Rooster seeking new home


In the Brooder
Jan 13, 2025
Hi Everyone,
I'm brand new to this platform, although I have been a chicken owner for many years and have referred to this site many times for advice.
I live in Santa Fe County and have a very small brood. We raised them from chicks and ended up with a rooster (Barred Rock) by mistake (a common story, I know). We have tried keeping him and find him to be very sweet and protective of the hens, but he is also too large for them and causing some damage due to over-mating. We tried the chicken saddles, but that didn't work. We would love to donate him to someone with a small farm with a need for a rooster. We aren't interested in having him end up as someone's dinner, but hope to find a home where he can prove productive and live out a happy life. Please let me know if this is of interest. Thanks for any help you can give us.
I wish you the best of luck finding him a home. Maybe try including a photo and you can try or craigslist or nextdoor also. If you can't find a home that won't make him into dinner, perhaps give him his own bachelor pad if you have the room. Only let him be with the ladies part of the time.

Welcome to the site! Glad to have you. Originally from and now live in PA but lived for a while in Chaves County. Lots of beautiful scenery up your way!
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Hi Everyone,
I'm brand new to this platform, although I have been a chicken owner for many years and have referred to this site many times for advice.
I live in Santa Fe County and have a very small brood. We raised them from chicks and ended up with a rooster (Barred Rock) by mistake (a common story, I know). We have tried keeping him and find him to be very sweet and protective of the hens, but he is also too large for them and causing some damage due to over-mating. We tried the chicken saddles, but that didn't work. We would love to donate him to someone with a small farm with a need for a rooster. We aren't interested in having him end up as someone's dinner, but hope to find a home where he can prove productive and live out a happy life. Please let me know if this is of interest. Thanks for any help you can give us.
Hey, Gargi!

Welcome to BYC. I am new here, too! What a great place to talk chicken!
Here's what I'd like to share with you.

We now have two roosters and no hens. The first (Manfred) appeared on our porch, and we could not find his former humans or home, so we took him in. The second (Football) we got from a rescue organization in Ohio (we are in Chicago). That rescue group (which we found on Petfinder-- an option you might consider for rehoming) cares so much about creatures who are often eaten that they found a volunteer to bring Football to us. So some totally nice person travelled 350 miles each way to bring Football to us. Now both roosters are our pets, and we love them way more than--- before I knew a rooster-- I would have imagined possible. So...why am I writing you? Well, I guess I would just encourage-- until you find a home for your guy-- you to find a way to make a home for your rooster, because roosters are, well, honestly, they are often dumped by people who hoped for one more hen... Fact is, not many people are seeking out roosters! But wow, I am here to say, they really are they great animals and they make surprising, loving, and funny pets. They also make a lot of really fun sounds. No kidding, I could listen to my guys all day long. Also, if you decided to keep your rooster, you would (without realizing it, perhaps) become part of the ROOVOLUTION. The roovolution is basically the idea that people can keep roosters, and love roosters, and they may not live with your flock, but you have options, so just try and open your mind and heart o your rooster (this is just my interpretation). Now that I have Manfred and Football, I guess, due to my new loyalties, I am part of the Roovoluton (it's a thing on youtube. I have learned a lot since Manfred showed up in October). So I just want to say to people like you, maybe consider keeping your lovely rooster. He could have his own lifestyle, perhaps... his own little spot in your yard/life? Something to consider, anyway. In any case, it's nice that you are working hard to try and find your rooster a home. I really hope something good works out for everybody. :) Wendy
Last thing! P. S. There is a super cute story of Rooster Love on you tube. It captures the magic of loving a rooster very well. If you'd like to check it out, just search for video on youtube entitled, Rooster Loves Reading Newspaper with his Grandpa. It is so charming!!
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