Figure 4 Simplified stratigraphic cross section and lithostratigraphic nomenclature for mid- to upper Cretaceous strata in the Book Cliffs, eastern Utah and western Colorado (A; from Nummedal & Remy 1989), with a detail of the Albian sequence stratigraphy (Dakota Group) of north-central Colorado (B; from Weimer 1984 and RJ Weimer, personal communication, 1988). A detail of the Desert Member of the Blackhawk Formation and Castlegate Sandstone (box in A) is illustrated in Figure 5. The base of the foreland-basin succession is marked approximately by a regional sequence boundary at or near the base of the Dakota Sandstone (in A) and at or near the base of the Muddy (or J) Sandstone of the Dakota Group (in B). FC refers to the Fort Collins Member, a portion of the Muddy Sandstone that locally underlies the sequence boundary.