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"James Joyce, as a postcolonial Irishman, understands the connection between Ireland and the Orient . In his texts, his characters often contemplate the Orient while numbly living out their routines in Ireland, but Joyce’s Irish Oriental... more
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      AestheticsIrish LiteratureJames JoycePost-Colonialism
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      Computer ScienceCognitive radioSpectrum SensingDisplays
This report focuses on the Access network implementation of a 5G small-cell communication system using Cognitive Radio. 5G systems are the next major wireless communications standard and Cognitive Radio is being heralded as a valid... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringGame TheoryReinforcement LearningCognitive Radio Networks
The increasing demand of wireless applications has put a lot of limitations on the use of available radio spectrum is limited and precious resource. Many survey of spectrum utilization shows that entire spectrum is not used at all the... more
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      Communication EngineeringSocial NetworksComputer NetworksNetworks
The localization algorithm based on the doublethresholding (LAD) method was originally proposed for detecting and localizing narrowband (NB) signals with respect to the search bandwidth. Its weakness is that the localized signal is often... more
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      Spectrum SensingElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Cognitive Radio plays a major part in communication technology by resolving the shortage of the spectrum through usage of dynamic spectrum access and artificial intelligence characteristics. The element of spectrum sharing in cognitive... more
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      Cognitive Radio NetworksDynamic Spectrum AccessCognitive radioSpectrum Sensing
The IEEE is developing a standard for cognitive wireless regional area networks operating in unused television channels. One of the cognitive features of this standard is spectrum sensing, which is used to identify unused television... more
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      Spectrum SensingSpectrum
Recent years have shown a growing interest in the concept of Cognitive Radios (CRs), able to access portions of the electromagnetic spectrum in an opportunistic operating way. Such systems require efficient detectors able to work in low... more
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      Spectrum SensingHigher Order Thinking
The utility of the multitaper method and cyclostationarity for sensing the radio spectrum, including the digital TV spectrum, is studied theoretically and experimentally.
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      Biomedical EngineeringCognitive radioSpectrum SensingComputer Simulation
Spectrum sensing is a key function of cognitive radio to prevent the harmful interference with licensed users and identify the available spectrum for improving the spectrum's utilization. However, detection performance in practice is... more
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      EngineeringDistributed ComputingTechnologyComputational Complexity
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      Distributed ComputingDynamic Spectrum AccessCognitive radioSpectrum Sensing
TVWS represent an alternative to various problems, such as spectrum scarcity; The challenge of connecting to remote locations or even the deployment of community networks through the use of portions of unused spectrum. TVWS are spaces... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsDynamic Spectrum AccessWireless networksSpectrum Sensing
The increasing demand of wireless applications has put a lot of limitations on the use of available radio spectrum is limited and precious resource. Many survey of spectrum utilization shows that entire spectrum is not used at all the... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer NetworksWireless Sensor NetworksWireless networks
Cognitive radio wireless networks are an emerging communication paradigm to effectively address spectrum scarcity challenge. Spectrum sensing plays a paramount role in cognitive radio, which is widely agreed to be the most promising... more
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      Software Defined RadioCognitive radioSpectrum SensingWireless Network
The cognitive radio system is proposed as an optimal way to improve the frequency underutilization. Spectrum sensing is the first and the essential function in this approach. A cognitive user must sense his environment to detect the... more
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      FPGACognitive radioVhdlSpectrum Sensing
In emerging cognitive radio (CR) networks, the first cognitive task preceding any dynamic spectrum management is the sensing and identification of spectrum holes in wireless environments. This paper develops a distributed compressed... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed AlgorithmsData CompressionFading Channel
Spectrum sensing is a fundamental component is a cognitive radio. In this paper, we propose new sensing methods based on the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of signals received at the secondary users. In particular, two sensing... more
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      Cognitive radioSpectrum SensingRandom Matrix TheoryEigenvalues
Los espacios en blanco de televisión representan una alternativa a diversos problemas, tales como, la escasez de espectro; el reto de llevar conexión a lugares remotos y la potencial saturación de los operadores de telefonía móvil... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsDynamic Spectrum AccessWireless Networks (Computer Science)Spectrum Sensing
Fruit peel coloring is one of the most important measures of commercial values in various citrus fruits. It is well documented that a gaseous plant hormone, ethylene, regulates the peel color changes associated with fruit ripening. To... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringBiochemistryBotanyFood Science
In this paper, we consider the problem of spectrum sensing in cognitive radio, where unlicensed (secondary) users are allowed to share the vacant frequency bands from the licensed (primary) users. We propose two cooperation protocols to... more
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      Cognitive radioSpectrum SensingPrimary UserDetection Probability
Cognitive radio is an enabling technology that allows opportunistic users to reuse licensed spectrum in order to overcome the artificial spectrum scarcity. In cognitive radio networks, opportunistic users collaboratively perform spectrum... more
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      Cognitive radioSpectrum SensingCooperative Spectrum SensingOutlier detection
| Cognitive radio is an exciting emerging technology that has the potential of dealing with the stringent requirement and scarcity of the radio spectrum. Such revolutionary and transforming technology represents a paradigm shift in the... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsCognitive radioCooperative CommunicationsSpectrum Sensing
For the purpose of enhancing the spectrum efficiency, cognitive radio (CR) technology has been recently proposed as a promising dynamic spectrum allocation paradigm. In CR, spectrum sensing is the key capability of secondary users in a... more
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      Cognitive Radio NetworksDynamic Spectrum AccessSpectrum SensingCooperative Spectrum Sensing
    In this paper, signal detection methods for spectrum sensing in IEEE 802.22 wireless RAN systems are discussed. As most of the manmade signals can be treated as cyclostationary random process, the spectral correlation function is... more
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      Computational ComplexityCognitive radioSpectrum SensingRandom Processes
Spectrum sensing for cognitive radio is challenging. In this letter, a spectrum sensing method based on quintiles of Order-Statistics is proposed. We derive the test statistic and evaluate the performance of the proposed method by Monte... more
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      Distributed ComputingMonte Carlo SimulationCognitive radioProbability
Despite its practical performance limitations, energy detection has gained popularity during the last years as a spectrum sensing technique for dynamic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks. The main advantages of energy... more
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      Signal ProcessingCognitive Radio NetworksDynamic Spectrum AccessSpace Technology
Limited spectrum resources and dramatic growth of high data rate applications have motivated opportunistic spectrum access utilizing the promising concept of cognitive networks. Although this concept has emerged primarily to enhance... more
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      Future StudiesWireless CommunicationsCognitive Radio NetworksSurvey Research
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      Spectrum SensingCognitive Radio Network
Cognitive radio (CR) technology is envisaged to solve the problems in wireless networks resulting from the limited available spectrum and the inefficiency in the spectrum usage by exploiting the existing wireless spectrum... more
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      Distributed ComputingCognitive radioSpectrum SensingWireless Network
Ultrawideband and cognitive radio are two of the most important approaches that are shaping the future of wireless communication systems. At a first glance, the aims of UWB and cognitive radio do not seem to be overlapping significantly,... more
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      Cognitive radioSpectrum SensingSpectrumWireless communication systems
Spectrum sensing is a key function of cognitive radio to prevent the harmful interference with licensed users and identify the available spectrum for improving the spectrum's utilization. However, detection performance in practice is... more
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      EngineeringDistributed ComputingTechnologyComputational Complexity
This report reviews Cognitive Radio technology starting from when the term Cognitive Radio was coined by Dr Joseph Mitola in the late 90s. Basic concepts about CR technology as well as different features of CR alongside principles behind... more
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      Cognitive Radio NetworksSoftware Defined RadioSpectrum SensingCognitive Radios
Wireless technology is expanding its domain and with it is growing the need for more frequencies for communication. Cognitive radio offers a solution to this problem by using the concept of Dynamic spectrum access instead of fixed... more
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      Cognitive Radio NetworksSpectrum SensingPrimary UserElectronics and Communications Engineering
The need for Digital Transmission has been on the increase over the years. Spectrums are basically a range of electromagnetic waves for digital transmission. Digital Transmission has poised great economic benefits to Networks Transmission... more
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      Spectrum SensingSpread SpectrumSpectrum ManagementSpectrum
Spectrum sensing is a key function of cognitive radio to prevent the harmful interference with licensed users and identify the available spectrum for improving the spectrum's utilization. However, detection performance in practice is... more
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      EngineeringDistributed ComputingTechnologyComputational Complexity
The assignment policy of frequency spectrum which is limited, is implemented as a constant in today's wireless communications. Increasing number of users with the rapidly developing wireless technologies also increases the frequency... more
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      Cognitive Radio NetworksDynamic Spectrum AccessSpectrum Sensing
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      Cognitive ScienceDistributed ComputingCognitive Radio NetworksDynamic Spectrum Access
In this paper we present a time divisional and a time-frequency divisional cooperative spectrum sensing technique suitable for cognitive radio (CR) networks. The two methods are well suited for very high bandwidth CR networks, such as UWB... more
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      Cognitive radioSpectrum SensingTime-Frequency AnalysisPerformance Improvement
Frequency spectrum is the scarcest resource for wireless communication. The FCC has stated that there are some frequency bands that are underutilized. Hence the frequency spectrum is not scarce but it is underutilized. An efficient way to... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsCognitive radioSpectrum SensingCross Layer Design in Cognitive Radio
In the last few years Compressed Sampling (CS) has been well used in the area of signal processing and image compression. Recently, CS has been earning a great interest in the area of wireless communication networks. CS exploits the... more
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      Cognitive Radio NetworksOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)Spectrum SensingChannel Estimation
A scenario is presented in spectrum sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks based on energy detectors. Results are presented for the performance of the energy detector based on Welch periodogram. The effect of the number of signal samples... more
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      Computer ScienceCognitive radioSpectrum SensingCooperative Spectrum Sensing
This is a fascinating and satisfying book. It is a hefty tome incorporating some 140 illustrations (four of them colour plates), copious footnotes and a leisurely, multi-threaded analysis dominated by abundant historical examples. Its... more
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      OpticsVisual StudiesSpectroscopyHistory of Physics
Natural frequency spectrum is scared resource; the efficient use of it can only accommodate the need of future computing world. But efficient use of it is not possible within the existing system, where the allocation of spectrum is done... more
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      Signal ProcessingWireless Sensor NetworksCognitive radioLow Frequency
Today's wireless communication systems follow fixed spectrum assignment policies which leads to overall inefficient spectrum use. Further, spectrum scarcity is an issue for operators with emerging mobile services and large number of users... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationCognitive radioSpectrum SensingUncertainty
This work presents a spectrum sensing technique based on the entropy of frequency domain autocorrelation of receiving signal at different cyclic frequencies. The performance of the proposed sensing technique is compared with other sensing... more
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    • Spectrum Sensing
Cognitive radio is emerging as a promising technique to improve the utilization of radio frequency spectrum. In this paper, we consider the problem of spectrum sharing among primary (or "licensed") and secondary (or "unlicensed") users.... more
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      AlgorithmsGame TheoryCognitionCognitive Radio Networks
Today's wireless networks are characterized by a fixed spectrum assignment policy. However, a large portion of the assigned spectrum is used sporadically and geographical variations in the utilization of assigned spectrum ranges from 15%... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsCognitive Radio NetworksNext Generation NetworksSpectrum Sensing
The tremendous growth in wireless communication has increased the spectrum usage, thereby raised the spectrum scarcity and security issues. The real problem is the inefficient spectrum allocation and its usage. Cognitive Radio is... more
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      Cognitive radioSpectrum SensingFbmcSpatial Modulation