Transatlantic Studies, Atlantic Studies, Slavery
Recent papers in Transatlantic Studies, Atlantic Studies, Slavery
Presentation about slavery in Suriname by the Surinamese author Cynthia McLeod, introduction by Jeroen Dewulf.
An 800-word review of Ritual Without Belief--an exhibition of new work by the UK-based artist Evan Ifekoya at Gasworks, London (2018)
Drummers for the Devil? The Black Soldiers of the 29th (Worcestershire) Regiment of Foot, 1759-1843. By JD. Ellis. JSAHR. Eighty. Autumn 2002. No.323. Pages 186-202. This article explores the employment of soldiers of African and Asian... more
L'article traite de littérature de voyage et plus particulièrement de récits de missionnaires italiens de l'ordre des Capucins, ayant œuvré à l'évangélisation du Royaume du Congo vers la fin du XVII e... more
Sarah Parker Remond (1826–1894) left the free black community of Salem, Massachusetts, where she was born, to become one of the first women to travel on extensive lecture tours across the United Kingdom. Remond eventually moved to... more
Libro de divulgación y conmemorativo por la designación de la Ciudad de Veracruz, San Juan de Ulúa y Yanga como sitios de la Memoria de la Esclavitud, de las poblaciones africanas y afrodescendientes. Esta publicación forma parte del... more
How did African slaves get to the Americas? Who was involved with the slave ship process? Slave ships went in a triangle from Europe to Africa to the Americas and back to Europe again. This was called the Transatlantic Slave Trade, also... more
Between the Kola Forest and the Salty Sea reveals the long-hidden story of those who lived in the region before Liberia was created. Here are a few of the inspiring revelations it contains: • The different languages and ethnic groups in... more
This article was published in The Irish Sword, Vol. XXIII. No. 94. Winter 2003. It utilised the service records of fifty Black soldiers who served as enlisted military musicians (bandsmen, drummers and trumpeters), in the Irish regiments... more
Outline of a previously undetected transatlantic racial discourse that I have dubbed "Mandingo-Saxonism," which attributes to the Mandingo ethnic group of West Africa most of the character traits which the discourse of Saxonism claims are... more
A website for California teachers notes that mission Indians were slaves, citing Lorenzo Asisara's story as evidence. Asisara's story of his father's whipping at a mission does call to mind the humiliation of slavery. Yet whatever... more
Abdou Kadir Sankanu, the sitting Alkalo (ruler) of Sotuma Sere and patriarch of the 'Sankanu Kaggoro' dynasty in the Jimara district of the Upper River Region (URR) of The Gambia said that the recent detention of six (6) young people from... more
This thesis demonstrates the continuation of slave importation at the Cape during the early British rule, when the slave trade was regulated, then outlawed (1807), from 1797 to 1818. Appendices I and II provide a useful and painstakingly... more
28. « Kotti Sree Ramesh et Kandula Nirupa Rani. Claude McKay : The Literary Identity from Jamaica to Harlem and Beyond. Jefferson, McFarland, 2006, 208 p. » Annales, Histoire, Sciences Sociales. « Identités ». 64e année, n°6, Paris,... more
This article focuses on the presence and commercial dominance of Brazilian-born agents in Benguela, in West Central Africa. In this study I stress the central role of Brazilian-born individuals in sustaining the slave trade that in many... more
This article analyzes how women—as wives, mothers, and plantation managers—participated in making Jamaica the largest slaveholding colony in the Anglo-Atlantic world. Free and freed women bought, sold, and subjected slaves to brutal... more
Em outubro de 1853, Joaquim de Paula Guedes Alcoforado entregara, à pedido das forças de repressão, instigante relatório sobre as atividades do comércio de africanos na ilegalidade no período aberto com a lei de 7 de novembro de 1831.... more
In 2000, the United States census allowed respondents for the first time to tick a box marked “African American” in the race category. The new option marked official recognition of a term that had been gaining currency for some decades.... more
The liberalisation of the slave trade in the Spanish Caribbean ended with a series of political measures which aimed to revitalise the practice of slavery in the region. After granting a series of monopoly contracts (asientos) to merchant... more
This volume examines Scotland's experience of and reaction to European expansion between c. 1600-1800. Although Scotland lacked an independent empire in the seventeenth century, it gained unfettered access to the global empire of England... more
Artículo divulgativo sobre el contenido de unos documentos muy-muy poco conocidos relacionados con la primera rebelión antiesclavista negra de América, ocurrida en la colonia La Española en diciembre de 1521 e iniciada en el ingenio o... more
When Johan Maurits of Nassau, Governor-General of Dutch Brazil (1630-54), sent out expeditions against the maroons of Palmares, he was informed by his intelligence officers that the inhabitants followed the “Portuguese religion,” that... more
Dos de los tambores ñáñigos (ekué y bonkó enchemiyá), expuestos hoy en la Sala de América del Museo Nacional de Antropología, son objetos rituales incautados a la sociedad secreta Abakuá en Cuba. Su itinerario hasta el Museo Biblioteca de... more
Black stardom is a burgeoning field, and the fame of formerly enslaved African Americans in Britain during the mid nineteenth century offers an intriguing case study. In 1846, one British newspaper described the ex-slave turned... more
This article explores site-specific heritage questions of the contemporary cultural practice of festivals of jazz – a key transatlantic music form – by bringing together three areas for discussion and development: questions of slavery... more
Archives and historical records are central to histories of law and legality. Themes and debates in legal history have been shaped, and in some cases even determined by the availability of and access to archival sources. Despite growing... more
Estudio sobre los envíos de esclavos a las Indias de Castilla durante el decenio de 1569-1579 y la participación de hombres de negocios de o afincados en Sevilla.
If you are teaching a course on the Transatlantic Slave Trade or studying this topic independently, this article introduces readers to this period, and covers primarily social, political, and economic factors behind the development and... more
El propósito del presente ensayo es doble. Primero, se propone examinar el texto de Evita Enoy como paradigma de lo que Mary Louise Pratt llama texto autoetnográfico que, junto con otros textos surgidos en un espacio colonial, despliega... more
- by Rosario De Swanson
- Comparative Literature, Equatorial Guinean literature, African history, African culture, African politics, African education, Afrocentrism, African-Centred Education, Black Psychology, Black Sociology, Black Family Research, Black Men, Black Youth, African Consciousness, Black Consciousness, Race and Racism, Transatlantic Studies, Atlantic Studies, Slavery
Rafael Benítez Sánchez-Blanco (Universidad de Valencia): El bautismo de los esclavos moros en la España moderna; presiones, rituales, consecuencias.
Nonostante la fama internazionale di Claudio Magris e l'indubbio impatto delle sue opere nell'italianistica mondiale, la sua produzione saggistica e narrativa non sembra avere ancora fatto breccia nella critica e nella teoria... more
This article presents a new perspective on the master-slave relationship in New Netherland in order to complement the existing theories on the treatment of slaves in that Dutch colony. It shows how prior to the loss of Dutch Brazil, the... more
In this article, I situate Orlando Patterson’s magnum opus, Slavery and Social Death alongside his earlier writings on slavery and slave revolts in Jamaica. To appreciate fully Patterson’s contributions to sociology, comparative... more
This issue of the Anti-Trafficking Review is concerned with some of the histories that created, and that continue to shape, both the present-day phenomena discussed under the rubric of trafficking, and the contemporary discourse of... more
A working and incomplete assemblage of primary and secondary documents (1811-2000) about Anna Kingsley, wife of Zephaniah Kingsley, planter, Fort George Island, Florida.
Estudio sobre las redes portuguesas de tráfico de esclavos en la ciudad de Sevilla durante la primera mitad del reinado de Felipe II
This article examines the wide-ranging Scottish poetic response to eighteenth-century slavery, particularly the use of sentiment as a literary strategy designed to provoke empathetic reactions from readers. The article covers the entirety... more