Women Art Dealers
Recent papers in Women Art Dealers
Erica Brausen's life has hiterto been obscured by history and academic neglect. In this thesis I have written an academic biography of Brausen and a history of the Hanover Gallery. I have looked at the artists of the canon whose careers... more
Edith Gregor Halpert (1900–70) and her Downtown Gallery are best known for introducing Jacob Lawrence and his now iconic Migration Series (1941) to a crossover audience. Lawrence and his aesthetics appealed intensely to Halpert because,... more
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first exhibition, and catalogue, on Mara Coccia Galleries in Rome, from 1963 to 2012, based on gallerist archives.
Il volume è stato pubblicato in occasione della mostra "Pistoia Novecento. Sguardi sull’arte dal secondo dopoguerra", a cura di A. Acocella, A. Iacuzzi, C. Toschi presso Fondazione Pistoia Musei di Pistoia (9 settembre 2020-22 agosto... more