Western Feminism
Recent papers in Western Feminism
Modernity coupled with the Industrial Revolution and rising secularism paved way for a new ensemble of social unity. Individualism that penetrated the core of modern society brought many changes to the application of many pre-modern... more
This research takes a point in departure in critically examining Mona Eltahawy's article 'Why Do They Hate Us? The Real War On Women Is In The Middle East, through a postcolonial feminist framework. This research paper discusses women's... more
This article investigates and analyses the main characteristics and issues involving Western hegemonic feminisms, especially so-called 'radical feminism', on the topic of sex work and trafficking in persons/migration, to understand how... more
It is clear that since the 1970s, feminism has become a political and ideological apparatus in the hands of Western liberal capitalism. Liberalism and capitalism gladly use women regardless of their identity for socioeconomic and... more
This paper critically examines the fictional world of Anita Desai, a prominent Indian woman writer to understand her outlook and standpoint on the socio-cultural issues of female freedom and empowerment. The study finds that Desai while... more
This journal and its contents may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to... more
This article investigates and analyses the main characteristics and issues involving Western hegemonic feminisms, especially so-called ‘radical feminism’, on the topic of sex work and trafficking in persons/migration, to understand how... more
The Me Too movement, started by Black feminist Tarana Burke in 2006, went viral as a hashtag eleven years later after a tweet by white actor Alyssa Milano. Mainstream movements like #MeToo have often built on and co-opted the work of... more