Vortex Methods
Recent papers in Vortex Methods
This paper poses the question, how does winglet length effect lift? The purpose of this investigation was to determine the enhanced lift that could be achieved through varying winglet length thereby increasing efficiency. To further... more
In the present paper the study of the two-dimensional flow field past a circular cylinder for Reynolds number up to 5 · 10 5 is addressed. A Lagrangian particle method approach has been exploited and the simulations have been performed... more
We present the coupling of a hybrid particle-mesh vortex method with immersed lifting lines. The method relies on the Lagrangian discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations in vorticity-velocity formulation. Advection is handled by the... more
This article presents numerical simulation of planar potential flow around an airfoil with possibility of changing its shape. Two-dimensional unsteady flow model with scalar velocity potential, which allows us to calculate pressure... more
We present the coupling of a vortex particle-mesh method with immersed lifting lines. The method relies on the Lagrangian discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations in vorticityvelocity formulation. Advection is handled by the... more
We compare different models to simulate two-dimensional vortex wakes behind oscillating plates. In particular, we compare solutions using a vortex sheet model and the simpler Brown–Michael model to solutions of the full Navier–Stokes... more
We present the coupling of a vortex particle-mesh method with immersed lifting lines. The method relies on the Lagrangian discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations in vorticityvelocity formulation. Advection is handled by the... more
We present the coupling of a vortex particle-mesh method with immersed lifting lines. The method relies on the Lagrangian discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations in vorticityvelocity formulation. Advection is handled by the... more
We investigate numerically the Navier-Stokes dynamics of reconnecting vortex rings at small Reynolds number for a variety of configurations. We find that reconnections are dissipative due to the smoothing of vorticity gradients at... more
Simulation of vehicle aerodynamics using a vortex element method Goeric Daeninck1. Philippe Chatelain2, Michael Rubel2, Gregoire Winckelmans1, and Anthony Leonard2 1 Mechanical Engineering Dept. Universite catholique de Louvain Place du... more
in Proceedings of the 11 International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, June 1988, Williamsburg, Virginia (Springer Verlag)
D.L. Dwoyer, M.Y. Hussaini and R.G. Voigt eds., pp. 256-261.
D.L. Dwoyer, M.Y. Hussaini and R.G. Voigt eds., pp. 256-261.
In particle methods, an accuracy degradation can occur because of the distortion of the element positions. A solution consists in the periodic re-initialization of the particles onto regular locations, at the nodes of a lattice. This... more
We present the Direct Numerical Simulations of high Reynolds numbers aircraft wakes employing vortex particle methods. The simulations involve a highly efficient implementation of vortex methods on massively parallel computers, enabling... more
The purpose of this paper is to suggest a fixed grid for vortex methods.
We present a vortex particle-mesh method for fluid-structure interaction problems. The proposed methodology combines implicit interface capturing, Brinkmann penalization techniques, and the self-consistent computation of momentum transfer... more
We present a computationally efficient, adaptive solver for the solution of the Poisson and Helmholtz equation used in flow simulations in domains with combinations of unbounded and periodic directions. The method relies on using FFTs on... more
Particle methods are a robust and versatile computational tool for the simulation of continuous and discrete physical systems ranging from Fluid Mechanics to Biology and Social Sciences. In advection dominated problems particle methods... more