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A person wearing glasses, a rainbow scarf, and a rainbow necklace is outdoors

This Is What Life Is Really Like When You Weigh Over 400 Pounds

"My body size is not going to change in any significant way. However, my life, and the lives of other fat people, could change. If only the world would accept that bodies come in a variety of sizes, our lives could be so much better."

I Told My Mom I Hire Sex Workers And Her Response Changed Our Relationship

"It was a Tuesday evening and my mom and I were in the middle of one of our daily chats on the phone. I don’t remember what we were talking about ― it was something totally inconsequential ― and suddenly, I just went for it and blurted out, 'You know mom, I hire sex workers.'"

I Befriended A Man On Death Row. Here's What He Taught Me Before He Was Put To Death.

"A few days before his execution, Brandon’s family visited him for the last time. After the visit, Brandon told me there was a hole in the pane of glass. I naively said, 'Oh, so you were able to hold hands?' He explained it was an air hole to speak through, not large enough for hands, 'But,' he said, 'I could smell my mom.'"

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