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Voice is the unique sound of the human self, made audible. The sound of the voice is contingent upon the complex structure of each individual human body for the nature and quality of the sound emanating from it, as well as being subject... more
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      Voice TheoryActingTheory of VoiceActor Training
Being in ShakeSPSPeare'S MoMent flloyd kennedy UniverSity of QUeenSland The analyst's task is to account for [the] "lived" quality. .. to show how actors deal with this alliance between the rational and the pulsional. .. for it always... more
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      Voice TheoryActingTheory of VoiceActor Training
Voice is a challenge, however we think about it, probably because we don't think about it very much at all. We use and abuse our voices, joyfully and fretfully, all through our lives without giving them any attention... more
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      PerformanceModern DramaVoice TheoryActing