Radio History
Recent papers in Radio History
This study investigates the radio roots of a discourse of domestic whiteness that is typically associated with family sitcoms of the 1950s. Through analysis of a highly popular evening serial, One Man’s Family (NBC, 1932–1959), the... more
Tekst analizira aktivnosti Radio Broda (Droit de Parole), od ideje o njegovom pokretanju 1992. godine do prestanka rada, marta 1994. Kao medijska inicijativa koja je za cilj imala da prevaziđe medijsku blokadu nastalu usled ratnih... more
Nel dicembre del 1929 iniziava le pubblicazioni il periodico “L’antenna. Quindicinale illustrato dei radio-amatori italiani”. La rivista si occupò in modo particolare di storia della radio, di radiofonia e dei programmi radiofonici e... more
William Benton, one of the founders of the advertising agency Benton & Bowles, helped oversee the production of major US radio programs in the 1930s, such as Maxwell House's Showboat. Benton left advertising and in his subsequent careers... more
A monography on the role of radio as a medium in contemporary society. Second revised and updated edition.
Monografia sul ruolo della radio, in quanto medium, nella società contemporanea. Seconda edizione riveduta e aggiornata.
Monografia sul ruolo della radio, in quanto medium, nella società contemporanea. Seconda edizione riveduta e aggiornata.
"Is podcasting the future of radio? Is podcasting that missing link connecting radio and the Net that Internet radio stations were not able to establish? Is podcasting a revolutionary or a transitory cultural trend? Furthermore, is... more
What is to be made of interactive media? So many questions can be asked about interactivity and the development of interactive media, yet so few concrete answers exist. Over the course of twenty-five years scholars have taken a number of... more
RESUM Aquesta ponència es proposa explorar el procés segons el qual durant la primera meitat del segle XX va haver-hi tres " intrusos tecnològics " , que es van integrar amb força naturalitat al món domès-tic tot trencant el seu silenci i... more
This article offers a cultural historical interpretation of The Witch’s Tale (1931– 38), an early U.S. horror radio drama, and argues that the program’s use of the Gothic genre unified its content and form. Its plays emphasized... more
This article considers the world for children created by the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) and its predecessors between the 1920s and the 1970s. Beginning with the ‘Aunts’ and ‘Uncles’ of early radio, it looks at the ABC’s... more
In October 1962 DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation) introduced its first hit parade, Ti vi ka’ li’ (Ten we like). The hit parade is a radio show format based on ranking of music . Ti vi ka’ li’ was based on votes from a live teenage... more
In : Actes du 8e Colloque International Brésil-France, "Etat, culture et communication", GRESEC, Grenoble, les 29 et 30 septembre 2006, paru dans le supplément à la revue Enjeux, consultable en ligne à... more
This is the Introduction and two chapters from my 1997 book, Radio Voice, published by University of Minnesota Press. The two chapters are The Disembodied Voice and Under Cover of Daytime, both of which trace the history of women and... more
La radiotelevisione svizzera di lingua italiana nel periodo del grande sviluppo dei nuovi generi radiofonici e della nascita della nascita della televisione di servizio pubblico in Svizzera Contributi nel volume di : Gabriele Balbi,... more
The Fairness Doctrine, one of the most famous and controversial media policies ever enacted, suffered a final deathblow in August 2011 when the Federal Communications Commission permanently struck it from the books. However, the Doctrine... more
This article considers the radio programme for kindergarten-aged children that the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) launched during the Second World War and continued to broadcast until 1985. Kindergarten of the Air, thought to be... more
The Public Broadcasting Act’s 50th anniversary provides an opportune moment to reassess justifications for creating a noncommercial media system. This commemorative occasion coincides with a particularly precarious moment for public radio... more
The publication of the sixth volume of the official history of the BBC, Pinkoes and Traitors: The BBC and the nation 1974‐1987 by Jean Seaton is reviewed. The book is found to contain numerous errors, mis‐statements of facts and... more
When I first started in radio back in the 60s, it was easy to spot the Chief Engineer. He (it was always a guy) wore a white shirt, carried a slide rule, and spoke in a language that most of us programming people did not understand.
Sporting Chances: Sport on Australian commercial radio from the 1920s to the 1950s
This article examines the first forty years of religious broadcasting on commercial radio in Australia, a subject largely neglected by historians of Australian religion and the media. It reveals the diversity of religious broadcasting on... more
Here I survey key developments in advertising and sponsorship on radio and television from the 1920s to the present, analyzing the inter-institutional relations among broadcasters, networks, and the advertising industry. I hope to... more
“Going wireless” involves not only the elimination of wires but also the production of electromagnetic waves, a realization that had far-reaching implications for the cultural logics of German modernity. As a media archaeology of... more
A renaissance occurred from the late 1960s in the art of documentary and 'feature' production in radio, especially from within the major public broadcasters of Europe. Surprisingly, the pioneering work of this little commented-upon group... more
Langston Hughes, poet of the Harlem Renaissance, was largely excluded from mainstream American radio despite his numerous attempts to bring the African-American experience to the airwaves. He considered his 1944 radio ballad "The Man Who... more
This article considers radio's claim to enjoy a personal, intimate relationship with listeners by examining late-night programming on Australian commercial radio from the 1930s to the 1980s. It explores radio's shift from exploiting the... more
During the radio network era of US broadcasting (1930s-40s), the predominant business model was sponsorship: an advertiser rented airtime from a broadcaster and produced the program, which was often overseen by an advertising agency. The... more
Journalism invented the interview, a tool to investigate the lives of writers. This indiscretion triggers the authors’ reaction: a new literary genre, the imagined interview, becomes a shield to protect their own intimacy as wells as a... more
In 1963, Delia Derbyshire took a music score by Ron Grainer, manipulated it through various pieces of electronics, cut and re-edited lengths of recording tape and produced what has arguably become one the most memorable theme tunes to a... more
From its introduction in 1899, through its take over by the federal government in 1917, radio in America focused almost exclusively on becoming an alternative to wired telegraphy and telephony. Development was in the hands of a select few... more
奥斯邦是中国境内第一座广播电台的创办人。1923 至 1924 年,他辗转上海、香港、澳门等 多地开展无线电广播试验,针对不同的地方管治特点采取不同措施,为当时的新媒体——广播进行多方 推广。虽然他掌握了较为先进的无线电广播技术,但因社会资源所限和资本不足,在上海、澳门开办的两 座广播电台均未能持续长久,在香港的广播事业也只停留在试验广播和销售无线电收音机层面。新媒体 创业不仅需要技术,更是多因素的集合,“冒险家”奥斯邦在中国各地的新媒体广播创业并不成功。... more
"The paper draws on the author’s research into podcasting, especially in relation to its uptake by public service radios, which may be constituting a revitalising of the public radio voice. Invoking historian, John Durham Peters... more
This article historically traces some of Egypt's early private radio stations which operated from the late-1920s until May 1934 when they were all forcefully shut down by the Egyptian government. It sheds light on this important early... more
Technology is ubiquitous in the history of US foreign relations. Throughout US history, technology has played an essential role in how a wide array of Americans have traveled to and from, learned about, understood, recorded and conveyed... more
Thesis, M.Phil. in European Studies, University of Cambridge (UK), 1995. Full text available from Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, DOI: The thesis offers a unified synthesis of... more
As a high circulation publication with a well-preserved archive The BBC’s Listener magazine offers a rare opportunity to examine the details of publishing and taste in visual art in the interwar period. This article examines the... more
Auditory cultures in the first half of the 20th century seem to be highly shaped by the massive transformations of urban environments that brought with them entirely new soundscapes due to mechanical noises and technologies of sound... more
El presente artículo se pregunta por las conexiones establecidas entre radio y cine en el mercado de entretenimientos porteño de la década de 1930. Para eso, se exploran tres dimensiones de este proceso. En primer lugar, a través de los... more
Schon lange vor dem heutigen Mobilfunk eröffnet sich mit dem Radio ein akustischer Raum der Gleichzeitigkeit und der Allgegenwärtigkeit. Die erste deutsche Testsendung via Radio wurde am 22. Dezember 1920 von Königs Wusterhausen... more