Primitive Accumulation
Recent papers in Primitive Accumulation
Pre-print draft of an article to be published in the Journal of Postcolonial Writing In the work of Zimbabwean novelist Yvonne Vera, land is shown to be a complex and contested resource to which the typically abject fates of her female... more
(Full Title) Some geographers and sociologists argue that what defines the most advanced forms of global capitalism today is the revitalisation of processes and techniques of primitive accumulation. What is primitive accumulation? And how... more
The contemporary Left almost universally takes for granted that some form of education is a good thing. Consider the slogans of “defend public education” and “education not incarceration.” I contend that this romanticizing of education... more
"War Power, Police Power" advances a Marxist analysis of the connection between international law and war. Law embodies the discursive field through which the innate violence of liberalism has always been obscured. International law is... more
This article intends to think the relationship between neoliberal capitalism and the common(s). First, it ties to define the common both in ontological and political terms, stressing the similarities and differences between the common,... more
El centro del presente trabajo es el manejo de los conceptos de acumulación originaria o primitiva en el sentido de lo que podemos denominar como “mercantilización de los bienes comunes” (common goods). Para ello tomamos la sugerente... more
Lewis and Maslin explore geological markers for the beginning of the "Anthropocene"-beginning, in their periodization, in either 1492 (naming the birth of capitalism as the cause of planetary crisis) or 1945 (naming elitedriven... more
Abstract The literature on Turkish modernization presumes a linear and positive relationship between modernization and women’s liberation. According to this literature, the process that began in the 19th century has increasingly improved... more
This thesis uses the theoretical lens of hegemony to examine why communities respond differently to diverse forms of land grabbing. To this end, I reinterpret extra-economic oppression using the Gramscian notion of coercion, consensus,... more
Since the 1980s all Ghanaian governments have promoted large-scale mining by transnational mining companies (TNMCs) as a fundamental development strategy. This is consistent with the euphoria in the international development community... more
Dans cette recherche, nous avons tenté de dévoiler le lien entre les politiques de la turquification et de l'accumulation primitive des musulmans-turcs par dépossession des minorités non musulmanes en focalisant sur le local d'Edirne à... more
"The megalithic tomb at Montelirio is off the scale in more ways than one. As well as being the largest example of its type known in Spain, the burial goods secreted in its subterranean chambers are unsurpassed in both quantity and... more
Dieses Buch zielt auf den Begriff des Ursprungs im Kontext des historischen Materialismus ab. Es verbindet auf zunächst überraschende, aber einleuchtende Weise zwei Texte in systematischer Absicht miteinander, die scheinbar nichts... more
The paper argues that the mutually enforcing processes of enclosure of land and entanglement of labour have been central to the development of state and capitalism in Kuttanad, a protected Ramsar site in the south Indian state of Kerala.... more
Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (PEDN) hanesan dokumentu ofisiál estadu nian ne'ebé gia prosesu dezenvolvimentu tomak, nune'e sai hanesan xave ida atu komprende vizaun no orientasaun sira husi prosesu dezenvolvimentu iha... more
THIS paper seeks to understand the dynamics of exclusion and conflict among India’s Ādivāsīs or Scheduled Tribes (STs). At 8.4% of the population, STs are India’s most marginalised socio-economic group (Das 2011; Rath 2006). As... more
Why is it that, at a time when countless state officials are apologizing for historic wrongs and insisting that Canada has entered a period of reconciliation, many settlers continue to act towards indigenous peoples with unabated... more
Edited by Colleen Lye and Christopher Nealon
In King John untersucht Shakespeare den historischen Moment der ursprünglichen Akkumulation, den Beginn dessen, was wir heute Kapitalismus nennen. Besonderes Augenmerk legt die Tragödie dabei auf die Verbindung von ökonomischer... more
In the face of massive crises and revealed ambiguities of the liberal international order, Marxist thought has experienced a significant revival in recent years-also in (international) legal thought. But what does it actually mean to look... more
Drawing on Marx’s approach to original accumulation at the dawn of capitalism, I characterize the waves of parliamentary enclosures that unfolded in England between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries as an exercise of original or... more
Employing a poststructuralist-meets-anarchist stance that advances conceptual insight into the nature of sovereign power, this article examines the dialectics of capitalism/primitive accumulation, civilization/savagery, and law/violence,... more
Agriculture as a relation to land based on domestication, possession, and commerce has long been a means and justification for colonization in what is now the United States. This is an agriculture in which the sociality of land is... more
With the recent development of the Occupy Movement, public criticism of neoliberalism has climaxed since the onset of a global financial crisis in late 2008. The mobilization of protesters in cities throughout the world was preceded by... more
This paper argues that critical studies of organization need to extend their analysis of labour beyond the sphere of value production organized by capital in order to fully apprehend the realities of today’s political economy. One... more
This papers seeks to advance our understanding of the gendered implications of land dispossession. It does so through a comparative analysis of five cases of rural land dispossession driven by different economic purposes in diverse... more
Human geographers have long noted the colonial tropes and frontier imaginaries used to stimulate investment and normalize predatory property speculation within North American cities. Drawing on the insights of indigenous scholars and... more
Les économies primitives: toile de fond d'un débat idéologique Travail remis le 10 décembre 2007 Ce travail a été réalisé au département d'anthropologie, Université de Montréal, dans le cadre du cours ANT 2023, Anthropologie économique... more
Este artículo estudia el proceso de colonización de Patagonia austral y Tierra del Fuego por los Estados argentino y chileno, argumentando que la clave en la producción de sus soberanías territoriales efectivas la constituyó la formación... more
A number of scholars have recognized that neoliberalism, the dominant De Angelis also argues that primitive accumulation and its associated 'extra-economic compulsion' is potentially present in all capital/labour relations and is... more
Primitive accumulation is not just the historical starting point of capitalism, but, qua coercive proletarianization, central to its essence. It constitutes a specifi c mode of social labor and it is this mode of labor that forms the... more
This essay attempts to elaborate a political theory of capital’s violence. Recent analyses have adopted Karl Marx’s notion of the “primitive accumulation of capital” for investigating the forcible methods by which the conditions of... more
Son on yıl boyunca kadın, çocuk, fuhuş ve köle ticaretinin trafiğinde bir artış söz konusu oldu. İnsan organlarının ve bebeklerin dâhil olduğu yeni pazarlar ortaya çıktı.
Existing theoretical perspectives, whether Marx's primitive accumulation or Harvey's accumulation by dispossession, are not adequate for understanding the political economy of land dispossession under capitalism-in India or elsewhere.... more
This essay engages with the question of how to construct modern economic relations as an object of political theorizing by placing Hannah Arendt and Karl Marx’s writings in critical conversation. I contend that the political aspect of... more
The origin and early development of social stratification is essentially an archaeological problem. The impressive advance of archaeological research has revealed that, first and foremost, the pre-eminence of stratified or class society... more