Seismic assessment and retrofitting of existing structures
Recent papers in Seismic assessment and retrofitting of existing structures
Εισαγωγή Η μέθοδος της Δομικής Αποτίμησης (Structural Assessment) με εφαρμογή Συντελεστών Δομικής Υποβάθμισης, είναι μια υβριδική διαδικασία μέσα από την οποία ο μηχανικός μπορεί να αποδώσει τη δομική υποβάθμιση μιας κατασκευής σε ειδικές... more
The main objective of the present study is the assessment and retrofit of an existing road bridge that is located in Cyprus over the river Kouris. In particular the study concerns in a road bridge with seven spans of 10.5 m + 5 * 12.6 m +... more
The seismic sequence which hit the Northern Italian territory in 2012 produced extensive damage to reinforced concrete (RC) precast buildings typically adopted as industrial facilities. The considered damaged buildings are constituted by... more
The main objective of the present study is the assessment and retrofit of an existing road bridge that is located in Cyprus over the river Kouris. In particular the study concerns in a road bridge with seven spans of 10.5 m + 5 * 12.6 m +... more
A quite general base connection modeling capable of accurately representing material and geometrical nonlinear behavior of the base plate and arbitrary nonlinear contact with concrete foundation has been demonstrated and its... more
This dissertation is dedicated to my family, especially to my wife, Seyoung Lee, for her great support and encouragement. Finally, I also want to thank God for seeing me through.
The main objective of the present study is the assessment and retrofit of an existing road bridge that is located in Cyprus over the river Kouris. In particular the study concerns in a road bridge with seven spans of 10.5 m + 5 * 12.6 m +... more
την Τρίτη 31/05/2016 διοργανώνουμε μια ημερίδα με τίτλο “Αντισεισμικός σχεδιασμός και ενισχύσεις των κατασκευών 2016” Εδώ μπορείτε να δείτε αναλυτικά το πρόγραμμα και να εγγραφείτε για την βεβαίωση συμμετοχής... more
Seismic damage in frame structures often localizes in areas of stiffness deficiency such as soft-storeys. A common remedy in such situations is the addition of stiffness in the structure to limit drift demands thereby controlling the... more