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An approach towards outlining a practical understanding of ancient music. Particularly dealing with aspects of ancient Greek music, as recounted by the translated fragments of Aristoxenus, Ptolemy and others. In brief, a summary guide... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryString instrument pedagogy
From the performer’s point of view, so many of the technical aspects of post-1950 works require specialized, advanced study. Interpreting this music often demands a radically different mindset from earlier repertoire. It requires... more
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      String instrument pedagogyNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionCelloContemporary Music
Direitos desta edição adquiridos pela Paco Editorial. Nenhuma parte desta obra pode ser apropriada e estocada em sistema de banco de dados ou processo similar, em qualquer forma ou meio, seja eletrónico, de fotocópia, gravação, etc., sem... more
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      Music EducationString instrument pedagogyString InstrumentsViola
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    • String instrument pedagogy
Eine komparative Lektüre der pädagogischen Literatur des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts
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      Music EducationString instrument pedagogyDidacticsViolin Pedagogy
A DMA dissertation by Carol McCullough outlining the Alexander Technique and it's application to violin and viola performance with discussion, and comparison, of the Paul Rolland method of string playing.
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      String instrument pedagogyAlexander Technique
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      Political SociologyMusicMusic EducationString instrument pedagogy
Libro de la edición 2012 del Festival de Música Antigua de Úbeda y Baeza. Contiene toda la programación, notas al programa, currículums de los intérpretes y actividades académicas realizadas. -- Tradicionalmente, la historia de la... more
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      Early MusicString instrument pedagogyFestivals and musicUrban musicology
Continuing my exploration of contemporary techniques for strings which began in my Viola Spaces, in this thesis I explain how I wrote the Violin Spaces and Satellites for string quartet as both learning paths for extended techniques and... more
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      String instrument pedagogyViolin PedagogyContemporary MusicComposing music
Este trabalho, uma pesquisa qualitativa e um estudo de caso, trata da experimentação de uma proposta de iniciação coletiva em instrumentos de cordas friccionadas, inspirada no ensino das filarmônicas baianas (bandas de música) e seus... more
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      String instrument pedagogyPedagogia musicalBandas De MúsicaEnsino Coletivo de Instrumentos Musicais
This article will present a single case study of the acoustic attributes of sound production techniques that are involved in the expansion of performance practice with the violin. In this study, four elements were chosen from the... more
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      AcousticsMusicString instrument pedagogyComposition (Music)
There has been much debate centering on the relationship between performer and teacher identities in the lives of preservice and inservice music educators. Often, these two identities are thought to be in tension with one another,... more
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      String instrument pedagogyMusic Pedagogy (Strings)The making of musical meaningMusic Teacher Identity
The purpose of this study was to examine the current status of undergraduate string teacher education curriculum in Turkish universities in both eastern and western regions. To accomplish this task, the relative strengths and weaknesses... more
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    • String instrument pedagogy
Jazz lore has it that the tuba was the initial bass instrument of choice until, in the 1930s, it was supplanted by the double bass. When the latter was used, it slapped out roots and fifths on every strong beat, a practice that persisted... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
A case study was conducted on an expert cello teacher and a 7- year-old student, to analyze the relationships between the teacher's constructive conceptions and instructional practices, by means of the System for Analyzing the Practice of... more
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      Music EducationString instrument pedagogyQualitative methodologyConstructivism
Call for Papers for the 21st Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Musical Instruments in Sarajevo, 5-8 April, 2017; deadline for abstract submission 15 July 2016.
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusic EducationMusic History
O presente artigo mostra, com uma visão crítica, uma parte do panorama atual do ensino coletivo de cordas no Brasil, dissertando sobre as suas possibilidades e a sua abrangência. O autor do artigo também faz propostas para o futuro deste... more
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      Music EducationString instrument pedagogyEducação MusicalMusic Pedagogy (Strings)
The scrutiny of the score of Mozart's string quintet K. 516 shows that one of the most popular passages in this masterpiece's slow movement is usually being performed with a wrong bow articulation. The way Mozart intended it to be... more
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      Chamber MusicString instrument pedagogyPerformance Practice (Music)Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
An interview with the JACK String Quartet about their origins, their approaches to interpretation, their preparation and performance of Robert Morris's two quartets Arc (1988) and Allegro Appassionato (2009), the influence of Morris on... more
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      MusicChamber MusicStrings, Harp, And GuitarString instrument pedagogy
Swiss educator, Émile Jaques-Dalcroze observed over 100 years ago that often music conservatoires focus primarily on the development of technique and repertoire, at the expense of musicianship. His embodied approach to music education... more
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      String instrument pedagogyDalcroze EurhythmicsPerforming ArtsEmbodiment
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      Music EducationString instrument pedagogySociology of EducationMusic Pedagogy (Strings)
O presente artigo trata de como didaticamente as filarmônicas baianas e seus mestres podem contribuir para o ensino coletivo de cordas. São levantados os principais elementos do ensino das filarmônicas e o seu potencial impacto na... more
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      Music EducationString instrument pedagogyEducação MusicalEnsino Coletivo de Instrumentos Musicais
The rise in demand for string teachers is a sign of support for string programs across the United States. Despite an increase in string teacher positions, there is growing concern regarding the lack of qualified string music education... more
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      Music EducationString instrument pedagogyMusic Teacher Educationstring teacher education
A synthetic traduction in Português
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    • String instrument pedagogy
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      Music EducationString instrument pedagogyOrchestraTeaching Music
Recent research on music teaching and the curricula proposed in different countries increasingly insists on moving towards teaching centered on managing students’ mental processes according to the constructivist approach. However, studies... more
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      Music EducationString instrument pedagogyConstructivismConceptual change
This paper investigates the impact of Dalcroze Eurhythmics on fostering creativity and autonomy in classical instrumental pedagogy. The research took the form of an arts practice investigation which included devising, rehearsing,... more
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      String instrument pedagogyDalcroze EurhythmicsCreativityArtistic Research
In this study I investigate the challenges that music teachers face when selecting repertoire in public school orchestra classes. Acknowledging that tensions are inherent between a teacher’s philosophy, history, and training and student... more
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      Music EducationString instrument pedagogyPhilosophy of Music Education
Instrumental or vocal teaching in music schools and general music education in compulsory schools represents primary elements of German music education. Both directions are combined on a professional basis by string, wind, singing or band... more
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      Music EducationString instrument pedagogyQualitative Research (Education)Instrumental Pedagogy
Yuiko Asaba's Masters dissertation (2005, Royal Holloway University of London) focuses on the aesthetics of Argentine Tango performance, analysing the techniques of Tango violin performance. This study is based on the extensive fieldwork... more
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      Latin American StudiesAnthropologyString instrument pedagogyEthnomusicology
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    • String instrument pedagogy
This article explores the process of determining an approach to the analysis of qualitative data collected as part of a case study research project involving children and teenagers from a community of musical practice—an all ages... more
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      Music EducationString instrument pedagogyQualitative ResearchCommunities of practice
We often think of creative activities in music as those that produce a tangible musical product, such as a piece of music through composition or an improvisation. However, we can also expand the concept of creativity to include the... more
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      Orchestral ConductingMusic EducationString instrument pedagogyCreativity
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    • String instrument pedagogy