Vision Science
Recent papers in Vision Science
Lecture content and practical laboratory classes are ideally complementary. However, the types of experiments that have led to our detailed understanding of sensory neuroscience are often not amenable to classroom experimentation as they... more
Stickler, A., Greil, E., Domnanich, S., Yamada, Y., Reuter, C. (2023). Entspannend oder verstörend? Die Wirkung von ASMR mit und ohne Bildmaterial. In: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, 49. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für... more
Background: Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) represent a significant public health issue, among which masticatory muscle pain is the most common. Current publications increasingly indicate surface electromyography (sEMG) as an effective... more
La atencion en salud y la calidad en los servicios de salud se han convertido en parte de un proceso de mejoramiento dentro del Sistema de Seguridad Social en Salud en Colombia. Es por eso que la normatividad vigente se hace cada dia mas... more
A recent report by Persaud et al. [Persaud, N., McLeod, P. & Cowey, A. (2007). Post-decision wagering objectively measures awareness. Nature Neuroscience 10, 257-261] addresses a fundamental issue in consciousness science: the... more
When we perceive a white coffee cup on our desk, we represent and are aware of that particular white coffee cup. There are many ways in which we can perceive the white coffee cup. We may be aware of the subtle pattern of different shades... more
Mining causes massive damage to landscape and biological components of an ecosystem. Due to extensive and unmanaged coal mining in the southern part of Nokrek Biosphere Reserve of Meghalaya, the area has been turned into degraded land... more
Ocupacional: "El esquema de la fundamentación está bien conformado y preparado de una manera excelente. El documento será una base sólida para el desarrollo futuro de la promoción de los Entornos Laborales Saludables, a nivel... more
There are numerous views about the concept of consciousness, and no consensus exists regarding its meaning. However, the latest neuroscientific developments have eliminated the misleading obstacles related to consciousness. Over the last... more
Conee and Feldman (2008) are open to there being differences in evidence derived from beliefs in the case described. It should be noted that 'introspective evidence' is not Williamson's term. I will clarify it shortly.
Esta revista incorpora la opción Online First, mediante la cual las versiones definitivas de los trabajos aceptados son publicadas en línea antes de iniciar el proceso de diseño de la revista impresa. Está pendiente la asignación del... more
Vergence eye movements align the optical axes of our two eyes onto an object of interest, thus facilitating the binocular summation of the images projected onto the left and the right retinae into a single percept. Both the computational... more
RESUMEN Objetivo: conocer la genética del glaucoma primario de ángulo abierto para la identificación de genes que permitan establecer una herramienta de diagnóstico temprano para un mejor manejo de la enfermedad. Materiales y métodos: se... more
El propósito de esta investigación, es identificar y describir los diferentes factores individuales que pueden desencadenar accidentes oculares en un colegio de bachillerato técnico, donde se capacitan para ejercer un oficio o arte en el... more
Este documento, aborda de manera exhaustiva y multidisciplinaria las interacciones de la luz azul con los sistemas biológicos, explorando desde las bases físicas y biológicas, hasta sus aplicaciones y efectos en salud humana. Dentro de... more
We studied a fundamental assumption in signal detection theory that is applied to motion discrimination. Using random-dot motion stimuli of 100% coherence, it is natural to represent the two directions as two normal distributions. Then a... more
El ausentismo es un motivo de interés creciente, visto el actual contexto económico de competencia, haciendo que las empresas busquen medios para disminuir su ocurrencia, aumentando su rentabilidad y con esto creciendo de forma... more
Purpose: First, to create a standard for testing DVA using all three testing protocols (head still, object moving; head moving, object still; head and object moving). Second, to examine reliability of the tests. Third, provide normative... more
Como parte del proyecto de investigación Aplicabilidad de las redes integradas de servicios de salud se revisan los conceptos de territorio, población y salud, como asectos para tener en cuenta en la planeación de los servicios de salud.... more
Aristotle grants perceptible qualities the power to generate sense perception in animals. But it is unclear whether, for him, these qualities can produce any effect other than perception. In this paper, I address this issue through a... more
There is a rapidly growing elderly population that calls for significant pressure on health systems such as Medicare, which caters to the elderly population in millions. This is because as people age and their life spans expand, they are... more
There are two leading theories about the ontology of dreams. One holds that dreams involve hallucinations and beliefs. The other holds that dreaming involves sensory and propositional imagining. I highlight two features of dreams which... more
The study was conducted on the status, distribution and morphometric measurement of rodent diversity in Jahangirnagar University campus, savar, Dhaka, from June 2015 to September 2016. Six cage traps with baits were placed in six... more
La atencion en salud y la calidad en los servicios de salud se han convertido en parte de un proceso de mejoramiento dentro del Sistema de Seguridad Social en Salud en Colombia. Es por eso que la normatividad vigente se hace cada dia mas... more
Esta investigación descriptiva buscaba conocer prevalencia de la conjuntivitis alérgica en dos instituciones médicas de Bogotá y tres de Cundianamarca durante marzo de 2006 y febrero de 2007. Metodología: la muestra del presente estudio... more
Objetivo: elaborar una línea de base epidemiológica y conocer las condiciones socioeconómicas y de morbilidad de los pacientes atendidos en la consulta de optometría en las zonas del Tolima donde se realiza la práctica de último semestre... more
Esta obra é uma produção independente. A exatidão das informações, opiniões e conceitos emitidos, bem como da procedência das tabelas, quadros, mapas e fotografias é de exclusiva responsabilidade do(s) autor(es).
The belief that the "scientific method" provides a degree of certitude not available in the humanities or social sciences helps to attract many students to careers in engineering. An important goal, then, of an interdisciplinary program... more
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For at least a century, philosophers have introduced questions about consciousness, and more generally the mind-body problem, by appealing to the "felt" quality of mental states, a notion that is supposed to be immediate and intuitive,... more
Tear break-up time (TBUT) is a crucial indicator of ocular surface health, often used in diagnosing dry eye syndrome. Traditional assessment methods may not be accessible in rural areas due to the high cost of advanced diagnostic... more
When you approach an object, it looms in your visual field. When you move around it, its profile changes. In these and many other ways, how things look depends on what you do. Competent perceivers are not surprised by these changes in... more
Introduction and objective: Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are disorders of the temporomandibular joint and the masticatory muscles. The most common symptom associated with TMDs is pain. The aim of the study is to assess the... more
The Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) are the environmental, economic, and social elements that essentially mold health outcomes for individuals and communities. These factors include safe housing, quality education, employment,... more
Introducción Actualmente, en medicina somos capaces de evaluar el funcionamiento de nuestro sistema visual mediante diversos métodos. Sin embargo, los sistemas de optotipos para valorar la agudeza visual son el método más utilizado por el... more
Introducción: en la clínica de optometría de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores (FES) Iztacala, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, se presentó un caso clínico de rinoconjuntivitis alérgica persistente monocular en un paciente... more
Shifting agriculture has been regarded as the cause of degradation to most types of natural resources in the Eastern Himalayas. Attempts have been made by certain agencies to abolish the system or find alternatives but failed. Physical... more