Pottery studies
Recent papers in Pottery studies
Ninina Cuomo di Caprio Series: Studia Archaeologica, 144 Format: 17 x 24 cm Binding: Hardcover with dustjacket Pages and Illustrations: 720, 200 b/w ill Publication Year: 2007 PDF ISBN 9788891317490 ISBN:... more
This is a published doctoral thesis in Turkish language at the Dokuz Eylül University, submitted by Gülseren Kan Şahin in 2015. In this dissertation pottery finds from Hadrianopolis and its chora in southwestern Paphlagonia (northwestern... more
Very little, practically nothing has been written about the Submycenaean period in Western Achaea, a fact reflecting the belief that this stage was not particularly developed or that it had nothing significant to offer. 1 Moreover, in the... more
Επεξεργασία της εργασίας μου του Μ.Τ.Σ. στο Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο, με τίτλο "ΤΑ ΚΕΡΑΜΙΚΑ ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΝΗΣΟΥ ΛΕΣΒΟΥ" (υπό τον κ. Παπανικολάου). Επιμέλεια έκδοσης: Ηλίας Μέλιος ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕΑ: Από τον κ. Ηλία Κουρτζή, δια της... more
In this paper we analyse the ceramic material belonging to the Wietenberg culture from the site of Bixad-“Vápavára” out of a typological and functional perspective. Furthermore we are placing this site in the broader context of Middle and... more
The early ethnological works of Alfred Métraux are analysed bearing in mind his first fieldwork trip to the Chiriguano, in 1929. The paper discusses personal, academic and professional features of Métraux’s ethnological experience, the... more
«Acque Sotterranee», Italian Journal of Groundwater, n. 3, September 2014, pp. 83-84.
In Serbia, ethnoarchaeology is an entirely new discipline in archaeological practice. The project of the National Museum in Belgrade Intangible Heritage: Ethnoarchaeological research on traditional pottery-making techniques, the first of... more
Dear Colleague, We would like to thank you very sincerely for your presentation at the international symposium, entitled “Unguentarium. A terracotta vessel form and other related vessels in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine... more
Content AD MEMORIAM I. O. Gavritukhin (Moscow, Russian Federation) The Danube “Stratum” of the Early Slavic Archaeology. A Word from the Editors 17 D. Jelínková (Brno, Czech Republic), I. O. Gavritukhin (Moscow, Russia) Lubor... more
This paper illustrates how different sections of pots are joined by potters in Mexico, Guatemala and among the ancient Incas. Potters in Ticul, Yucatan and Mexico join portions of vessels using moulding and large coils that are drawn up... more
This paper presents a discussion of the Japanese philosophical, aesthetic attitude known as Wabi Sabi. Tracing the history of Wabi Sabi from ancient times to the modern day this paper examines the tea ceremony in Japan, the production of... more
This is a synthesis essay about the Iron Age in the east of the Iranian World including large territories of Hyrcania, Khorasan, Afghan and Iranian Sistan, Pakistani and Iranian Baluchistan, and Kerman.
La présente contribution vise à préciser les aspects géographiques et chronologiques liés à l’apparition, au développement et au déclin d’un type de construction en pierre sèche localement appelée « torre ». Ces édifices monumentaux, qui... more
Simple methods are tested for morphometric study of bell-kraters and applied in conjunction with the stylistic study to the bell-kraters of the Telos Group, which includes the Telos, Oxford Griphomachy, Retorted and Black Thyrsus Painters... more
A 12th-13th-century A.D. ceramic assemblage from Alexander’s Hill at Sagalassos in southwestern Turkey provides new evidence for the typo-chronological study of Byzantine pottery. A functional analysis of the assemblage, along with... more
Entre los meses de marzo y junio de 2017 se descubrió y excavó de urgencia en el marco de una actuación de arqueología urbana una pequeña parte del yacimiento bajomedieval del Durdur, ubicado junto al río Tarafa, en el casco antiguo de... more
La città umbra di Orvieto – l’etrusca Velzna, in seguito Volsinii per i popoli di lingua latina – si staglia sul territorio circostante dalla cima di una scoscesa rupe tufacea dominante la valle del fiume Paglia, affluente del Tevere, a... more
"Los ceramistas tradicionales del Perú, a la tecnología prehispánica, incorporaron durante la Colonia técnicas. En la costa norte Simbilá y Chulucanas se ponen en práctica el paleteado, el uso de labradoras y el negativo. Cajamarca era... more
Kniha byla vydána v Užhorodu roce 2007 / The book was published in Uzhgorod in 2007 / Книга була видана в Ужгороде в 1980 році. ISBN 966-7393-18-1
O extenso programa de trabalhos arqueológicos decorrente do projecto de ampliação e remodelação do Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro permitiu exumar, no espaço do antigo fórum da cidade romana de Aeminium e sua envolvente, uma... more
L’article se propose d’expliquer les scènes estampées sur une œnochoé de bucchero conservée au Musée Archéologique Salinas de Palerme. Le vase a été produit dans l’atelier de la « Bottega della Gorgone » vers 580 avant J.-C. et retrouvé... more
Questa pubblicazione è stata realizzata con il contributo della Università degli Studi di Torino -Dipartimento di Studi Storici Progetto DEMS_PRIN_2015_16_01 "L'Anatolia antica: politiche imperiali e culture locali tra XV e VII secolo... more
Le ricerche d'archivio sono ancora in corso. L'obiettivo è quello di rintracciare i taccuini di scavo redatti in occasione degli interventi e delle indagini eseguite da S. L. agnello nell'area catacombale dove è stata localizzato il... more
История московского гончарства. XVi-XIX века.
The oeuvre of the Kalahari Studio (Cape Town), Drostdy Ware (a division of Grahamstown Pottery, Grahamstown) and Crescent Potteries (Krugersdorp) is investigated within the historical context of the 1950s, a watershed period that... more
The second volume of this specialized continued collection of research papers “Glazed Pottery of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea Region, 10th – 18th Centuries” contains studies of mass archaeological materials — glazed pottery — from... more
Author: Ninina Cuomo di Caprio Publication Date: October 31 2017 Publisher: L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER Series: Manuali L'ERMA, 2 ISBN: 978-88-913-1012-5 (Print) ISBN: 978-88-913-1014-9 (E-Book) Binding: Paperback Pages: 700, 260 ill. B/N... more
Introduction to pottery-making in north-east Northumberland, based on research undertaken during the Peregrini-Lindisfarne Landscape Project in 2017-18 but incorporating results from other recent archaeological work in the same and... more
Здійснено огляд історії виникнення й поширення терміна «археологічна керамологія» в європейській археології від другої половини ХІХ століття. Подано історіографічний нарис пошуку дефініцій на означення досліджень та дослідників кераміки.... more