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Competitive cycling has always been particularly popular in the Benelux, France and Italy, but has spread first continetally and then globally in recent decades. But how global is actually competitive cycling today? In this article we... more
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      Sports HistorySociology of CyclingSports GeographySponsorship
Why do some athletes use performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), while others opt not to use? Past research has focused on individual player attributes associated with PED use, but has left social factors unstudied. Utilizing novel datasets... more
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      Social NetworksDiffusion of InnovationsBaseballDrug Use
Analisi del ruolo degli atleti afroamericani nella lotta al razzismo nella storia degli Stati Uniti
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      Race and RacismBasketballHistory of the United States - 20th CenturyPhysical Education and Sport
This is a pre-print (original submission) version of a chapter published in 2015 in J. Knijnik & D. Adair (Eds.), Embodied Masculinities in Global Sport, published by Fit Publishing. A link to the book is here:... more
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      Media StudiesHeroesMountaineeringNew Zealand
Il legame tra sport e TV è uno dei più saldi e longevi che sia possibile trovare nel contesto mediale e sociale italiano, e il calcio rappresenta senza alcun dubbio la punta più avanzata di questa relazione a lungo termine, dal punto di... more
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      Football (soccer)Television StudiesSociology of Sports
21.95, ISBN 978-0-7914-7393-1 (hbk), 978-0-7914-7394-8 (pbk).
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      Sociology of SportSports HistorySports and GenderGender and Sport
Breve lectura de algunas de las principales áreas de abordaje del fútbol por parte de las ciencias sociales (historia, sociología, antropología).
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      Sports HistorySociology of SportsHistoria del DeporteSociología del deporte
Live, Love, Refugee. «Through this project, I was able to rediscover my story through their stories. I'm a Syrian refuge myself, and we are making one team.» © Omar Imam BIBLIOGRAFIA P. Bourdieu, Program for a Sociology of Sport, in «The... more
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      Sports JournalismSports mediaRacism and SportsCommunication and Sports
This thesis focuses on the skateboarding industry in China as both a youth subculture and a cultural industry. I am investigating the transition between the two and examining how the emerging skateboarding industry operates through... more
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      Cultural StudiesSkateboardingSubculturesCultural Industries
The purpose of this study is to analyze the websites of six Major Global Sport Organizations and the gender differences on their articles and main news pages. In detail, the International Olympic Committee, FIFA, FIBA, ICC, IAAF and FINA... more
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      Gender StudiesOlympics and OlympismSportsSports media
Finito di stampare nel mese di settembre 2012 presso Digital Print-Service, Segrate (Milano) Progetto grafico e impaginazione: Agnese Tomassetti In copertina: August Macke, Farbige Formenkomposition, 1914, olio su tela, collezione... more
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      Sociology of SportsSociology of Culture and Communication
In this chapter I discuss how the relationship between sport, social identities and language has been treated within the sociology of sports and in discourse and sociolinguistic studies. I reflect on what we can learn about language,... more
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      SociolinguisticsIdentity (Culture)Language and IdentityLinguistic ethnography
Sejak tahun 1970an lagi, pihak kerajaan menghalakan fokus kepada membina perpaduan yang utuh dalam kalangan masyarakat berbilang kaum. Hal ini diusahakan secara serius melalui pelaksanaan beberapa dasar-dasar utama seperti Dasar Ekonomi... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSports HistorySocial History
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between psychological ownership and fandom, through a case study of a Japanese football team and its fans. Extending McCracken's model, we set research five questions.... more
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      Sports marketingSociology of Sports
Kimliğin ne olduğuna iliĢkin olarak pek çok tanımlama yapılmaktadır. Bu tanımlamalar esasını kültürden almaktadır. Bu kapsamda bir toplumu tanımlayan kültür, aynı zamanda o toplumu diğer toplumlardan ayıran ve farklı olduğunu gösteren... more
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    • Sociology of Sports
Hostile and instrumental aggression are very popular among soccer fans, The goal of hostile aggression is just to cause harm to the target like rival fans while instrumental aggression refers to actions intended to harm another person... more
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    • Sociology of Sports
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      ViolenceAnthropology of SportSociology of SportsSport Violence
In this article I present an analysis of how traditionally run competitive, organized team sports reproduce multiple socionegative effects for youth who play them. After explicating how the structure and culture of traditionally run... more
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      Coaching (Education)Sports DevelopmentSportSports Coaching
[con Lía Ferrero] El artículo discute ciertos mecanismos de identificación colectiva articulados conjuntamente con el nacionalismo deportivo fomentado por el gobierno militar y la prensa a raíz del Mundial de Fútbol celebrado en Argentina... more
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      Sports HistoryHistoria ArgentinaSociology of SportsHistoria del Deporte
FIFA Mundial: football, media and power. The dynamics of power within FIFA, the world football's governing body, had, at least from 70s onwards, a deep bond with the metamorphosis of football as a commercial and media sport. This article... more
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      SociologySociology of ConflictSociology of SportSociologia
O presente trabalho pretende discutir a relação entre pertencimento clubístico, estilo de jogo e idolatria, ou seja, de que modo as qualidades atribuídas àqueles considerados ídolos revelam valores e idéias que justificam a condição de... more
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      Football (soccer)SoccerAnthropology of SportsSports
Nel dover affrontare l'analisi di un fenomeno nel nostro paese così rilevante -sul piano sociale, economico, politico, culturale -come il calcio, la prima cosa che balza agli occhi è un certo disinteresse con cui la comunità scientifica... more
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      SociologySociology of SportSociologiaSociology of Football
It has been customary to think of the rivalry between Heart of Midlothian FC (Hearts) and Hibernian FC (Hibs) in Scotland's capital city as a less well-known and diluted imitation of the rivalry between Glasgow's so-called Old Firm of... more
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      Football (soccer)Football CultureSociology of Sports
Sociology of sport as a branch of applied sociology is a rapidly developing field despite being quite new in the world and Turkey. The main research problem in the study is that individuals who are stigmatized in the society in various... more
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      SociologyGrounded Theory (Research Methodology)Sociology of Health and IllnessClassical Glaserian Grounded Theory Analysis Methodlogy
Paradoxically, it is the institution of the referee, supposed to ensure justice, which contributes in a specific way to the production of injustices on the football pitch. Misjudgements, tough calls, attempts by both parties to influence... more
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      Sociology of ConflictGeorg SimmelNiklas LuhmannErving Goffman
The paper addresses the problem of economic impact analysis of international sports competitions, mega-events, and sports franchises. In our review of literature on mass participation sports, we indicate two poles of information about an... more
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      Sports ManagementSports economicsTriathlonEconomic Impact
บทคัดย่อ/ Abstract งานวิจัยชิ้นนี้ศึกษาถึงโลกทัศน์ที่มีต่อกีฬาและอัตลักษณ์ความเป็นชายของชาวอยุธยาต่างฐานันดร ราวปลายคริสต์ศตวรรษที่ 15 ถึงกลางศตวรรษถัดไป (ราวค.ศ.1475/พ.ศ.2018 ถึงภายในค.ศ.1569/พ.ศ.2112) โดยมองผ่านวรรณกรรม... more
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      Historical SociologyThai StudiesReligion and Thai CultureThai History
The Southeast Asian Games has been negatively politicised since the 1950s. It has sported a complex interplay of colonialism, decolonisation, nationalism, geopolitics, patronage and capitalism. Repurposing it for the well-being of... more
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      Political EconomyDevelopment StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesNationalism
Proponemos, como presentación de este dossier, introducir un mapa de los estudios del deporte en los últimos años, haciendo especial hincapié en la antropología, aunque mostrando diálogos temáticos y enfoques que impiden el... more
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      Anthropology of SportSociology of Sports
Modern phenomenology, with its roots in Husserlian philosophy, has been taken up and utilised in a myriad of ways within different disciplines, but until recently has remained relatively under-used within sports studies. A corpus of... more
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      SociologySociology of SportFeminist TheoryPhenomenology
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich in einer praxeologischen Perspektive mit den Wirkungen, die computer -und videogestützte Spielanalysen im professionellen Fußball entfalten können. Es werden Wis-senspraktiken skizziert, die... more
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      Practice theoryPraxeologyOrganizational StudiesSociology of Sports
Riassunto Lusso e moda nell'attuale " ipermondo " (Codeluppi 2012; Lipovetsky 2003) sono cambiati: enfatizzano visibilità, rarità, distinzione del brand come pure nascondono il privilegio; le grandi marche si fanno democratiche... more
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      Social MediaSociology of the MediaSociology of consumptionSociology of Sports
This article investigates German football fans' attitudes towards homosexuality. Drawing on an anonymous online survey with 212 Germans football fans, this article is the first to empirically investigate attitudes towards homosexuality in... more
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      Gender and SportSportSport and Event TourismSociology of Sports
Football Fandom, Protest and Democracy offers an in-depth and inside approach to the socio-political history of football in Turkey, where fandom is often revered as part of the national identity, presenting the historical context for... more
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      Football (soccer)TurkeyModern TurkeySports and politics
This article presents a new way of soccer analysis based on social network perspectives. Taking some networks from the games of the last Eurocup as a study object, we develop some constructions which mix SNA with tactics and basic... more
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      Football (soccer)Social Network Analysis (SNA)Sociology of Sports
Quienes elaboramos este diagnóstico y propuestas sostenemos, desde hace más de diez años, prácticas de investigación científica en el marco de universidades públicas y organismos del Estado como el CONICET. Esas investigaciones han... more
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      ViolenceAnthropology of SportSociology of SportsSport Violence
Throughout these fifteen years, we have focused our research on violent practices of the supporters who are part of the Argentine “barras” or “hinchadas” (organized groups of supporters who make violence a sign of identity). They... more
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      SociologyFootball (soccer)Economics of Football (soccer)Argentina
Revised, more developed version of 'Nationalism at play'. The paper here is a slightly earlier version of Chapter 3 in my 'Expressing identites in the Basque arena', Oxford: James Currey, 2007
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      Sociology of SportCultural SociologyFootball (soccer)Basque Studies
Leisure, myths and realities
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      Media AnthropologySociology of LeisureSociology of SportsSociology of Popular Culture
Zusammenfassung: Obwohl Sportinteraktionen selten ohne einen Unparteiischen ablaufen, ist dieser Umstand soziologisch kaum erforscht. Die Spielleitung im Fußball, dem hier das Hauptinteresse gehört, ist in der Regel an einen neutralen... more
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      Sociology of ConflictSociology of SportSociology of Crime and DevianceConflict Resolution
Palavras-chave: esporte; trabalho infantil; direito coletivo RESUMO 1. OBJETIVOS O objetivo do trabalho é a compreensão dos fatores envolvidos na manutenção do trabalho irregular do menor no meio desportivo, visando entender a influência... more
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      SportsSociology of Sports
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      Football (soccer)Economics of Football (soccer)Sports SociologyCorporate Corruption
One topic of great interest in the context of high performance sport is the quest for understanding the personality of an athlete. In sports, the personality instruments adapted to this reality regarding Brazilian population are scarce,... more
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      Sport PsychologySociology of Sports
RESUMO Introdução: Atualmente o desenvolvimento da gestão de novas instalações esportivas e a otimização de seu uso tem sido um dos principais objetivos das organizações esportivas. O gestor de instalações esportivas influencia... more
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      Sports ManagementQuality of lifeSatisfactionSociology of Sports
Lemarié, J. (2020). Le processus de sportisation du surf à Hawaï, en Australie et en Californie de 1778 à 2015. in C. Guibert (ed.). Les mondes du surf : Transformations historiques, trajectoires sociales, bifurcations technologiques (pp.... more
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      HistorySociologyAnthropologySports History
Sociology of sport as a branch of applied sociology is a rapidly developing field despite being quite new in the world and Turkey. The main research problem in the study is that individuals who are stigmatized in the society in various... more
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      Grounded Theory (Research Methodology)Sociology of Sports
Öz Araştırmanın amacı, futbol hakemlerinin benlik saygıları ve algılanan stres düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir. Amaca istinaden, araştırmanın modeli için nicel araştırma türlerinden olan tarama ve korelasyon modeli (Demir,... more
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      Sport PsychologySociology of Sports
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      Ethnic IdentitiesSociology of SportsSports and Society