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Este trabajo se divide en dos partes: primero, estudia la posible influencia del catalán en la mayor frecuencia del PPC HE CANTADO en hablantes cultos de Barcelona, 1º, por la preferencia del PPC en los pretéritos hodiernales aoristos en... more
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      DialectologyPreteritVariantesPretérito Perfecto Compuesto
The paper is focused on the verbs with the old nasal present stems that have both aoristic forms and nasal imperfects attested in Homer. All contexts were examined in terms of lexical and grammatical semantics, pragmatical features and... more
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      Ancient Greek LanguagePreteritTelicityAorist
Ј. Бојовић, Доживљени глаголски облици у приповеци "Роб незаробљени" Григорија Божовића, у: Поетика Григорија Божовића : тематски зборник од водећег националног значаја, Косовска Митровица : Филозофски факултет Универзитета у Приштини,... more
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      PreteritPerfective and Imperfective AspectAoristGrigorije Božović
This chapter examines Spanish past aspectual forms with the goal of challenging the formfunction symmetry assumption as well as the dichotomous characterization of past aspectual variation in Spanish. The results indicate that multiple... more
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      SpanishMorphosyntaxTense and Aspect SystemsLanguage Variation
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      Catalan LanguageMorphologyGrammaticalizationSyncretism
This investigation examines the use of the pretérito and imperfecto forms in Puerto Rican and Buenos Aires Spanish. These dialects were chosen because the pretérito can express a perfect event in Buenos Aires Spanish while this use has... more
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      LinguisticsPreteritImperfectoDialectal Variations
This investigation examines the use of the pretérito and imperfecto forms in Puerto Rican and Buenos Aires Spanish. These dialects were chosen because the pretérito can express a perfect event in Buenos Aires Spanish while this use has... more
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      PreteritImperfectoDialectal Variations
a Department of Language and Literature studies, university college of southeast norway, Drammen, norway; b MultiLing center for Multilingualism in society across the Lifespan, Department of Linguistics and scandinavian studies,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsSemanticsSociolinguistics