. Wild / M.-J. Weber, Ein schräger Typ. Eine Geweihspitze aus Lasbek (Kr. Stormarn) und ihr Verhältnis zum europäischen Jung- und Spätpaläolithikum. In: B. V. Eriksen/A. Abegg-Wigg/R. Bleile/U. Ickerodt (eds.), Interaktion ohne Grenzen.... more
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      Bone and AntlerBone Technology (Archaeology)MagdalenianCervidae
A new data block concerning diverse palaeoecological / bio-economic aspects, obtained through the use of natural science research methods is introduced to scientific turnover. The block consists of several separate investigations:... more
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      European HistoryArchaeologyPaleoethnobotany (Anthropology)Archaeobotany
The paper presents results of multidisciplinary studies on environmental archaeology undertaken on complex of prehistoric and early historic settlements located at Złotoria village in north-eastern Poland. Relicts of settlements dated to... more
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Hill fort Sverdlovske-1 is located on the right bank of the Desna River on a promontory overlooking the river valley at 45—50 m (Figs. 1; 4). The monument has been known for about 150 years; stationary studies were started in 1968 by O.M.... more
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      European HistoryArchaeologyPaleoethnobotany (Anthropology)Archaeobotany
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient EgyptPalaeozoology
A new exceptionally preserved marginal marine biota is reported from the Late Ordovician Big Hill Formation of Stonington Peninsula in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The new Lagerstätte hosts a moderately diverse fauna of medusae, linguloid... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyEarth SciencesPaleontology
The celebrated fossil locality of Tendaguru (Tanzania, East Africa) has been well known for its unique Late Jurassic dinosaur assemblages since the early decades of the 20th century. Recently, within the scope of the GermamTanzanian... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologySedimentologyPalynology
We review the Triassic record of terrestrial plants and animals from the Southern Alps at more than 60 sites. The Triassic tetrapod track record seems to mirror the global body fossil record of diapsids (with the exception of the... more
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The paper presents results of multidisciplinary studies on environmental archaeology under-taken on complex of prehistoric and early historic settlements located at Złotoria village in northeastern Poland. Relicts of settlements dated to... more
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Based on materials from Monastyrok hill-fort, fishery of the Early Slavs from the Dnipro River (middle region) is analyzed in this paper. A comprehensive study of the circumstances in which ichthyological remains and fishing tackle were... more
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      European HistoryArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
Background Few studies on eurypterids have taken into account morphological changes that occur throughout postembryonic development. Here two species of eurypterid are described from the Pragian Beartooth Butte Formation of Cottonwood... more
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      BotanyEvolutionary BiologyPaleobiologySystematics (Taxonomy)
Peatlands are important records of past environmental changes. Based on a multiproxy analysis, the main factors influencing the evolution of a peatland can be divided into autogenic and allogenic. Among the important allogenic factors,... more
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      PalaeoecologyPalaeobotanyCentral and Eastern EuropePalaeozoology
Ein Jahrtausend lang (395-1453 n. Chr.) prägte das Byzantinische Reich den östlichen Mittelmeerraum. Die gut erhaltenen Ruinenstädte von Caričin Grad, Ephesos oder Palmyra mit ihren Kirchen und Mosaiken führen uns eindrucksvoll seine... more
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      ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryByzantine Archaeology
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The Żabieniec kettle hole is the first peatland in central Poland analyzed quantitatively with four biotic proxies (plant macrofossils, pollen, testate amoebae and chironomids) to reconstruct the past environmental change.... more
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      PalaeoclimatologyEarth SciencesClimate ChangeLimnology
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      GeoarchaeologyPalaeoenvironmentPalaeolithic ArchaeologyPalaeozoology
пр и ро д а бр. 2, 2015 г.
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    • Palaeozoology
Aim Within the last several decades, Grévy's zebra (Equus grevyi) has undergone a massive reduction in geographical range and population size, largely as the result of human impacts. To place its recent decline in a deeper prehistoric... more
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      East AfricaEcologyEnvironmental ChangePleistocene
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      PalaeoenvironmentPalaeolithic ArchaeologyMiddle PalaeolithicPalaeozoology
A total of 79 ostracode species were recognized from the embayment sediments deposited during the Late Pleistocene Shimosueyoshi transgression in central Japan. The most dominant species was Neomonoceratina delicata, now abundant in... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPalaeogeographyGeologyMigration
Excavations at the Ille site in north Palawan have produced a large Terminal Pleistocene to Late Holocene faunal assemblage. Derived both from the natural deaths of small mammals and the human hunting of large and intermediate game, the... more
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      PalaeogeographyArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeology
The assemblages of vertebrate microfauna gained from the owl’s pellets can tell us not only about the composition of the owl’s diet, but also about the composition of the surrounding environment. Our remains came from the Old Kingdom... more
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      Egyptian ArchaeologyPalaeoecologyOwlsPalaeozoology
ABSTRACT: Previously enigmatic, ovoid to sac-like fossils of organic, acid resistant substance which are common components of leaf cuticle and megaspore assemblages in limnic and terrestrial palaeoen- vironments are identified as cocoons... more
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CITATIONS 10 READS 108 13 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Fish exploitation and fish trade in the Negev Byzantine. View project Bioarchaeology of Taiwan (East Asia)... more
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      GeoarchaeologyPalaeoenvironmentPalaeolithic ArchaeologyPalaeozoology
The Żabieniec kettle hole is the first peatland in central Poland analyzed quantitatively with four biotic proxies (plant macrofossils, pollen, testate amoebae and chironomids) to reconstruct the past environmental change.... more
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      PalaeoclimatologyEarth SciencesClimate ChangeLimnology
The Ner River valley (central Poland) underwent substantial transformation during the Weichselian–Holocene transition as a result of fluvial processes and climate changes, resulting in the establishment of its present shape in the... more
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Background. The origin of turtles, their earliest evolution and the homologies of the elements building their shell are still enigmatic and remain an object of ongoing discussion and research. Although the oldest fully shelled turtle –... more
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      PaleobiologyPaleontologyVertebrate PaleontologyPalaeontology
The Żabieniec kettle hole is the first peatland in central Poland analyzed quantitatively with four biotic proxies (plant macrofossils, pollen, testate amoebae and chironomids) to reconstruct the past environmental change.... more
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The celebrated fossil locality of Tendaguru (Tanzania, East Africa) has been well known for its unique Late Jurassic dinosaur assemblages since the early decades of the 20th century. Recently, within the scope of the GermamTanzanian... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologySedimentologyPalynology
The Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Tendaguru Beds (Tanzania, East Africa) have been well known for nearly a century for their diverse dinosaur assemblages. Here, we present sedimentological and palaeontological data collected by the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologySedimentologyPalynology
The celebrated fossil locality of Tendaguru (Tanzania, East Africa) has been well known for its unique Late Jurassic dinosaur assemblages since the early decades of the 20th century. Recently, within the scope of the GermamTanzanian... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologySedimentologyPalynology
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Peatlands are important records of past environmental changes. Based on a multiproxy analysis, the main factors influencing the evolution of a peatland can be divided into autogenic and allogenic. Among the important allogenic factors,... more
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      PalaeoecologyPalaeobotanyCentral and Eastern EuropeHolocene
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      GeoarchaeologyPalaeoenvironmentPalaeolithic ArchaeologyPalaeozoology
The paper presents results of multidisciplinary studies on environmental archaeology under-taken on complex of prehistoric and early historic settlements located at Złotoria village in northeastern Poland. Relicts of settlements dated to... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPalaeogeographyGeologyEcology
The _ Zabieniec kettle hole is the first peatland in central Poland analyzed quantitatively with four biotic proxies (plant macrofossils, pollen, testate amoebae and chironomids) to reconstruct the past environmental change.... more
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      PalaeoclimatologyEarth SciencesClimate ChangeLimnology
Background: Few studies on eurypterids have taken into account morphological changes that occur throughout postembryonic development. Here two species of eurypterid are described from the Pragian Beartooth Butte Formation of Cottonwood... more
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      BotanyEvolutionary BiologyGeneticsPaleobiology
The origin and composition of the turtle shell has consistently been studied by both palaeontologists and neontologists, with most of the research focused on homologies and morphogenesis of costals, neurals and (lately) the nuchal bone.... more
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      PaleobiologyPaleontologyAnimal ScienceEvolution
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      GeoarchaeologyPalaeoenvironmentPalaeolithic ArchaeologyPalaeozoology