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The objective of the study is to find out the factors which affect the acceptance of E-learning among students and how the students' purpose of using E-learning is determined by these factors. The research was based on the Technology... more
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      AccessibilityTechnology acceptance model(TAM)Enjoymente-Learning systems
E-learning is one of the most important aspects of today's world. It was started in late 90's to enhance the knowledge of people through the internet such as interactive TV, audio/video tape, satellite broadcast, and other external... more
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      Virtual Learning Environmentse-Learning systemse-Learning platformsMOOCs
The aim of this project was to create a new format of practical teaching of histology using digital scans of classical glass histology slides. These "virtual slides" will enable students to study structures of tissues and organs on high... more
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      Learning and TeachingHistologye-Learning systemsVirtual slides
The article is dedicated to modern learning platforms and e-learning systems designed for educational process management in higher educational establishments. Various relevant global trends in e-learning are described. The article... more
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      E-learninge-Learning systemsPlatforms for LearningE-learning course
Online instructors in higher education play a key role in the success or failure of electronic learning systems (ELSs). Their expertise in and use of technology tools in ELSs influence the quality of information presented, their system... more
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      Information QualityE-Learning Readinesse-Learning systemsDeLone and McLean Model
Urgency of application and development of cognitive graphic tools for usage in intelligent systems of data analysis, decision making and its justifications is given. Cognitive graphic tool “2-simplex prism" and examples of its usage are... more
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      EducationDecision MakingCognitive Modellinge-Learning systems
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      ANOVAe-Learning systemseLearniXML
The aim of this paper is to design and implement a framework for e-learning and web teaching system in delivering (courses, lessons, examples, exercises, exercise solutions, self evaluation test, send and receive report) via web... more
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    • e-Learning systems
Student support has a crucial importance in all educational settings. This vital significance has a real meaning especially for ODL. ODL can only be achieved by independent learning and independent learning can only be achieved by the... more
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      Distance EducationBlended E-LearningOnline InstructionOnline Learning
This paper is an attempt to evaluate the Linear Programming Intelligent Tutoring System on the basis of perspective and experiences of instructors and students who used the system in the Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology at... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationScience Education
The design and implementation of e-Learning platforms is essential for the development and future of information and communication technologies in knowledge management in the teaching/learning process. Universities and companies require a... more
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    • e-Learning systems
Collaborative learning has a number of potential benefits, which do not always occur, partially due to the difficulties that students and teachers have to establish good social interaction patterns. These interaction patterns depend on... more
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      Social InteractionComputer Supported Collaborative LearningCollaborative LearningInteraction Analysis
The objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between key competences of learning and knowledge types. The key competences are proposed by theorists of education, the knowledge types are suggested by experts in knowledge... more
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      Educatione-Learning systemsKnowledge types