Political Theory (Political Science)
Recent papers in Political Theory (Political Science)
Un análisis de las convicciones políticas de los españoles desde la teología política. Resumen: En el presente artículo se hace una observación de las convicciones españolas más arraigas, que operan bajo la creencia de que es posible... more
3774 1700 99 crossreferences which belong to the individualistic discourse -rationalism, say, or market. How can we take that complexity into account? The answer to second -or third -level associations cannot be one of just loosely... more
The 'structural injustice' framework is an increasingly influential way of thinking about historical injustice. Structural injustice theorists argue against repara-tions for historical injustice on the grounds that our focus should be on... more
Anti-colonialism in the Caribbean dates back to the earliest colonial presence at the end of the fifteenth century. It has involved slave resistance, revolution, and intellectual challenges to colonial rule articulated by journalists,... more
Published on Britannica.Com Humanities Web Site (May 2000); revised version in The Surre(gion)alist Manifesto & Other Writings (Baton Rouge: Exquisite Corpse Books, 2003).
Este artículo analiza la distinción entre populismo e institucionalismo en Laclau. La hipótesis es que al identificar el populismo con la política y el institucionalismo con la muerte de la política, Laclau modifica su concepto de... more
Don't expect anything more subversive in my discourse than that I do not claim to have a solution. (Lacan 2007: 70) Lacan and the Ontological Turn The irreducible difference between la politique (politics) and le politique (the political)... more
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
This is a final draft of the article published in Environmental Ethics 11 (Fall 1989): 243-258. This assessment of the Promethean dimension of Marx's thought is accurate, but though it mentions Marx's more dialectical side and its... more
Resumo Este artigo irá tratar das tensões trazidas para a temática dos direitos humanos pelas reivindicações do multiculturalismo. A análise será focada nos estudos sobre direitos humanos e multiculturalismo que surgiram na década de... more
The influence of Walter Rodney's *The Groundings With My Brothers* set in the context of Jamaican politics in the late 1960s
The goal of this article was to present the research subject of political science as a fuzzy set of cognitive elements, which is a blurred area of theoretical political research with a margin of indeterminacy. It is an area, where... more
Europe, an effective confederal municipalist Green movement in the u.s. could demonstrate an alternative way forward. Social Ecology is a comprehensive holistic conception of the self, society, and naturei. It is, indeed, the first... more
A paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Arts degree in the Master of Arts Program in the Committee on International Relations of 1 43 better sense of the best circumstances for using these "negative"... more
Published in Perspectives on Anarchist Theory (Fall, 2006): 33-41.
J. Doomen, Freedom and Equality in a Liberal Democratic State. Brussels: Bruylant (Larcier), 2014
Les trois essais présentés dans cette brochure ont été traduits de l'américain par M.V. Ramariavelo ; traduction revue et corrigée par Ronald Creagh. Nous tenons à les remercier ainsi qu'André Bernard pour l'aide qu'ils nous ont apportée.... more
open access: https://meson.press/books/pandemic-media/ and https://pandemicmedia.meson.press/ With its unprecedented scale and consequences the COVID-19 pandemic has generated a variety of new configurations of media. Responding to... more
The discussion of issues in political ecology has expanded greatly in recent times, above all as the result of growing concern about far-reaching ecological problems that seem to require an effective political response in the near future.... more
C h r i s B a r k e r Ohio University barkerc@ohio.edu houghe the worlde and conscience be at debate / Yet the worlde wyll I not despise / he worlde fyndeth men all thynge / And dothe me grete servyse.
The question addressed by this article is whether esotericism or secret teachings exist in Machiavelli's writings. This question has been a major point of contention between the commentators of Machiavelli, with many denying the existence... more
Nel pieno della crisi delle istituzioni politiche e degli antichi valori etici espressi dal mos maiorum che afflisse Roma nell’ultimo secolo della res publica, Cicerone cercò di attuare attraverso i suoi scritti una vera e propria forma... more
Muhafazakârlık, Türk muhafazakârlığı ve Nurettin Topçu düşüncesini karşılaştırmalı olarak çözümleme denemesi.
This article develops W. E. B. Du Bois's notion of democratic despotism to illustrate the entanglement of popular sovereignty and empire through an excessive form of western self-determination and theorize how features of this formation... more
In the spring of 1987, Donald Davis, an environmental sociologist at the University of Tennessee arranged a talk there by Murray Bookchin. At the time, I was working very closely with Bookchin, and I went there to meet with him and Davis,... more
Part one of a two-part critique of Garrett Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons" and "Lifeboat Ethics." A revised and expanded version is forthcoming from Changing Suns Press (http://www.changingsunspress.com/books/).
This is a revised version of a text presented in part at the American Association of Geographers’ Annual Meeting, April 10, 2018, in New Orleans.
Este texto examina la idea de origen en la teología histórica cristiana y en la filosofía de la historia secular, así como sus varias conexiones con la teoría de la revolución. Siguiendo la hipótesis de Karl Löwith, quien vio la tradición... more
Despite more than a decade of widespread pubric discussion of "ecological crises" and,,enviro.r*arrtul problems,,, r"tfra"ti. ecological thinking has had only the *ort *u.ginal influence on contemporary society. The widespread tendenry to... more
2021 Spring semester Political realism is an internally diverse current (with a liberal and a radical strand) in contemporary normative political theory that has emerged during the last three decades as a critical response to the... more
Published as chapter 2 of The Impossible Community: Realizing Communitarian Anarchism (Bloomsbury: New York and London: 2013). An earlier version was published in Situations: Project of the Radical Imagination, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2010).
This thesis has two main aims. The first of these is to study available methodologies for researching the future in the social sciences, and particularly in political science and international relations (IR). To be more specific, it... more
"The French Revolution and American Radical Democracy" (Part 1) in Mesechabe 2 (Winter 88-89): 6-12 and (Part II) in Mesechabe 3 (Spring 1989): 21-30.
For a research project I engaged in from 2004-2007, I gathered and analysed statements made by representatives of Islamist terrorist movements on the Internet andcompared key themes of their ideology (such as "democracy", "capitalism",... more