Photonic Integrated Circuits
Recent papers in Photonic Integrated Circuits
An electrically pumped light source on silicon is a key element needed for photonic integrated circuits on silicon. Here we report an electrically pumped AlGaInAs-silicon evanescent laser architecture where the laser cavity is defined... more
Ryszard Romaniuk, Optoelektronika zintegrowana, Elektronizacja, nr 7-8, 1982; Miesięcznik Stowarzyszenia Elektryków Polskich;
Słowniczek Światłowodowy (pierwsza część)
Słowniczek Światłowodowy (pierwsza część)
The design, fabrication, characterization, and modeling of basic building blocks of plasmonic circuitry based on dielectric-loaded surface polariton waveguides, such as bends, splitters, and Mach-Zehnder interferometers are presented. The... more
A new hybrid plasmonic waveguide is introduced and characterized in the paper. By coupling the photonic modes of a Si waveguide with the higher-order plasmonic modes of a silver nanowire, we demonstrate that the resultant hybrid modes... more
High-speed, tunable integrated silicon photonic delay lines are demonstrated by cascading complementary apodized silicon grating waveguides. The cascaded grating waveguides, with inward and outward super-Gaussian apodization profiles,... more
Recent remarkable advances in nanoscale siliconphotonic integrated circuitry specifically compatible with CMOS fabrication have generated new opportunities for leveraging the unique capabilities of optical technologies in the on-chip... more
Microwave photonics (MWP) is an emerging field in which radio frequency (RF) signals are generated, distributed, processed and analyzed using the strength of photonic techniques. It is a technology that enables various functionalities... more
Similar to the area of microelectronics, InP-based photonic integrated circuits (PICs) in the optical domain as a counterpart is also seeing a clear exponential development. This rapid progress can be defined by a number of... more
Traditional photonic integrated circuits are based on crystalline Silicon platforms. However, as photonic systems grow more complex in nature, and as their interaction with other technologies gains importance, the need to explore... more
Optical resonators have micrometer size dimensions and come mostly in two flavors, namely circular and racetrack shaped microrings (MR), and microdisks (MD), although microsphere (MS) and photonic crystal microring (PCMR) resonators are... more
We investigate the ''teleportation'' of a quantum state using three-particle entanglement to either one of two receivers in such a way that, generally, either one of the two, but only one, can fully reconstruct the quantum state... more
We present the state of the art for commercial design and simulation software in the 'front end' of photonic circuit design. One recent advance is to extend the flexibility of the software by using more than one numerical technique on the... more
We report a low-temperature process for covalent bonding of thermal SiO2 to plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposited (PECVD) SiO2 for Si-compound semiconductor integration. A record-thin interfacial oxide layer of 60 nm demonstrates... more
Photonic integration is a key area of information and communications technology. It allows the development of not only photonics systems with better performance, but also devices that would not be possible without integration. Challenges... more
Quantum information science has shown that harnessing quantum mechanical effects can dramatically improve performance for certain tasks in communication, computation and measurement. Already a number of photonic quantum circuits have been... more
In this paper, we review our work on efficient, broadband and polarization independent interfaces between a silicon-oninsulator photonic IC and a single-mode optical fiber based on grating structures. The high alignment tolerance and the... more
This paper presents the design of an index guided photonic crystal fiber which promises to yield very large birefringence (∼ 2.22 × 10 −2 ). Important optical properties, such as birefringence, single modeness, optical confinement, fiber... more
An integrated heterodyne optical phase-locked loop was designed and demonstrated with an indium phosphide based photonic integrated circuit and commercial off-the-shelf electronic components. As an input reference, a stable... more
We study the resonant transmission of light in a coupled-resonator optical waveguide interacting with two nearly identical side cavities. We reveal and describe a novel effect of the coupled-resonator-induced reflection (CRIR)... more
Two-dimensional (2-D) compact photonic crystal reflectors on suspended InP membranes were studied under normal incidence. We report the first experimental demonstration of 2-D broadband reflectors (experimental stopband superior to 200... more
In this paper, temperature variations are detected thanks to an enhanced nano-optical pyroelectric sensor. Sensing is obtained with the pyroelectric effect of lithium niobate (LN) in which, a suitable airmembrane photonic crystal cavity... more
The broad development of the micro-and nano-technologies in the past few years increased the need of techniques capable of fabricating sub-micron structures with arbitrary surface profiles. Out of the several fabrication approaches (HEBS... more
The optical phase locked loop (OPLL) photonic integrated circuit (PIC) is a key element for the emerging linear coherent RF-photonic links. One of the main challenges for the OPLL-PIC is the nonlinearity of the Indium Phosphide (InP)based... more
The large-scale photonic integration of microring resonators in three dimensions made possible by recent developments in vertical coupling and wafer bonding technology is shown to be sensitive to lateral mask misalignment for the ring and... more
Waveguiding of surface plasmon polaritons by dielectric-loaded metal structures is studied in detail by combining numerical simulations and leakage radiation microscopy. These types of waveguides are first numerically investigated using... more
We demonstrate a monolithically integrated optical heterodyne receiver consisting of an input fiber waveguide, a single frequency distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) laser, a multimode interferometer-based 3-dB coupler, and a pair of... more
The paper proposes a low-cost scanning read-out IC architecture for large arrays of infra-red photon sensors operating at cryogenic temperatures. The low-power and compact 50×100 μm2 active pixel sensor area is achieved by the use of... more
We put forward a new method to control the spectra of photon pairs generated in parametric downconversion that allows their spectral properties to be tuned from correlation to anticorrelation, including uncorrelation. The method employs... more
This paper describes recent progress towards the development of an innovative light weight, high-speed, and selfpowered wireless fiber optic sensor (WiFOS™) structural health monitor system suitable for the onboard and in-flight... more
We present the design of a 4-port photonic crystal-based optical circulator employing ring resonator cross connect filters, suitable for photonic integrated circuits schemes. This unique design allows the operation in both clockwise as... more
We report a waveguide photodetector utilizing a hybrid waveguide structure consisting of AlGaInAs quantum wells bonded to a silicon waveguide. The light in the hybrid waveguide is absorbed by the AlGaInAs quantum wells under reverse bias.... more
A resonant tunnelling diode has been monolithically integrated with an optical communications laser [the resonant tunnelling diode (RTD-LD)] to form a simple optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC) that is a novel bistable device... more
—We use the direct temporal domain approach to design spectrally periodic optical filters for pulse repetition rate multiplication (PRRM) with envelope shaping. In particular, we demonstrate a tunable lattice-form Mach–Zehnder... more
A new way to make high speed modulators using Si waveguides is demonstrated. The hybrid silicon evanescent electroabsorption modulator with offset AlGaInAs quantum wells has an extinction ratio over 10dB and modulation bandwidth of 10GHz.... more
We propose coupled-mode analysis of a two-dimensional photonic crystal add-drop filter based on ring resonators, which can be applicable to photonic integrated circuits. Mechanism of this proposed add-drop filter is analogous to that of... more
We characterize bending losses of curved plasmonic nanowire waveguides for radii of curvature ranging from 1 to 12 µm and widths down to 40 nm. We use near-field measurements to separate bending losses from propagation losses. The... more
The spectrum of resonance frequencies in so called stand-alone resonators, built with coupled ring or disk resonators is analytically and numerically investigated. These composite resonators which constitute the core of numerous photonic... more
We demonstrate compact waveguide splitter networks in siliconon-insulator (SOI) rib waveguides using trench-based splitters (TBSs) and bends (TBBs). Rather than a 90° geometry, we use 105° TBSs to facilitate reliable fabrication of high... more
A III-V thin-film single-quantum-well edge-emitting laser is patterned on both sides of the epitaxial layer and bonded to silicon. Injected threshold current densities of 420 A / cm 2 for gain-guided lasers with bottom p-stripes and top... more
For the compact integration of photonic circuits, wavelengthscale structures with a high index contrast are a key requirement. We developed a fabrication process for these nanophotonic structures in Silicon-on-insulator using CMOS... more
A saturated semiconductor-optical-amplifier exhibited 6.3 dB of phase-sensitive gain using two tunable laser pumps coherently injection-locked from sidebands of a modulated tone, all integrated on a single InP chip.
We have investigated spectral broadening as a mean to generate multiple wavelengths on a silicon chip. A 2x broadening at 22W/µm 2 of peak pulse power is demonstrated and a 7x is predicted at 70W/cm 2 .
The authors report, for the first time, a direct comparison between a directional coupler and a multimode interference-based device, in relation to their performance characteristics such as crosstalk, polarization dependence and the... more
Some new dielectric waveguide structures suitable for milfimeter-wave and optical integrated circuits are presented. A method of analyzing wave propagation in these guides is developed by assuming simple field distribution and... more
Wafer fusion technique for realization of compact waveguide switches and three-dimensional (3-D) photonic integrated circuits is investigated theoretically and experimentally. Calculations based on beam propagation method show that very... more