Urban Ethnography
Recent papers in Urban Ethnography
"Aux frontières de l’achevé, de l’établi, de l’ordonné, du centre et du dominant, se trouvent le précaire, l’instable, le désordre, la périphérie et le dominé : une relation dynamique voire conflictuelle existe entre ces deux réalités,... more
The article considers the character of social relationships in an urban high-rise settlements. It analyses the influence of time and physical space on the level of inter-human relationships. A section of the largest settlement in... more
Society in the town of Nitra in the conditions of the new state regime after 1918: ethnological possibilities for studying the dynamic of urban memory The author of this chapter reconstructs the situation in the town of Nitra after the... more
Contribution to the Interactive Virtual Exhibition 'Threatened Orders', organized by the Collaborative Research project 'Threatened Orders - Societies Under Stress', and nominated for the 'Grimme Online Award' You can visualize and... more
Il seguente lavoro si prefigge di studiare la relazione tra due concetti che possiamo definire due facce della stessa medaglia. I concetti sociologici analizzati sono: Local Identity e Non-places. Partendo dall'analisi dei singoli... more
E. Colombo, G. Navarini, Confini dentro la città. Antropologia della Stazione Centrale di Milano, Edizioni Angelo Guerini e Associati, Milano, 1999, 186p. Ci sono almeno due ragioni per leggere la bella ricerca etnografica di Colombo e... more
This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa, Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article,... more
Fuori casa. Antropologia degli sfratti a Milano […] offre un importante contributo antropologico all’analisi critica della complessa interazione tra forme di esclusione sociale, logiche del profitto urbano e politiche abitative. Esplora... more
This work is an ethnography of Rede CAMMPI, a network of neighborhood associations from Itapagipe Peninsula (Salvador, Brazil). Rede CAMMPI is approached to ethnographically discuss the interactions between a social movement and the... more
Taking readers to a working-class, predominantly Armenian suburb in northeast Beirut called Bourj Hammoud, Nucho conducts extensive interviews and observations in medical clinics, social service centers, shops, banking coops, and... more
Urban ethnographers must understand that while we look at things using close-up lenses, most policy-makers, on the other hand, employ wide-angle lens to describe what is going on at that very same street level. In this chapter, the... more
Summary: The textile folk culture in Slovakia has its own roots, development and traditions. Nevertheless, it is connected with the European cultural heritage and it has used the motives that have remained unchanged for many centuries.... more
This paper considers Michel de Certeau’s account of “everyday practices” as a means of escaping the totalising forces of social governance and ideological apparatuses, which he believes are deficient of the necessary spatial orientation... more
Berlin gilt als Stadt im ewigen Wandel und das Lebensgefühl im »Neuen Berlin« nach der Wende verkörpert niemand so gut wie die Underground-Szene. Diese Szene schweift im Stadtraum umher und funktioniert seine Leerstände zu »locations« um.... more
Project report for Connection and Imagery: Transnational Cultural Flows and the Arab Gulf, Economic and Social Research Council Transnational Communities Programme.
Nel settembre del 1969, ai margini del convegno annuale dell'associazione americana di sociologia, venne organizzato un dibattito tra due celebri sociologi, Herbert Blumer e Everett Hughes [Lofland Lyn 1980]. In quell'occasione si... more
R e v i s t a C o l o m b i a n a R e v i s t a C o l o m b i a n a R e v i s t a C o l o m b i a n a R e v i s t a C o l o m b i a n a R e v i s t a C o l o m b i a n a d e A n t r o p o l o g í a d e A n t r o p o l o g í a d e A n t r... more
The city is a social laboratory. Exploring its cultural diversity and social inequality entails getting acquainted with people and listening to their stories. This reader is the first compilation of contemporary 'classics' in urban... more
Raisa, a twenty-two-year-old Emirati woman, was standing with her husband and friends at the valet of a popular fi ve-star hotel in Jumeirah. It was 11 p.m., and they were waiting for their cars after having had dinner at one of the... more
Black Nationalism represents one of the most heavily understudied ideologies within the history of urban America. The impact of Black Nationalism has still yet to be gauged. African Americans incurred great frustrations during the 1960s... more
Described by locals as Singapore’s ‘Little Thailand’, the Golden Mile Complex is known as an ethnic enclave for Thai persons. The environment of the Golden Mile Complex is described as a liminoid space, or a ‘space out of place’, where... more
Arguing against the previous research’s presumption that the subcultural constitutes a single set of meaning, this article addresses the simple question of what constitutes the subcultural? What does it mean when we address an object,... more
This article uses an ethnographic methodology grounded in a transversal understanding of both black feminism and hip hop politics. Using ethnographic fieldwork, including interviews with eight black identified ‘‘third culture’’ women in... more
This dissertation investigates cabdriving as a form of spatial work, involved in the production and reproduction of social space through three interrelated products: physical movement from place to place; the experience of movement, of... more
Resumen Este artículo propone una metodología híbrida e interdisciplinaria para entender la experiencia de la movilidad en la ciudad de Santiago de Chile, desde un punto de vista fenomenológico. Esta metodología corresponde al... more
Based on an ethnography of the relationship between Greek immigrants from the former Soviet Union and native Greeks in a neighbourhood in Thessaloniki, Greece, this book enquires into the practical deployment of ideologies of national... more
This essay is in response to the question "What is 'critical' in critical urban anthropology?" My answer to this question delves into my experience of doing ethnographic research at the ends of Delhi Metro lines, places that I came to see... more
Luis Alberto Urrea's Across the Wire: Life and Hard Times on the Mexican Border (1993) provides a harrowing perspective on the struggles of a group of mainly indigenous refugees and migrants who live in one of Tijuana's many... more
A man begging on the streets of Haridwar | Chandrashekhar Leo Vuppuluri (CC BY-SA 3.0) Beggars are usually ignored on the streets and questions are asked about why they do not work. Many have indeed worked as paid labour and then each for... more
I n f o r m a l i t y , P o l i t i c s a n d M u t u a l S u p p o r t i n A r m e n i a n F l e a M a r k e t s
While previous studies have documented the trials of rural-to-urban migration in post-reform China, little is known of the consequences of urban demolition and attendant uncertainty on migrant mental health. Exploring the affective and... more