youngsters (garzoni) absorbed in their sketchbooks, like the third boy at right in the Louvre sheet of 1440-50 by an artist in the circle of Domenico Veneziano (Fig. 4)°?. A great number of garzoni studies emanated from the bottega of Maso Finiguerra?®). The autograph study by Maso in the Uffizi (Fig. 5) dates to ca. 1460-64, close to the time when Leonardo would have entered Verroc- chio’s workshop®. It portrays the seated apprentice drawing into a pocket-size sketchbook, and has the inscription at the bottom of the paper: “Vo esere uno buono disegnatore . e . vo[rrei diJ/ventare uno buono archittetore”’ (“I would like to be a good draftsman, and I would like to become a good architect’’).  A conceptual gulf exists, however, between Leonardo’s quoted passage  penny  — wee x a w*

Figure 4 youngsters (garzoni) absorbed in their sketchbooks, like the third boy at right in the Louvre sheet of 1440-50 by an artist in the circle of Domenico Veneziano (Fig. 4)°?. A great number of garzoni studies emanated from the bottega of Maso Finiguerra?®). The autograph study by Maso in the Uffizi (Fig. 5) dates to ca. 1460-64, close to the time when Leonardo would have entered Verroc- chio’s workshop®. It portrays the seated apprentice drawing into a pocket-size sketchbook, and has the inscription at the bottom of the paper: “Vo esere uno buono disegnatore . e . vo[rrei diJ/ventare uno buono archittetore”’ (“I would like to be a good draftsman, and I would like to become a good architect’’). A conceptual gulf exists, however, between Leonardo’s quoted passage penny — wee x a w*