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This paper presents a set of spatial tools for classroom learning about spatial justice. As part of a larger team, we designed a curriculum that engaged learners with three spatial tools: 1) an oversized floor map, 2) interactive GIS... more
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      Mathematics EducationCritical Mathematics EducationSocial Justice EducationGeography Education
The field of personal finance management has not enjoyed as much attention as it should in the professional and academic climes. Amongst entry-level graduates of tertiary institutions, the deficiency of this knowledge has become very... more
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      Personal Financial PlanningPersonal FinancePersonal Finance Education
Story of Bo Sanchez about his household helper becomes a millionaire by regular investing in the stock market.
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      FinanceStock MarketPersonal Finance Education
Given the international recognition of the importance of financial literacy, the generally unsatisfactory results of international financial literacy tests for youth and adults, and the overlaps between financial literacy and mathematical... more
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      Financial LiteracyFinancial mathematicsConsumer FinancePersonal Finance Education
Belanja impulsif dan hedonisme adalah tanda bahwa seseorang tidak mampu mengatur keuangan rumah tangga. Menjelang hari raya pastinya banyak toko-toko ritel modern, toko ritel tradisional, supermarket dan toko online yang menawarkan diskon... more
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      Personal FinancePersonal Finance EducationPersonal & Family FinancePersonal Budgets
Georgia is 1 of 46 states that has created standards specific to the area of personal finance, 1of 13 states requiring students take a course in personal finance, and 1 of 5 that test students' knowledge in the area of personal finance.... more
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    • Personal Finance Education
This presentation outlines several exercises to help make sound financial decisions that properly align with the progressive stages of one’s family lifecycle. The exercises are intended to demonstrate how changes in personal values... more
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      Personal Financial PlanningPersonal FinancePersonal Finance EducationPersonal Finance and Well Being
Ma már széles körben elfogadott az a gondolat, hogy a pénzügyi kultúra fejlődése nagyban hozzájárulhatna a társadalmi és gazdasági haladáshoz, illetve az emberek boldogulásához Magyarországon is. Az állampolgárok gazdálkodási és pénzügyi... more
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      Personal FinanceFinancial EducationPersonal Finance Education