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This thesis reports an exploratory and contrastive corpus study examining two phenomena in postgraduate academic writing: expressing commitment/detachment and signalling authorial presence in dissertations. More specifically, the overall... more
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      EngineeringDiscourse AnalysisRhetoricGenre studies
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish for Academic PurposesWritten Discourse Analysis
This paper attempts to demonstrate Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) framework by conducting internal and external level analyses on two online news articles that report on the Moro Islamic Liberation Front's (MILF)... more
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      Critical Discourse AnalysisCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisSystemic Functional GrammarWritten Discourse Analysis
In Granger, S., Dagneaux, E., Meunier, F., & Paquot, M. (eds.), International Corpus of Learner English, Version 2. Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses universitaires de Louvain, pp. 168-174, ISBN 978-2-87463-143-6 (2009).
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      Learner corporaICLELearner Corpus ResearchWritten Discourse Analysis
This paper presents an analysis of the production of multi-word units present in English argumentative texts written by non-native speakers of the language. The aim of this study is to examine the potential influence of the mother tongue... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsPhraseologyWritten Discourse Analysis
Modality has been a field of deep study by semantictians and pragmatists. This field has been of interest for professors of Complutense University of Madrid as Marta Carretero (1995) and Angela Downing (2015), among others.... more
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      Epistemic modalityDeontic ModalityWritten Discourse Analysis
Discourse analysis is the study of language in either spoken or written form. Written discourse is considered an imperative aspect that needs to be analysed. Cohesion, coherence, clause relations and text patterns are all parts of written... more
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      Discourse AnalysisELTCohesionCohesive Devices
This study aims at examining the writing skills of a group of Indonesian graduate students of English. A particular attention has been focused on the coherence of their production of argumentative texts. Employing a discourse analytical... more
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      Graduate StudentsCoherenceCohesionWritten Discourse Analysis
Este trabajo pretende cubrir el vacío existente en el campo de la fraseología sobre el uso de colocaciones gramaticales por parte de estudiantes españoles en su producción escrita en inglés, tanto por aquellos que estudian Filología... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsLinguística de CorpusColocacionesDiscurso Escrito
The present study analyzes Pakistani English written discourse through multidimensional analysis. For this purpose, two corpora types, including Pakistani universities' newsletters and Pakistani human rights NGOs' annual reports, have... more
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      Multidimensional AnalysisPakistani EnglishLinguistic PatternsVariationist Linguistics
This thesis reports an exploratory and contrastive corpus study examining two phenomena in postgraduate academic writing: expressing commitment/detachment and signalling authorial presence in dissertations. More specifically, the overall... more
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      Discourse AnalysisRhetoricGenre studiesEnglish language
Che rapporto esiste fra parola di Dio e liturgia? Se oggi si parla di "sacramentalità della Paro-la", espressione comparsa in un recente testo del magistero (Verbum Domini), è grazie a un lungo ripensamento di quel rapporto. Il presente... more
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      Book HistoryOld TestamentSacramentologyNew Testament and Christian Origins
One of the essential features of a written text, if it is to be useful, is coherence. If it is incoherent, the text will be misunderstood, or discarded as vague and confusing. There are several aspects of information structure must be... more
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      Information structure (Languages And Linguistics)Written Discourse Analysis
We are happy to announce that an open-access special issue on #Metadiscourse, edited by Erdem Akbas and Ciler Hatipoglu, is now relased by Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice! Please see the editorial and table of contens of the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGenre studiesAcademic WritingTeaching of Foreign Languages
The paper shows the role of endophonic prosody and its function in determining the order of written discourse. Linguistic analysis often developed a model of language primarily intended as written language, probably because, as Bakhtin... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsNoam ChomskyFerdinand de SaussureInner Speech
LITHUANIAN WRITTEN DISCOURSE: PARTICIPIAL PRONOUNS REFERRING TO ADDRESSEE The article discusses the variations of spelling of participial pronouns referring to another person in the Lithuanian written discourse. Next to the usual spelling... more
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      IntersubjectivityWritten Discourse Analysis
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychologyGenre studiesAcademic Writing
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      DiscourseNull ObjectsSöylemSöylem Analizi
Aim: Our aim is to offer and illustrates a novel meta-methodology to enhance the rigour of method selection and understanding of results in pluralist qualitative research (PQR). Method: To do so, we make innovative use of Braun and... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Psychology
The current study investigates the use and function of the pragmatic moves related to politeness in the written form. It analyses a corpus written by English-speaking American students and native Spanish students who participated in the... more
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      PragmaticsLinguistic PolitenessUniversity StudentsWritten Discourse Analysis
The present study analyzes Pakistani English written discourse through multidimensional analysis. For this purpose, two corpora types, including Pakistani universities' newsletters and Pakistani human rights NGOs' annual reports,... more
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      Multidimensional AnalysisPakistani EnglishLinguistic PatternsVariationist Linguistics
This paper attempts to demonstrate Norman Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) framework by conducting internal and external level analyses on two online news articles that report on the Moro Islamic Liberation Front’s (MILF)... more
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      Political ScienceCritical Discourse AnalysisLinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
In Applied Linguistics for Specialised Discourse. Conference Proceedings. Riga: University of Latvia Publishing. Págs. 1-7 (2009).
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      Corpus LinguisticsWritten Discourse Analysis
Taking metadiscourse as their starting point, the contributions to this edited volume focus both on the interactive and cross-cultural aspects of written texts from varying genres. Using rich and innovative data collection and analysis... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguages and LinguisticsGenre studiesGenre
As the most prestigious and popular standardized achievement test to certify examinees’ proficiency of the English language at the national level, Foreign Language Examination (YDS) has been mostly taken by academic staff, undergraduate... more
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    • Written Discourse Analysis
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCompilersMedieval History
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguages and LinguisticsLinguisticsWritten Discourse Analysis
In previous studies, the SPICLE 1 writing research team at the University of Madrid studied various major factors influencing L2 writing ( Neff, et al. 1994. The results of these studies show that two influential factors in the... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsLearner corporaLanguageInformation Structure
This corpus study presents the results of a three-way analysis of the reporting verbs used by expert writers in the Humanities, by American university students and by Spanish EFL university students of English Studies. The study shows... more
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      English for Specific PurposesCorpus LinguisticsReporting VerbsWritten Discourse Analysis
The study of discourse markers has attracted the attention of researchers as a facet of linguistics since the 19 th century. The focus of research has been based on the theoretical status of discourse markers in relation to how they are... more
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      Discourse MarkersUniversity StudentsWritten Discourse AnalysisEFL learners
This research is associated with the field of relations between language and power (and ideology in a wider context), one of the most important and timeless issues in the history of philosophy and linguistics, especially sociolinguistics... more
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage and PowerDiglossiaCritical Discourse Analysis (CDA)
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      Corpus LinguisticsLearner corporaLanguageInformation Structure
Η παρούσα έρευνα εντάσσεται στο πεδίο των σχέσεων γλώσσας και εξουσίας (και ιδεολογίας σε ευρύτερο πλαίσιο), ενός από τα πιο σημαντικά και διαχρονικά θέματα στην ιστορία της φιλοσοφίας και της γλωσσολογίας, ιδιαίτερα της... more
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage and PowerLanguage and IdeologyDiglossia
In Carretero, M., Hidalgo, L., Lavid, J., Martínez-Caro, E., Neff, J., Pérez de Ayala, S. y Sánchez-Pardo, E. (eds), A Pleasure of Life in Words: A Festschrift for Angela Downing, Vol. I y II. Homenaje a Angela Downing Rothwell. Madrid:... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsContrastive StudiesWritten Discourse Analysis
Online at: This contribution focuses on the relationship that was built in 16th century Milan between the press and texts of a normative nature. After having briefly considered the existing... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Medicine
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      SociolinguisticsWritten Discourse Analysis
In R.V. Fjield y J.M. Torjusen (eds.), Proceedings of the 15th EURALEX International Congress. Oslo: Reprosentalen, University of Oslo. Págs. 404-412 (2012). ISBN: 978-82-30-2228-4.
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      Corpus LinguisticsLexicographyWritten Discourse AnalysisLexical units
Research Article (RA) genre has been a significant area of research in academic writing over past decades. However, authors’ identity in RAs has not received much attention, especially in soft sciences like applied linguistics. This paper... more
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    • Written Discourse Analysis
Taking metadiscourse as their starting point, the contributions to this edited volume focus both on the interactive and cross-cultural aspects of written texts from varying genres. Using rich and innovative data collection and analysis... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguages and LinguisticsGenre studiesGenre
In U. Connor & T.A. Upton (eds.), Applied Corpus Linguistic: A Multidimentional Perspective. Amsterdam/New York, NY: Rodopi. Págs. 73-89. (2004).
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      Corpus LinguisticsLearner corporaWritten Discourse AnalysisWriter stance