Youth Studies
Recent papers in Youth Studies
The wider cultural universe of contemporary Eveny is a specific and revealing subset of post-Soviet society. From an anthropological perspective, the author seeks to reveal not only the Eveny cultural universe but also the universe of the... more
The intention of this paper is to interpret the ontological conditions of youth identity crisis missionally. This is first done by conceptualising identity crisis as a psychological phenomenon using frameworks of authenticity and... more
The Niger Delta region of Nigeria has become synonymous with armed banditry and existence of various restive groups clamouring for increased visible participation in the political, social and economic activities of the region. The... more
Today’s young people in Central and Eastern Europe are the first cohort without direct experience of the socialist system. For those in Poland, the opportunities of the free market, free movement within the EU, and democratic standards... more
The policy phrase Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is rapidly gaining ground across Southeast Asia (and beyond). Despite numerous policy reports, little is known about how vocational training and education work as... more
The paper examines the nexus among the concepts of democracy, globalisation and technology, arguably the three most interdependent notions affecting the way and speed in which global dynamics and diplomatic practises were transformed. It... more
Social fragmentation of urban life is a common and growing process in most Latin American big cities. In spite of the strong link between urban studies and youth studies, the relationship between contemporary processes of socio‐spatial... more
"If our church doesn't get more young people soon, we're going to die," blurted the head deaconess during my pastoral interview. I looked around the room at the dedicated group of 60- and 70-year-old church leaders. I respected their... more
New Horizons is the only recurring global survey of the youth, student and educational travel market. The aim of New Horizons is to provide an overview of the youth travel market, which WYSE Travel Confederation and UNWTO have estimated... more
This course will examine the relationship between youth and conflict. We will explore various definitions of youth as a biological, cultural, and political category. We will discuss youth and children as victims of conflict, as... more
The termination of parental rights of parents with mental disabilities is a growing and crucial issue. In 2010, an estimated 45.9 million adults in the U.S. had experienced a mental illness in the past year. This represents 20% of the... more
Since the 18th century to the present, the concept of worldview has been used in various forms by various writers and extensively in several fields of academic disciplines. The article provides a brief historical overview of its usage in... more
The study explores the individual differences in the experience of faith formation using the framework of attachment theory, as it looks at what inspires attachment behaviours toward God. The experience of faith formation is herewith... more
After a 35 years-long career on worldwide TV screens, Lieutenant Columbo has become one of the most famous ctional detectives. Lilian Mathieu shows that the Columbo series owes its success to its implicit but formidable political... more
Cultural Identity in the Harry Potter Films is a non-empirical evaluation of the topics of interest in the movie series that have had an impact or influence either on, or because of, British Cultural Identity. Emphasis is directed towards... more
Au cours des dernières décennies, la proportion des individus se déclarant « sans religion » dans le cadre de sondages et d’enquêtes de population a connu une hausse marquée dans la plupart des sociétés occidentales. Le Québec n’échappe... more
Highlighting the events of Egyptian Revolution 2011, various massmedia tried to explain what had caused the riots. Most explanations followed the same pattern, blaming economic stagnation, poverty, inequality, corruption and... more
Este libro es resultado del trabajo en equipo y en red de cientos de investigadoras/ es e interesados en el estudio de la condición juvenil en Argentina. Su contenido articula un estado del arte de estudios en juventudes en el país y... more
Abstract: This response to Being Catholic in the Contemporary Philippines proceeds in three parts. Part 1 summarizes the contents of Cornelio’s book, which complicates popular assumptions and academic literature on contemporary... more
India is a country of youths. These youth are so involved with their virtual life that the boundary between real and reel has become quite thin. They share all their emotions of love and hate, aggression and violence over these social... more
A BIBLICAL ANALYSIS OF THE ROLES OF THE FAMILY AND THE CHURCH REGARDING FAITH IMPARTATION Dr. Jeffrey A Klick Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary Chair: Dr. Max O. Sturdivant, Jr. Keywords: Family, Marriage, Parental... more
The call for sectors to work collaboratively to provide integrated services is not new or unique to New Labour; but a combination of previous political approaches assumed to be more inclusive. The rhetoric of partnership is seen as... more
Öz Kürt kadınlarının, modernleşmenin/demokratikleşmenin bir tezahürü olarak gösterilmesi hem aile, hem din/dindarlık hem de çocuk yetiştirilme tarzına uygun bir sosyolojik yapıyı barındırmaz. Çünkü Kürtlerin kadim tarihinden beri... more
This research is very significant because youths are the future of every organization especially the Church. Many, if not all church denominations in Nigeria have been affected by the change in the lifestyles of their youths. The... more
تستعرض المقال ملامح الاهتمام الرئاسي في مصر بفئة الشباب، وأبرز المبادرات التي تبنتها أجهزة الدولة، وأفرزها المناخ العام المصاحب لها، مع محاولة تقييم مدى فعاليتها، وتقديم مقترحات بشأن الآليات، والخطوات اللازمة في الفترة القادمة لتفعيل تلك... more
This project offers preliminary insights into WHAT children WANT from the BBC's NEWS PROVISION 3 1. Executive summary his report is the culmination of twelve months of collaborative research between four academic researchers in four... more
Dina Krauskopf Roger es profesora emérita de la Universidad de Costa Rica, ha sido académica invitada en varias universidades de la región, y es experta en adolescencia y juventud en Latinoamericana. A partir de esta extensa trayectoria,... more
The purpose of this article is to describe the effect of age on the use and impact of social networks in the Dominican youth. The data was gathered through an online survey from a sample of 435 subjects. The questionnaire was built after... more
يعرض المقال لوضع الشباب على أجندة المنظمات الدولية والإقليمية والمجتمع المدني العالمي، في ظل احتلالهم موقع القمة في الهرم السكاني، والدور المتزايد لهم في الحفاظ على الأمن والسلم الدوليين، واهتمام المنظمات الدولية والإقليمية بسياسات... more
NOVA Rapport 6/05 -© Norsk institutt for forskning om oppvekst, velferd og aldring (NOVA) 2005 NOVA -Norwegian Social Research ISBN 82-7894-207-2 ISSN 0808-5013 Omslagsbilder: (gjengitt med tillatelse fra politiet):
'Enterprise' has increasingly become part of the United Kingdom's political grammar and efforts to develop entrepreneurial traits and activities in young people have been a key strand of this policy focus. As the 2008 economic recession... more
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the communication and problem solving skills of the program supervisors who responsible for youth camps run by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in terms of several variables. Material and... more
Nous nous intéressons ici à la question des insultes et des joutes verbales chez les jeunes en âge d’être scolarisés, en nous appuyant sur des entretiens et des observations effectués auprès de médiateurs urbains. Nous mettons en regard... more
In France, the justice system for minors, since the government edict of 2nd February 1945, has been distinguished officially from others by the importance attached to applying an " educative " rather than " repressive " approach. This... more
Questo contributo presenta alcuni risultati di un’indagine svolta con ragazze e ragazzi figli di immigrati e autoctoni in un quartiere periferico di una città italiana. All’interno della ricerca, ai tradizionali metodi etnografici, sono... more
Öz: Sosyal medya gündelik hayatın her karesinde bir biçimde varlık gösteren, birey ve toplum ilişkilerini her yönüyle değişim ve dönüşüme uğratan bir olgudur. Yapısal formu gereği daha çok bireysel kullanıma olanak tanıyan sosyal medyanın... more
Empowering and enabling youth to play an active role in policy-decision making processes is considered critical for democratic governance in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). One of four people in LAC is young (under 30 years of... more
Building upon the understanding that concept of youth is socially constructed and negotiated, and with the recognition of youth’s inherent bipolarity and sociological paradigms; this article aims at identifying the types of political... more