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      Environmental ScienceScienceMultidisciplinaryGlobal Warming
In Earth observation programs there is a need of passive low frequency (L-band) measurements to monitor soil moisture and ocean salinity with high spatial resolution 10-20 Km, a radiometric resolution of 1K and a revisit time of 1-3 days... more
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      GeophysicsLow FrequencyGeoscience and remote sensingEarth Observation
Abstract—In Earth observation programs there is a need of passive low frequency (L-band) measurements to monitor soil moisture and ocean salinity with high spatial resolution 10–20 Km, a radiometric resolution of 1K and a revisit time of... more
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      GeophysicsLow FrequencyGeoscience and remote sensingEarth Observation
The bit-error-rate performance of partial-response duobindry continuous-phase frequency shirt keying (CI'FSK), and full-response 4-level CPFSK are coinpared under the condition o f equal RF spectral occiipancy and equal data rate, for... more
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      FadingRadio FrequencyBit Error RateRayleigh fading
Activation processes in classical metastable systems in the presence of periodic driving have recently become subject of growing research activity, stimulated by exciting new phenomena such as stochastic resonance. A theory of such... more
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      Approximation TheoryStochastic ProcessBand StructureTransport Properties
Under the two initial 1-D one parameter velocity distribution forms (one is normal, the other is exponential), the z direction scale height evolution of normal neutron stars in the Galaxy is studied by numerical simulation. We do... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical astrophysicsNumerical SimulationSignal to Noise Ratio
In our previous study we have shown that identification of bacteria species with the use of Fresnel diffraction patterns is possible with high accuracy and at low cost. Fresnel diffraction patterns were recorded with the optical system... more
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      EngineeringData AnalysisStatistical AnalysisBiology
Towards establishing electrical interfaces with patterned in vitro neurons, we have previously described the fabrication of hybrid elastomer-glass devices polymer-on-multielectrode array technology and obtained single-electrode recordings... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMicroelectrodesSnailsNeurons
Due to influence of compressibility, shock wave, instabilities, and turbulence on supersonic flows, current flow visualization and imaging techniques encounter some problems in high spatiotemporal resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio... more
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      Materials EngineeringLight ScatteringMultiphase FlowNanoparticle
Cd (53P1) t Hz (X, u = 0, J = 3 ) + Cd (53P0) t Hz ( X ' Z , u = 0 , J = 4) (1) suggests that it should be feasible to construct a CW Cd laser on the 480 nm line using low-pressure lamps after the manner of Djeu and Burnham [ 11 .
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      Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)Optical physicsHigh resolution satelite imageBackground Noise
A globally convergent adaptive control scheme for robot motion control with the following features is proposed. First, the adaptation law possesses enhanced robustness with respect to noisy velocity measurements. Second, the controller... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRoboticsControl Systems EngineeringAdaptive Control
Topic detection with large and noisy data collections such as social media must address both scalability and accuracy challenges. KeyGraph is an efficient method that improves on current solutions by considering keyword cooccurrence. We... more
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      Information SystemsAlgorithmsDistributed ComputingPerformance
This paper presents an application, "LentInfo", which is a system used to provide information about programmes for the Festival Lent in Slovenia. The Festival Lent consists of different open-air theatre and music performances and raws... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSpeech SynthesisSpeech RecognitionLinguistics
This paper presents a novel structure of wideswing CMOS voltage buffer, which is based on the flipped voltage follower. When compared with the previously established buffer based on the same principle, the proposed circuit is less complex... more
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      High SpeedPower AmplifierSignal to Noise RatioCurrent Conveyor
We propose the audio inpainting framework that recovers portions of audio data distorted due to impairments such as impulsive noise, clipping, and packet loss. In this framework, the distorted data are treated as missing and their... more
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      EngineeringImage RestorationImpulse NoiseTime Frequency Analysis
This report describes separation and detection of chlorophenoxy acid herbicides spiked in drinking water by the technique combining solid-phase extraction, fieldamplified sample stacking, capillary electrophoresis, and potential gradient... more
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      EngineeringChemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryTechnology
The ability to non-invasively measure metabolic oxygen flux is a very important tool for physiologists interested in a variety of questions ranging from basic metabolism, growth/development, and stress adaptation. Technologies for... more
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      Plant BiologyPlant PhysiologyPlantsPlant Roots
There is a vast demand for in vivo methods for the detection of skin cancer, one of the most dangerous skin lesions. Use of near infrared Fourier transform (NIR-FT)-Raman spectroscopy virtually eliminates the fluorescence of the normal... more
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      Raman SpectroscopyNear InfraredSkin CancerConnective tissue
Acetohydroxy acid synthase (AHAS) and related enzymes catalyze the production of chiral compounds [(S)-acetolactate, (S)-acetohydroxybutyrate, or (R)-phenylacetylcarbinol] from achiral substrates (pyruvate, 2-ketobutyrate, or... more
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      Analytical ChemistryCircular DichroismEscherichia coliAnalytical
This paper deals with iterative maximum-likelihood synchronization of a scalar parameter. An efficient implementation of the Newton-Raphson (NR) maximum-search method is proposed. Considering the latter implementation, the NR approach is... more
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      Signal ProcessingIterative MethodsConvergenceParameter estimation
Falls have become a common health problem among older adults. In previous study, we proposed an acoustic fall detection system (acoustic FADE) that employed a microphone array and beamforming to provide automatic fall detection. However,... more
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      AlgorithmsAcousticsBiomedical EngineeringComputer Simulation
Lithium salts have been widely used in the treatment of mood disorders, but the mechanism of action is still not clear. In this work, a methodology for two-dimensional Lithium-7 imaging on clinical systems is presented. The data were... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingLithiumMultidisciplinaryPhosphorus
A new and powerful method of spectral analysis, which is named the "Sompi" method after a Japanese word, is introduced and applied to low-frequency seismograms. The Sompi method is based on an autoregressive (AR) process model, which is... more
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      Time SeriesMultidisciplinaryLow FrequencySpectral analysis
A general methodology for rating both performance and potential of lidar systems used for detection of atmospheric trace constituents including pollutants and gas leaks is developed. By individually examining and decomposing the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComputer SimulationOptical physicsOperant Conditioning
This work considers PSK with noncoherent demodulation. It is shown that by performing noncoherent demodulation over an increased observation interval, the performance approaches that of coherent PSK. This block demodulation technique of... more
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      Computer ScienceFadingDegradationDemodulation
This paper considers the K-user cognitive interference channel with one primary and K − 1 secondary/cognitive transmitters with a cumulative message sharing structure, i.e., cognitive transmitter i ∈ [2 : K] knows non-causally all... more
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      Approximation TheoryDistributed ComputingNumerical AnalysisCognitive radio
The a priori signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) plays an important role in many speech enhancement algorithms. In this paper we present a data-driven approach to a priori SNR estimation. It may be used with a wide range of speech enhancement... more
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      EngineeringSignal ProcessingNeural NetworkAlgorithm
In wireless environment, the channels are really affected by a number of factors such as: fading, interference, noise. In most of wireless communications, we have applied the training sequences as known signal at the receiver for... more
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      Information TheoryMIMOChannel EstimationData Security
GPS multipath reflectometry (GPS-MR) is a technique that uses geodetic quality GPS receivers to estimate snow depth. The accuracy and precision of GPS-MR retrievals are evaluated at three different sites: grasslands, alpine, and forested.... more
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      GeophysicsAntennasGlobal Positioning SystemUncertainty
We present closed-form expressions for the average bit error probability (ABEP) of BPSK, QPSK and M -QAM of an amplify-and-forward average power scaling dual-hop relay transmission, over non-identical Nakagami-m fading channels, with... more
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      Distributed ComputingFading ChannelMathematical AnalysisError Analysis
GENZ, A.S.; FLETCHER, C.H.; DUNN, R.A.; FRAZER, L.N., and ROONEY, J.J., 2007. The predictive accuracy of shoreline change rate methods and alongshore beach variation on Maui, Hawaii. Journal of Coastal Research, 23(1), 87-105. West Palm... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesCoastal ManagementTime Series
We present a spectroscopic analysis of HST/STIS and FOS low-and intermediate-resolution spectroscopy of 55 stars in four globular clusters (47 Tucanae, M 3, NGC 6752, and NGC 6397). Stars hotter than T eff = 5750 K and with a... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaVariable Starsdata analysis methods in fMRI
Spectroscopic ellipsometry has long been recognized as a powerful technique to characterize thin films and multilayer structures. It is now routinely used for non-destructive on-line characterization of semiconductor process. SOPRA,... more
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      Thin FilmResearch and DevelopmentInfraredFar Infrared
A new high-resolution recording device for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is urgently needed. Neither film nor CCD cameras are systems that allow for efficient 3-D high-resolution particle reconstruction. We tested an active pixel... more
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      Electron MicroscopySiliconTransmission Electron MicroscopyLow Energy Buildngs
Exchange spring media are proposed for magnetic-recording systems consisting of a hard/soft bilayer. By varying the fraction of thickness for the hard and soft layer and by varying their saturation polarizations, the media properties can... more
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      EngineeringMagnetic RecordingFinite Element MethodsNumerical Analysis
We present an approach for separating two speech signals when only one single recording of their linear mixture is available. For this purpose, we derive a filter, which we call the soft mask filter, using minimum mean square error (MMSE)... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceSignal ProcessingModeling
It is well known that the introduction of acoustic background distortion and the variability resulting from environmentally induced stress causes speech recognition algorithms to fail. In this paper, several causes for recognition... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceStatistical AnalysisSpeech Recognition
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      PhysicsPhotonicsOptical CommunicationQuantum Cryptography
A joint sampling-time error and channel skew background calibration technique for time interleaved analog to digital converters (TI-ADC) is presented. The technique is aimed at applications in dual-polarization QPSK/QAM receivers for... more
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      Computer ScienceVLSIAdaptive OpticsCalibration
We study the role of multiplicative colored noise for different values of the correlation time τc in the dynamics of two competing species, described by generalized Lotka-Volterra equations. The multiplicative colored noise models the... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsStatistical MechanicsColored Noise
Wireline transceivers for high-speed data transmission through backplane and ethernet cables are important applications for microelectronic and nanoelectronic CMOS technologies. Although many circuit simulators provide correct... more
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      Local Area NetworksFourier transformLeast Mean SquareSignal to Noise Ratio
A sensitive, precise and accurate method has been developed for the simultaneous determination of T-2 and HT-2 toxins in cereal grains at ppb levels using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection and... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyFood AnalysisMaize
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      MultidisciplinaryInformation TransferStochastic ResonanceSignal to Noise Ratio
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      Data CompressionConvergenceHebbian learningImage compression
This paper presents analysis of a digital Ultrawideband (UWB) radio receiver operating in the 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz band. Analog to digital converter (ADC) bit precision is analyzed on two types of UWB signals -OFDM UWB and pulsed UWB -all... more
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      Scale dependenceSignal to Noise RatioUltra WidebandAdditive White Gaussian Noise
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      Infrared AstronomySelection CriteriaType SystemLuminosity function
Downstream (DS) crosstalk channels of digital subscriber line systems can be estimated based on the reported signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In the case of an already active victim line (VL) impacted by the joining of a new disturber line... more
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      Signal ProcessingMultidisciplinaryChannel EstimationHigh Speed
Position sensors other than the R/W heads are not embedded into current hard-disk drives (HDDs) due to cost, resolution, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) issues. Moreover, the "optimal" location for placing these sensors is still unknown.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringManufacturing EngineeringSignal to Noise RatioLaser Doppler Vibrometer
We propose to use a kernel intensity penalizer (KIP) in the blind maximum likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM) deconvolution scheme. With this very general kernel regularization term, we can stabilize the blind MLEM scheme even for... more
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      MicroscopyTVDeconvolutionNoise reduction
Techniques based on impulsive sources are used since the beginning of the Underwater Acoustic science, to evaluate the distance of objects and to plot the profile of the sea bottom. In this paper the authors investigate the behavior of... more
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      Underwater AcousticsImpulse responseSoftware ImplementationSpatial resolution