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This writing, "Creative Community Policing Initiatives in Columbia, South Carolina," appears as Chapter 4 in Dennis Stevens' edited book, Policing and Community Partnerships. To meet the public safety needs of increasingly diverse... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
RESUMO: Tido como parte importante da complexa composição de identidades juvenis das favelas cariocas, o funk foi escolhido por nossa pesquisa como um dispositivo para analisar os impactos culturais da instalação das Unidades de Polícia... more
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      Slums, Favelas, and Shanty-townsBaile FunkPolice Pacification Units
In: Márcia Adriana Fernandes; Roberta Duboc Pedrinha. (Org.). Escritos Transdisciplinares de Criminologia, Direito e Processo Penal: homenagem aos mestres Vera Malaguti e Nilo Batista. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Revan, 2014, v. 1, p. 39-47.
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      Slums, Favelas, and Shanty-townsPolice Pacification UnitsComplexo Do Alemão
With responses to urban violence receiving increasing academic attention, the literature on anti-gang efforts in Latin America has focused mainly on coercive mano dura policies and cooperative gang truces. Yet, there remains a paucity of... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesViolenceColombiaInternational Security
La première Unité de Police Pacificatrice (UPP) est apparue à Rio de Janeiro au mois de décembre 2008 dans la favela de Santa Marta. Depuis lors, ce ne sont pas moins de 38 unités qui ont vu le jour au sein de la mégapole brésilienne,... more
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      Brazilian StudiesSecurityQualitative ResearchBrazilian Politics
Research on security and governance in marginalised urban spaces in Latin America has pointed to complex cycles of conflict and negotiation between state and non-state actors. However, many questions remain about the dynamics of such... more
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      GeographyUrban GeographyLatin American StudiesSecurity
O recente aumento da violência no estado do Rio de Janeiro é um problema enfrentado diariamente por seus moradores. Um dos mais importantes programas de segurança pública realizado no Brasil, as Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP),... more
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      ViolenceCorrespondence AnalysisCriminalityPolice Pacification Units
Abstract: This paper outlines how Brazil’s latest public security initiative—its highly controversial Police Pacification Campaign (UPP)—is an integral component of a neoliberal political framework that is enacting rapid urbanization... more
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      Mega EventsAccumulation by DispossessionPublic SecurityFavelas
Working paper that places the US and Brazil in conversation in light of the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests.
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      Race and RacismBrazilIndigenous PeoplesSettler Colonial Studies
No contexto do neoliberalismo que propaga uma sociedade regulada pelo mercado e por mecanismos de concorrência, ao mesmo tempo em que se exige um controle de populações e territórios problemáticos, o urbanismo militar e a governança... more
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      Military urbanismMilitarizationUrban EntrepreneurialismPacification
During the 2016 World Economic Forum, the strategy of pacification in Rio's favelas was recognized as the most innovative public security policy in the last decade. From this scenario, and using Competition State-Making , this paper... more
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      Insurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)Brazilian PoliticsTransnational Organized CrimeRio de Janeiro
According to Stephen Graham, cities have become the battlespaces of a new generation of warfare. The «new military urbanism» entails the blurring of military and civilian spheres as it concerns urban security doctrine and practice. This... more
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      Social MovementsUrban StudiesPoliceRio de Janeiro
This study explores the motives of the pacification process which has been taking place inside several slums (favelas) of Rio de Janeiro city in Brazil, prior to the realization of the global sport events in 2014 and 2016. A deeper... more
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      Corporations (Law)EconomicsPolitical EconomyGlobalization
Resumo (ptg) : O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar os impactos da instalação das Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP) na perspectiva das mulheres moradoras de favelas no Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa possui um enfoque qualitativo e... more
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      Women's StudiesPoliceFeminismPublic Security
The Pacifying Police Units, rolled out in Rio de Janeiro ahead of the 2016 Summer Olympics, were part of a police intervention conceived to end the logic of war that characterized the city's public security policies. As such, it adopted... more
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      AnthropologyPostcolonial StudiesPolitical AnthropologyBrazilian Studies
O aumento da violência e a intervenção federal implantada no estado do Rio de Janeiro estampam os mais recentes noticiários no país. As Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora, um dos mais importantes programas de segurança pública realizado no... more
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      ViolenceCorrespondence Analysis2014 FIFA World Cup, BrazilPolice Pacification Units
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      War StudiesPolice and PolicingEtnografiaFavelas
Rio de Janeiro is preparing to host two major sporting events in the coming years: the 2014 FIFA World Football Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games. Local authorities are promoting these mega events as an opportunity to increase the global... more
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      SecuritySecurity StudiesGentrificationUrban Studies