Religious Market Model
Recent papers in Religious Market Model
The recently excavated Mawangdui and Zhangjiashan manuscripts have been instrumental in reconstructing early Chinese self-cultivation practices, such as meditation, calisthenics and sexual exercises , providing scholars with new... more
The church cannot engage in marketing. The church cannot put itself on a pedestal, create itself, praise itself. One cannot serve God while at the same time covering oneself by serving the devil and the world. 1
자본주의와 종교, 또는 신자유주의와 종교의 인과적 필연성을 찾아내기란 결코 쉬운 작업이 아니다. 이 관계는 단지 경제와 종교, 물질과 관념, 세속과 초월이라는 도식으로 이해될 수 없다. 가령 신자유주의는 단지 신자유주의 경제를 지칭하는 것이 아니라 (밥 제솝의 문화정치경제학적 의미에서) 신자유주의 담론이라는 몸체(body) 속에서 이해될 수 있는 것이며, 종교 역시 관념의 총합이 아니라 (뒤르켐 식으로 말하자면) 신념체계와... more
This article intends to elucidate the aspect of “attraction” in the context of (religious) trade by investigating “Philo’s Attractive Ethics on the ‘Religious Market’ of Ancient Alexandria.” The article investigates the Jewish... more
Economics of religion has substantially contributed to a better understanding of religious behavior. The paper seeks to explore the explanatory fecundity of this theory by assessing religious institutions from an economic viewpoint.... more
Kim, Yoon Tae 2013 "Typologies of Religious Market Model: an Economic Approach to Religion." King's College London, Theology and Religious Studies. Ph.D. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the economic approach to religion and... more
The aim of this paper is to assess, from an empirical point of view, the relative explanatory capacities of two hypotheses that address the link between economics and religion: the religious markets and the secularization hypothesis.... more
The aim of this paper is to assess, from an empirical point of view, the relative explanatory capacities of two hypotheses that address the link between economics and religion: the religious markets and the secularization hypothesis.... more
This paper examines the legal regulation of religion from a sociological point of view, with specific reference to religious market theory.
The main argument of this paper is that religious change caused by modifying supply in the religious market takes time due to intergenerational value change. Unlike previous research, this study suggests that not only do religious agents... more
Resumo: Este artigo trata da Teoria Econômica do Mercado Religioso. São apresentados conceitos extraídos desse paradigma, como commodity religiosa, oferta e demanda de bens e serviços religiosos, competição e monopólio no mercado... more
How can we best understand the work of Chinese Catholics in interreligious dialogue? This essay puts ecclesial and academic discussion of interreligious dialogue in relation with the social realities of religious relations in China: the... more
Much has been written about secularization, but there have been few profound researches on its internal layers and on the most solid and systematic alternatives that followed. In our view, this has had two consequences: constraints of... more
This paper offers an introduction in religious market theory on the basis of the theme of conversion. Conversions have everything to do with the religious market. Where people are looking for religious satisfaction, they will turn... more
This article tries to highlight some problematic views connected with Rodney Stark’s application of „religious market model“ in the context of the late antique world. It seems that: 1) Stark’s general assessment about the character of... more