The Coligny Calendar
Recent papers in The Coligny Calendar
The tropical year was divided in 365. 2423 days starting from the fall equinox. The names of the Celtic Zodiac were identical to those of the lunar months. The calendar found in Coligny, France, is strictly an astronomical device. Dr.... more
Here is a full reconstruction of the Coligny Calendar with all its notations, the result of analysis by the author Helen McKay, Version 2.1 2020 The calendar has modern dates running beside the calendar for use as a modern calendar. This... more
Dans cet article, l'auteur analyse comment les mois du calendrier de Coligny suivent de très près les lunaisons pendant les 62 mois des 5 années figurant sur la plaque de bronze, et, ce faisant, met en évidence la précision... more
The Festivals of the Celtic and Greek Lunar Calendars are charted for comparison and contrast. The Festivals follow the lunar calendars of both cultures using the Coligny Calendar of the Druids of Gaul and the Greek Attic Calendar of... more
A full reconstruction of the notations of the Coligny Calendar, based on original research by Helen McKay. The majority of notations will be the same as found in Olmsted's reconstruction, but several differences are produced by the... more
Todas as culturas possuem suas próprias formas de perceber a passagem do tempo, seja de acordo com o movimento do sol pelo céu ou pelas fases da lua, formando uma sucessão de dias que originam semanas, meses e anos 1 . Este fato fora... more
Evidence of a calendar within the Critias of Plato; and extant evidence of the Coligny calendar used by the Druids of Gaul can both be reconstructed according to an eleven-year lunisolar cycle of 5+6 years and may in fact be the same... more
This article outlines the basic astronomy and acts as a source guide for "Year One of the Lunar Calendar: December 22, 2020- December 11, 2021." Year One of the Lunar Calenar can be downloaded from this site; the calendar is... more
This is the fourth year of the first cycle of the translation of the Coligny Calendar that was translated for the year 2004-2005. It may now be used for the year 2023-2024.
It is now over a century since the Coligny calendar was discovered, during which time the intricate, complex and interrelating patterns of the various terms that are layered over its months and years have to a large degree been defined,... more