Spatial Pattern
Recent papers in Spatial Pattern
1] The interest about the exchange of water between streams and aquifers has been increasing among the hydrologic community because of the implications of the exchange of heat, solutes, and colloids for the water quality of aquatic... more
Rapid adoption and expansion of the CCTV systems in Turkey as well as all over the world have produced a fair amount of ―technological determinism‖ among many law enforcement officials, which Norris and Armstrong (1999, p. 9) define as... more
This paper aims to develop and test methods for spatial mapping of population, food production, consumption, and marketed quantities in Africa. As an initial, exploratory exercise, the paper examines the spatial pattern of population,... more
Characterizing spatial patterns of fire behavior is an important and rarely considered means of understanding patterns of vegetation recovery following a fire event. Using geostatistics, we characterized spatial patterns of pre-burn fuel... more
Eigenvector mapping techniques are widely used by ecologists and evolutionary biologists to describe and control for spatial and/or phylogenetic patterns in their data. The selection of an appropriate subset of eigenvectors is a critical... more
At the study area of Xigu District in Lanzhou City, using RS & GIS as tools we apply Diversity, Dominance, Fragmentation, Isolation and so on to study the quantitative, fractal and spatial characters of landscapes" structures in the four... more
Spatial patterning of ecosystems can be explained by several mechanisms. One approach to disentangling the influence of these mechanisms is to study a patterned ecosystem along a gradient of environmental conditions. This study focused on... more
Changes in seasonal patterns of rainfall are key ecological factors. The definition of the spatial scale on which these changes can occur is particularly relevant in Mediterranean areas, where problems related to the variability of the... more
Trends in daily precipitation and temperature extremes across western Germany in the second half of the 20th century. Int J Climatol ABSTRACT The evolution of daily extreme precipitation and temperature from 1958 to 2001 was investigated... more
Your article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial license which allows users to read, copy, distribute and make derivative works for noncommercial purposes from the material, as long as the author of the... more
In this paper, we develop an econometric analysis of the intra- and interregional trade flows of the accommodation, restaurant industry, and travel agency sectors in Spain by means of several specifications of the gravity model and three... more
We analyse the factors controlling seedling establishment of Scots pine at its southernmost geographical limit (southern Spain), by monitoring emergence, survival and growth for up to 4 years in the microhabitats to which seeds are... more
Primary production on semiarid floodplains supports a diverse local and regional fauna. Reduced flooding from water resource development (WRD) may affect floodplain production by decreasing water and nutrient supply.We investigated the... more
In the boreal forest, fire, insects, and logging all affect spatial patterns in forest age and species composition. In turn, spatial legacies in age and composition can facilitate or constrain further disturbances and have important... more
This study concerned an experimental truffle bed of downy oaks infected by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tuber melanosporum and planted in 1983. The presence of T. melanosporum creates rounded areas with little herbaceous cover, termed... more
One of the key agreements adopted at the Rio Conference in 1992 was the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Both in practice and research biodiversity has been mainly addressed in a non-urban context, often discussed in relation to... more
From a conservation point of view, species" tolerances towards disturbance are often generalised and lack reference to spatial scales and underlying processes. In order to investigate how average typical species react to habitat... more
The trends in tropical cyclone (TC) induced wind and precipitation are estimated by applying a quantile regression to station data collected from mainland China. Results indicate that stations located close to the southeast coast show... more
Objective: To study temporal and spatial development of EEG patterns in sporadic and iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease patients. Methods: Temporal and spatial development of EEG patterns in 4 patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt -Jakob... more
Our ability to demonstrate statistical patterns of invasion by non-native species will determine the success of future management projects. We investigated the suitability of self-organizing maps (SOM, neural network) for patterning... more
Predators can play important roles in structuring their communities through topdown effects on the distribution and abundance of their prey. Sharks are top predators in many marine communities, yet few studies have quantified those... more
We present a model that deals with continuous space and functional regions in the form of overlapping, interacting, and constantly changing contact fields associated with the individual actors in a labor market. Simulations illustrate the... more
Aim To forecast the responses of alpine flora to the expected upward shift of treeline ecotones due to climatic warming, we investigated species richness patterns of vascular plants at small spatial scales across elevational transects.
This paper sets out a conceptual framework for modelling events in aquatic ecosystems as coupled processes in catchments, water columns and sediments. This theoretical framework is developed using ideas from the behaviour of complex... more
Past work on tree-to-tree interactions in semi-arid savannas, through the use of nearest neighbour analysis, has shown both a regular dispersion pattern and a positive correlation between the size of a tree and the distance to its nearest... more
The tidal migration, temporal and spatial patterns in feeding of the surface-swimming four-eyed fish Anableps anableps (Anablepidae) were studied in a macrotidal mangrove area in north Brazil to exemplify the ecology of a tropical... more
We analyze a set of nine regional climate model simulations for the period 1961-2000 performed at 25 and 50 km horizontal grid spacing over a European domain in order to determine the effects of horizontal resolution on the simulation of... more
Maps of current and potential vegetation spatial patterns can be used to assess land cover changes, and aid in ecosystem management and restoration. The vegetation spatial patterns of subalpine forest species are largely controlled by... more
Frugivores often track ripe fruit abundance closely across local areas despite the ephemeral and typically patchy distributions of this resource. We use spatial auto-and cross-correlation analyses to quantify spatial patterns of fruit... more
Using firm-level survey data from Barcelona, Stockholm, Vienna in Europe and Singapore, Penang (Malaysia) and Bangkok in SouthEast Asia the paper enquires into the different R&D and innovation behaviour of multinational and local... more
Spatial patterns of Emberizidae (Aves:Passeriformes) diversity and selection of priority areas for Cerrado conservation. The aim of this work was to design priority areas for conservation in the Cerrado region, Brazil, based on... more
Samples of polyethylene pellets were collected at 30 beaches from 17 countries and analyzed for organochlorine compounds. PCB concentrations in the pellets were highest on US coasts, followed by western Europe and Japan, and were lower in... more
Tropical montane forests have been recognised as having global conservation importance. However, they are being rapidly destroyed in many regions of the world. Our study focuses on the rate of loss and patterns of fragmentation in... more
Previous studies of the spatial pattern of stream invertebrate drift have focused on spatial variation at microhabitat scales or landscape scales, or temporal variation over diel or seasonal scales. None have examined consistency in... more
We investigate the formation of transverse patterns in a doubly resonant degenerate optical parametric oscillator. Extending previous work, we treat the more realistic case of a spherical mirror cavity with a finite-sized input pump... more
Chandra, S., Chhetri, P. and J. Corcoran (2009).Spatial patterns of urban compactness in Melbourne: an urban myth or a reality. In: Ostendorf B., Baldock, P., Bruce, D., Burdett, M. and P. Corcoran (eds.), Proceedings of the Surveying &... more
We examined spatial patterns of trends in ice phenology and duration for 65 waterbodies across the Great Lakes region (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ontario, and New York) during a recent period of rapid climate warming (1975-2004).... more
Reproductive biology and social behaviour of the parrotfish Sparisoma cretense was studied in the Azores Islands, northeast Atlantic, to characterize its spawning season and general reproductive biology in the region, to clarify the... more
Caffrey. J.M. and Kemp, W.M., 1991. Seasonal and spatial patterns of oxygen production. respiration and root-rhizome release in PotamogelOn pN(oliatus L. and Zos/era Inarina L. Aquat. Bol.. 40: 109-
Chl-Zr 26 and Chl-ZML relationships. This important role of ocean physics indicates that the observed Chl changes primarily reflect biomass changes due to dampened or increased nutrient fluxes to the upper lit layers. Changes in the... more
The free particle (< 2.5 [tm) composition data from seven National Park Service locations in Alaska for the period from 1986 to 1995 was performed using a new type of factor analysis, positive matrix factorization (PMF). This method uses... more