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Patient: Female, 31-year-old Final Diagnosis: Uterine rupture secondary to placenta percreta Symptoms: Acute abdomen Medication: — Clinical Procedure: Laparotomy and subtotal hysterectomy Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology Objective:... more
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      ObstetricsMedicineUterusuterine rupture
Inserm U953 « recherches épidémiologiques en santé périnatale, santé des femmes et des enfants »,
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Ruptured uterus in Ethiopia. By - Shiriye Fekadu, John Kelly, Robert Lancashire, Pia Poovan, Antonia Redito.
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      EthiopiaProspective studiesPregnancyFollow-up studies
Why Planned attended homebirths have better outcomes than planned hospital birth for low risk pregnancy Abstract: Hospital birth has not undergone rigorous scientific scrutiny, yet is commonly believed to be safer than planned homebirth,... more
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      Hospital ManagementHome Birthamniotomyuterine rupture
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      Research PurposeCesarean SectionUterusuterine rupture
O bjective: To compare the rate of uterine scar disruption after a locked versus an unlocked single-layer closure of the hysterotomy incision at a previous cesarean. Methods: A retrospective cohort study in a population where both locked... more
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      RiskPregnancyMedical Archivesuterine rupture
Rupture of the gravid uterus is a grave obstetric complication that is associated with high maternal and perinatal mortality rates. In Nigeria, the incidence remains high and continue to increase because of poverty, illiteracy,... more
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      NigeriaMaternal MortalityPregnancyIncidence
Haverkamp A. Midtrimester hemoperitoneum caused by placenta percreta in association with elevated maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein level. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1994;171:565-6. 5. Ophir E, Tendler R, Odeh M, Khoury S, Oettinger M. Creatinine... more
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      ObstetricsRadiation TherapyPregnancyComplication
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      Cerebral PalsyTwinsPregnancyCase Report
Despite a significant decrease in maternal mortality in the last decade, Rwanda needs further progress in order to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)3 which addresses among others maternal mortality. Analysis of severe maternal... more
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      NursingStillbirthRwandaMaternal Mortality
Anhydramnios is a rather common ultrasound finding, usually caused by ruptured membranes, placental dysfunction, or impaired fetal renal function. We present a case of anhydramnios, resulting from the perforation of a fetal leg through... more
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      PregnancyAmniotic FluidFetal deathPregnancy Outcome
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      PregnancyHerniaAmnionuterine rupture
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      TanzaniaMedicineMaternal MortalityPregnancy
Background: Uterine rupture is a rare but fatal complication of pregnancy, which should be diagnosed and treated promptly. Majority of rupture occur during labor in scarred uterus, though very rare, uterine rupture may also occur... more
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      Acute AbdomenAntepartumuterine ruptureposterior wall
Purpose To review the incidence, trends, risk factors, indications for, and complications associated with cesarean hysterectomy (CH) in our institution. Materials and methods Retrospective study of 158 women who had CH at the Detroit... more
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      PregnancyIncidenceRisk factorsHysterectomy
Obstetric performance of 1847 women with previous cesarean section (CS) during the years 1983 and 1984 were studied. Vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC) was attempted in 94% of females with one previous CS, 4% in those with two... more
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      Saudi ArabiaAdolescentPregnancyGynecology and Obstetrics
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      UgandaEmergency Medical ServicesPregnancyRisk factors
But.-Évaluer les bénéfices et risques de l'induction du travail en cas d'utérus cicatriciel. Définir les modalités de conduite et de surveillance du travail en cas de tentative de voie basse sur utérus cicatriciel. Matériel et... more
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      OxytocinPregnancyRisk factorsMISOPROSTOL
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      AdolescentPregnancyNewborn InfantCesarean Section
Labor induction abortion is effective throughout the second trimester. Patterns of use and gestational age limits vary by locality. Earlier gestations (typically 12 to 20 weeks) have shorter abortion times than later gestational ages, but... more
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      ContraceptionOxytocinPregnancyCase Report
A cross-sectional study of indications for cesarean deliveries in Médecins Sans Frontières facilities across 17 countries. 2015: Int J Gynaecol Obstet a b s t r a c t 1 7 Objective: To review the major indications for cesareans performed... more
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      AdolescentPregnancyGynecology and ObstetricsYoung Adult
Methods This was a study of 30 pregnant women who had had at least one previous Cesarean section and were between 36 and 39 weeks' gestation, with singleton pregnancies in cephalic presentation. Sonographic examinations were performed by... more
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Vaginal birth after caesarean section is the delivery of a baby through the vagina after a previous cesarean delivery. For this to be conducted safely and responsibly emergency obstetric care must be available. To study the different... more
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      MedicinePregnancyCephalopelvic DisproportionRetrospective Studies
Background Rupture of the uterus, especially in a scarred uterus, intrapartum is well known. The risk of uterine rupture in women with a previous lower segment caesarean section is 0.2-1.5%, whereas in an unscarred uterus it is extremely... more
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      UltrasoundCaesarean SectionPregnancyHysterectomy
Utérus bicorne bicervical perméable: découverte fortuite lors d' une césarienne d'urgence chez une multipare lushoise
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      PregnancyIncidental FindingsHysterectomyEmergencies
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      Biological SciencesDogsPregnancyHysterectomy
Pregnancy in a rudimentary uterine horn is a rare event which can be revealed by uterine rupture. Following the fetal extraction, some authors recommend the ablation of the rudimentary horn, in order to limit the risk of uterine rupture... more
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      PregnancyRare EventRecurrenceUterus
OBJECTIVE-To examine adverse birth events on the development of cerebral palsy (CP) in California. STUDY DESIGN-A retrospective population-based study of children with CP (as of 11/31/2006), matched to their maternal/infant delivery... more
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      Cerebral PalsyMedicineCaliforniaPregnancy
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      Treatment OutcomePregnancyHysterectomyPublic health systems and services research
Obstructed labour with ruptured uterus is a serious obstetrical complication with a high incidence of maternal and foetal morbidity and mortality. This study was conducted to find out the incidence of uterine rupture particularly in the... more
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A case of asymptomatic uterine fenestration in 26+3 gestational weeks in a patient who had previously undergone Caesarean section is presented. Controls were planned. In gestational week 34+1 the woman was hospitalized due to lower... more
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      PregnancyRisk factorsClinical SciencesCesarean Section
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      MedicinePregnancyGynecology and ObstetricsCesarean Section
Objective: To examine the risks of vaginal delivery after previous cesarean and to find criteria to help decide whether a trial of labor or an elective repeat cesarean should be preferred. Methods: We evaluated 29,046 deliveries after... more
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      Risk assessmentQuality ControlPregnancyObstetrics Gynecology
To determine the trends, predisposing factors, maternal and fetal outcome of cases of uterine rupture managed at the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital. A retrospective review of all cases of ruptured uterus managed at the University... more
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      NigeriaAdolescentPregnancyYoung Adult
Vesicovaginal fistula is physically, socially and psychologically devastating to the women who suffer from it. The aim of this study is to create some awareness about VVF, to describe the profile of the patients, etiology, and success... more
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      Treatment OutcomeNepalAdolescentYoung Adult
A review of the literature and analysis of the National Inpatient Sample Database was performed to describe the trends in vaginal birth after cesarean availability in the United States and the factors associated with changing use. Vaginal... more
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      PregnancyUnited StatesPatient PreferenceClinical Sciences
Background: Uterine rupture is an obstetric calamity with surgery as its management mainstay. Uterine repair without tubal ligation leaves a uterus that is more prone to repeat rupture while uterine repair with bilateral tubal ligation... more
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      NursingObstetricsNigeriaClinical Decision Making
Uterine arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are a rare, potentially life-threatening cause of abnormal uterine bleeding that can be acquired following uterine instrumentation. We herein report a case of acquired uterine AVM following... more
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      PregnancyHistopathologyFertility preservationClinical Sciences
Background: Maternal morbidity and mortality has been a major World Health Organization concern over the years, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. This paper reports uterine rupture with severe hypovolemic shock managed at the Douala... more
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Background: Understanding the magnitude and clinical causes of maternal and perinatal mortality are basic requirements for positive change. Facility-based information offers a contextualized resource for clinical and organizational... more
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      NursingAfricaDeveloping CountriesStillbirth
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      PregnancyCesarean Sectionuterine rupturePaediatrics and reproductive medicine
The aim of this study was to determine the outcome of labour induction following a previous caesarean section. A total of 43 cases were identifi ed; 23 out of those (53.5%) achieved vaginal delivery. The remaining 20 cases (46.5%) had a... more
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      PregnancyObstetrics and GynaecologyYoung Adultuterine rupture
Despite a significant decrease in maternal mortality in the last decade, Rwanda needs further progress in order to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)3 which addresses among others maternal mortality. Analysis of severe maternal... more
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      NursingStillbirthRwandaMaternal Mortality
To determine the trends, predisposing factors, maternal and fetal outcome of cases of uterine rupture managed at the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital. A retrospective review of all cases of ruptured uterus managed at the University... more
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      NigeriaAdolescentPregnancyYoung Adult
Objective: This study was undertaken to compare clinical outcomes in women with 1 versus 2 prior cesarean deliveries who attempt vaginal birth after cesarean delivery (VBAC) and also to compare clinical outcomes of women with 2 prior... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsRisk assessmentProbabilityPregnancy
To determine the factors associated with an increased risk of perinatal death related to uterine rupture during attempted vaginal birth after caesarean section. Design Population based retrospective cohort study. Setting Data from the... more
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      British medical historyCaesarean SectionPregnancyScotland
Background: Prolonged second stage of labour is a major cause of perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality in low-income countries. Vacuum extraction is a proven effective intervention, hardly used in Africa. Many authors and... more
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      NursingUgandaTreatment OutcomeStillbirth
Objective-To determine outcome after medical or surgical treatment of postpartum mares with confirmed or presumptive uterine tears. Study Design-Case series. Methods-Postpartum mares were included if foaling had occurred within 7 days and... more
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      Survival AnalysisTreatment OutcomeMedicineVeterinary
Background. To review the outcome of subsequent pregnancies in conservatively managed cases of uterine rupture. Methods. Charts of patients with full thickness uterine rupture in the past 25 years were reviewed and information on... more
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      MedicinePregnancyRisk factorsRecurrence
Background: Prolonged second stage of labour is a major cause of perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality in low-income countries. Vacuum extraction is a proven effective intervention, hardly used in Africa. Many authors and... more
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      NursingUgandaTreatment OutcomeStillbirth