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Thorkild Jacobsen (1963; 1976) entwarf ausgehend von den Begriffen von Rudolf Otto (1917) ein Modell der mesopotamischen Religion, das sich durch seine Konsistenz auszeichnet und weite Bereiche von Göttervorstellungen, Mythologie und... more
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      Sumerian ReligionHistory of ReligionMesopotamia HistoryMesopotamian Religions
Inanna is typically the waning out of the feminine spirituality of Pre-Ice-Age Homo Sapiens to the masculine spirituality of Neolithic time. We are dealing with Sumerian mythology and it is the matrix of at least two Semitic religions,... more
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      ChristianitySumerian ReligionEarly ChristianityTrinity
Second informative article in the "Do you know...?" series for the journal of the South African Veterinary Association. Topic of the month: sumerian ornithology, study of some of the species mentioned in the beautiful hymn "Nanshe and the... more
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      Sumerian ReligionOrnithologyAkkadian and Sumerian literatureAnimals in Antiquity
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      Sumerian ReligionArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyHistorical Archaeology Babylonian hermeneutics has been the subject of several studies in recent years that have showed that speculative thought exploited the potentiality of the cuneiform system through... more
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      Sumerian ReligionPhilosophyGreek LiteratureNear Eastern Studies
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      Sumerian ReligionAncient HistoryAssyriologyStereotypes
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Kinyras: The Divine Lyre is also available online through the CHS website: The web version, however, does not have page numbers, so that internal... more
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      PhilologyReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionSumerian Religion
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      Sumerian ReligionNear Eastern StudiesAssyriologyHebrew Bible
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      Sumerian ReligionMesopotamian ReligionsAncient Near EastAkkadian and Sumerian literature
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      Sumerian ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreAncient History
The point of departure is a short definition of prestige: “The prestige of a person, an object or a cultural practice is higher, the more exclusive its bearers and the more widespread its estimation in the relevant group are”. This... more
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      Sumerian ReligionAssyriologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyRitual
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      Sumerian ReligionEgyptologyAssyriologyHittitology
German translation of the Sumerian hymn to the beer-goddess Ninkasi and the drinking song, with a short commentary on the technological aspects
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      Sumerian ReligionMesopotamian ArchaeologyFood and NutritionAncient Near East
Târihçiler, çalışmalarında en yüksek verimi sağlayabilmek için, üzerinde çalıştıkları konuların belirli dönemler içinde ele alınmasından yana. Bu dönemler, târihe ilişkin yapılagelen tasniflerdir. Târihçilerin kullanageldiği tasnifler... more
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The eighteen articles included into the present volume correspond to the principal spheres of Krecher’s scholarly interests: various aspects of Sumerian morphology and syntax; Sumerian lexicon and terminology; Sumerian onomastics;... more
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      Sumerian ReligionAkkadian LanguageMesopotamian ReligionsAncient Near East
While working in southern Iraq, archaeologist Sir Leonard Wolley uncovered 16 royal tombs in the cemetery of ancient Ur. The wealth in these tombs, which remains unparalleled in Mesopotamian archaeology, included some of the most... more
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      Sumerian ReligionMesopotamian ArchaeologySumerianSumerology
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      Sumerian ReligionSumerian
Uruk, Auruk or Warka was an ancient city of Sumer (and later of Babylonia) situated east of the present bed of the Euphrates River on the dried-up ancient channel of the Euphrates 30 km (19 mi) east of modern Samawah, Al-Muthannā, Iraq.... more
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      Sumerian ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryPrehistoric Archaeology
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      Sumerian ReligionArchaeologyFoundation RitualSumer
Nin-me-šara - Myths as argumentative weapons in a ritual song of the high priestess En-ḫedu-Ana: New translation (revised version of the edition of Zgoll 1997), first study of myth and ritual in the text, terminus ante quem for the... more
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      Sumerian ReligionMythologyRitualSumerian & Akkadian literature
Abū Salābīkh and Fāra God Lists are long known primary sources of interpreting the earliest truly known hypothetical Sumerian pantheon or its relative structure. The latest longer analysis of the lists was conducted by Jan Lisman 2 who... more
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      ReligionSumerian ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And Folklore
Bundan 14 yıl önce bir kısım sosyal mühendisler, Doğu Perinçek üzerinden M. İlmiye Çığ’ın kalemiyle topluma yönelerek; Din diye bir gerçeklik yokmuş; çünkü İslamiyet, Yahudiliğin kopyasıdır; Yahudilik de Sümer efsanelerinin kopyasıdır,... more
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      Sumerian ReligionScience and ReligionIslamic StudiesReligious Studies
The Sumerian mythological corpus is made up of many odd narratives telling the story of the gods, setting up their divine characters, describing different behaviors, attitudes, or emotions. The interpretation of these emotional... more
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      Sumerian ReligionAnthropology of emotionsInanna
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      Sumerian ReligionHistory of ReligionsSumerian mythologyLamashtu, Lilith, Dark Goddess
A detailed presentation of the main topics hat De Lafayette has discussed in his hundred books, translated in several languages
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      Sumerian ReligionPhoeniciansPhoenician Punic ArchaeologySumerology
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      Sumerian ReligionAkkadian and Sumerian literature
Sumerian literature is the oldest readable poetry in the world. It was written down on clay tablets in the cuneiform script by scribes in southern Iraq some 4,000 years ago and has been read again only within the last sixty years.
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      Sumerian ReligionAncient HistoryWorld LiteraturesComparative Literature
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      Sumerian ReligionAncient HistoryComparative LiteratureMythology
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      Sumerian ReligionSumerianSumerian & Akkadian literatureSumerian Language
DUMU-ZI ԱՍՏՎԱԾԸ (Հատված «Շումերի ծագումը» մենագրությունից) Համլետ մարտիրոսյան Հնագույն քաղաքակրթությունների հետազոտման կենտրոն Մենք այստեղ չենք անդրադառնա d DUMU-ZI Աստծո պաշտամունքի էությանը, մյուս անվանաձևերին ու նրանց մեկնությանը, այլ... more
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      Sumerian ReligionArmenian HistoryArmenian CultureSumerian
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      Sumerian ReligionHistorical AnthropologyMesopotamian ReligionsAnthropology of the Ancient World
Sumerian is the world's oldest written language, but the ability to read it is restricted to the lucky few - until now! Learn to Read Ancient Sumerian: An Introduction for Complete Beginners is written specifically for people with no... more
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      Sumerian ReligionSumerian & Akkadian literatureSumerian HistorySumerian Language
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      Sumerian ReligionBabilonMezopotomyaÖlüm ve Cenaze Ritüeli
Buildings are engraved on several Ancient Near East cylinder seals and I suspect that some of them represent the Abzu shrine. In this essay I show a few of them and explain what they are telling us.
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      Sumerian ReligionArchitectureMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamian Religions
Not only Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but also Sarah, Hagar, and Esau might be linked to the planets
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      Sumerian ReligionPlanetary SciencePhoeniciansOld Testament
O presente trabalho pretende discutir a construção da ideia de prostituição sagrada no Antigo Crescente Fértil a partir da análise de trabalhos historiográficos do século XIX, XX e início do século XXI. Analisaremos como as relações de... more
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      Sumerian ReligionMesopotamia HistoryMesopotamian ReligionsSumerian
Pp. 147- 166 in Divination as Science: A Workshop Conducted during the 60th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Warsaw, 2014. Ed. Jeanette C. Fincke. Eisenbrauns: Winona Lake, Indiana. 2016
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      Sumerian ReligionAssyriologyRitualTextual Criticism
Two lectures held at Sapienza - Università di Roma (October 14th 2016) and at VIU - Venice International University (October 21st 2016). The scepter has always been in the social imaginary a symbol of power and royalty, a concrete and... more
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      Sumerian ReligionAssyriologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamian Religions
Presentation of the Sumerian legacy and heritage
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      Sumerian ReligionSumerianSumerian HistoryIslamic History and Muslim Civilization
This work is set within the wider framework of an argument defending the thesis that the image of the ark of gopher wood is to be understood as a mythological representation of the Jerusalem temple. The objective of the resent... more
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      Sumerian ReligionMythologyAssyriologyHebrew Bible
Rich ethnobiological study of antiquity is usually constrained by the limitations of the archaeological remains of plants and animals. Sometimes, ongoing tradition, images and texts add a symbolic dimension. Such a study has been done of... more
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      Sumerian ReligionEthnobotanyArchaeobotanyAssyriology
Nel presente studio abbiamo raccolto i passi contenuti in opere di carattere mitologico che mettono in relazione alcune divinità con le stelle. La nostra analisi comincia con la grande composizione babilonese, Enuma Eliš, e proseguendo... more
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      Sumerian ReligionMythologyNear Eastern StudiesHistory of Religion
This master’s dissertation is focused on the Sumerian deity Inanna and its Semitic counterpart Ištar. We have collected and analysed sets of myths, narrations, hymns, oracles and prayers from different geographies and chronologies in... more
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      Sumerian ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
Mezopotamya'da kurulan medeniyetlerden en eskisi Sümer medeniyetidir. Bu medeniyeti incelemeye geçmeden önce, şu birkaç noktanın altını çizmekte yarar var. Mezopotamya kelimesi, Eski Yunancada mesos (orta) ve potamos (ırmak) kelimelerinin... more
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      Sumerian ReligionAkkadian and Sumerian literature
Gilgamesh é representado como uma criação divina, dotado de força, coragem e grande beleza (assemelha-se muito a Hércules). Era portanto dois terços deus e um terço homem, sendo assim um semideus. Capítulo I-A chegada de Enkidu Ao mesmo... more
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      Sumerian ReligionMesopotamia HistoryMesopotamian ReligionsSumerian
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      Sumerian ReligionAssyriologyMesopotamian ReligionsPlato and Platonism
The cross-disciplinary inquiry as to whether Artificial Intelligence is capable of an evolving self-awareness places the electronic arts in the hot seat. Heidegger left it to the arts to resolve the matter of a holistic ontology of Being.... more
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      Sumerian ReligionPsychologyQuantum PhysicsPhilosophy of Science
Gizemli Olaylar UFO, Parapsikoloji, Ruhsal New Age, Ruhsal Celseler
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      Sumerian ReligionSumerianPhenomenology of Space and PlaceSumerology