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Este libro es una recopilación de escritos elaborados durante varios años, en diferentes plataformas digitales. Leerlos resultará de utilidad para cualquier persona interesado en la vida social y política, porque representan esquemas... more
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      Cultural SemioticsSocial SemioticsEstudios De SemioticaSemiótica Aplicada Ao Ensino De Línguas
Semiotics (sometimes spelled “semeiotic”) is the name first given by John Locke, and later reprised by Charles S. Peirce, for the “doctrine of signs,” or the study of how some things can stand for other things to still other things. This... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologySemioticsLanguages
L’oggetto tradizionale della semiotica, il segno, deriva da una selezione. Il lato significante del segno non riproduce mai semplicemente quello significato, ma piuttosto ne individua un aspetto. “Aspetto” (dal latino “aspicere”,... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsVisual SemioticsSemiotic Anthropology
The call for applications of the doctoral program in semiotics at the University of Turin has just been published. Scholarships are available for both Italian and international candidates.... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsDoctoral SupervisionVisual Semiotics
The traditional object of semiotics, the sign, stems from a selection. The signifying side of the sign never simply reproduces the signified one but singles out an aspect of it. “Aspect” (from the Latin “aspicere”, “to look at”)... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsVisual SemioticsSemiotic Anthropology
A recent article in this journal caught my attention, and prompted me to voice reservations I initially had reservations about voicing...
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In an epoch in which both global and local representations of time and space seem to undergo a dramatic shifting, the "Meetings of Meaning", the international doctoral seminar for semiotics at CIRCE, the Center for Interdisciplinary... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsVisual SemioticsSemiotic Anthropology
This article presents and critically analyzes a proposal for a Portuguese teaching unit in Basic Education Language classes, based on grammatical-contextual assumptions from Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). The production took... more
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      Linguistica aplicadaMaterial didáticoLetramento CríticoLínguística sistemico-funcional