I ordered 4 non sexed Buff Orpington Exhibition Type chicks from Cackle Hatchery that are now 13 weeks old. I really only wanted 1-2 pullets and planned to rehome the rest. I could really use some help identifying the pullets from the cockerels. The website says they obtained their lines from Fred Farthing and I’ve read that sometimes exhibition/breeder stock can be slower to mature. But since they are still from a hatchery I’m not sure if that rule of thumb still applies. All 4 are approximately the same size and have similar small pinkish combs and wattles. No major difference in leg thickness, no early spur development and none are attempting to crow. But I also know I’m not lucky enough to end up with 4 pullets so there must be roos in there, lol! Any help is appreciated.