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The 30 Best LGBTQ+ Charities to Donate Time, $$$, and Love to This Pride Month

Don’t forget that your time, voice, and energy can also be donated!

By and
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Marta Branco/Pexels

Pride Month is almost here! (Is this year moving along at lightning speed or is it just me?!) That means it’s time to start thinking about ways to help make a difference in the lives of LGBTQ+ people everywhere. By now, we should all know that this time of year isn’t solely about parades, parties, and looking cute in rainbow-inspired outfits (although there's def time to partake in all of the above). It’s also about celebrating the LGBTQ+ community, uplifting their causes. and fighting for equality.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to get involved and protect love in all its various forms. That's because there's a number of organizations dedicated to making life a little bit better for those in the LGBTQ+ community—all of which could use your support. So many, in fact, that I corralled some of the best ones below, so you can learn about them all in one place.

Pro tip: Do your research first and learn how an organization could best use your help before you get started. Some charities need gear, some need financial support, and some just need a helping hand at their next event. Whatever you have to give—whether it's time, money, or a shout-out on social media—there’s no better time to get involved than during Pride. You should still feel free to have a hell of a time partying it up in your brightly-colored gear, but just make sure that if you’re talking the talk, you’re also walking the walk. Got it? Great. Let's do this.

With that, I present to you 30 absolutely incredible LGBTQ+ charities to donate your time and/or money and/or voice to. Scroll through and spread the love.


Lambda Legal

lambda legal
Lambda Legal

Why you should get involved: Lambda Legal has been in courtrooms fighting to protect the rights of the LGBTQ+ community and everyone living with HIV for over 50 years. The organization’s team of pro-bono lawyers uses their knowledge of the law to fight for what's right, and have won many high-profile, precedent-setting civil rights cases spanning from marriage equality to fair employment and gender identity. In addition to litigation, they also use their legal power to help push forward public policy and education campaigns. Because Lambda Legal never charges clients for their legal work, and they don’t take government funding, they rely on donations to keep the lights on and change a-comin'.


Genders & Sexualities Alliance Network

gsa network
GSA Network

Why you should get involved: The Genders & Sexualities Alliance Network is an organization connecting student-run Genders & Sexualities Alliances (or GSAs, for short) across the country. You may recall your high school having a GSA, but these groups have definitely evolved in the past several years—they're no longer just safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth and allies, but now also vehicles in which deep social change is made (think: intersectionality-focused advocacy and mobilization). Donating to the network will allow them to train youth leaders, fund campaigns, and organize GSAs across the country, making schools and communities safer for LGBTQ+ youth all the while. If you’re still a student, definitely consider joining your local GSA as well!

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Pride Foundation

pride foundation
Pride Foundation

Why you should get involved: Founded in 1985, the Pride Foundation is one of the largest organizations serving the LGBTQ+ community in the Northwest, with the belief that everyone should be able to live safely, openly, and genuinely. Donations allow them to help provide financial, technical, and community support to community members and students; partner with thought leaders across the Northwest to create strategies for progress; and advance public education, legislation, and ballot initiatives. They rely on a network of volunteers to keep them up and running, and are always looking for more help in their Seattle office or on regional volunteer action committees.


The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center

the center
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center

Why you should get involved: As the largest LGBTQ+ community center on the East Coast (and the second largest in the world!) NYC’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center serves thousands of people every week. The multi-service organization—often described as the hub of NYC’s LGBTQ+ community—is designed to be a space where everyone can come and be celebrated for who they are. In addition to community connection, visitors are welcome to participate in a variety of programs and support groups, ranging from substance abuse treatment to career counseling. The center also hosts more than 15,000 events and activities every year, so community groups can find space to hold meetings and events. Donations are accepted in the form of money or time, as there are plenty of volunteer opportunities year-round.

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Family Equality Council

family equality council
Family Equality Council

Why you should get involved: No matter how you slice it, family expansion is more challenging for the LGBTQ+ community—despite years of fighting to make it easier. One of the main organizations pushing for change in this arena over the past 40 years? The Family Equality Council. Per their website, they’re dedicated to making sure “everyone has the freedom to find, form, and sustain their families by advancing equality for the LGBTQ+ community.” Donations help support their work developing policies and programs; raising awareness and sharing the stories of LGBTQ+ families; and providing support, information, and resources to LGBTQ+ individuals hoping to start families of their own.


Point Foundation

point foundation
Point Foundation

Why you should get involved: The Point Foundation firmly believes that education is empowerment. That’s why they’re the largest scholarship-granting nonprofit for deserving LGBTQ+ students studying in the United States (for real: they’re supporting 552 students this year!). Their work is crucial, as nearly one-third of LGBTQ+ high-school students end up dropping out as a result of the harassment and isolation they face. Donations to the Point Foundation help support three types of scholarships: Flagship Scholarships (helping LGBTQ+ students pursue undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees), BIPOC Scholarships (supporting BIPOC students), and Community College Scholarships (helping LGBTQ+ students pursue community college degrees). In addition to scholarships, the Point Foundation also matches students with mentors, as well as providing internship opportunities, leadership development training, and a network to fall back on.

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Why you should get involved: The American Civil Liberties Union, aka the ACLU, steps in to make sure that all people—no matter who they are or who they love—are given the rights and liberties they are guaranteed under the law. That means they work in the courts and legislatures to uphold the Constitution, filing court cases when they see injustices and working with law and policymakers to make things right. One of their biggest fights is for LGBTQ+ equality, and donations help enable litigation, lobbying, and education.


Out & Equal

out and equal
Out & Equal

Why you should get involved: The workplace should be a fair and equal place for all—but unfortunately, many people in the LGBTQ+ community do not have this experience. Out & Equal is a nonprofit dedicated to ensuring that all workplaces—across all industries—have a culture of belonging, so employees can feel safe, appreciated, and as worthy as they are while in their place of business. Your donation will help the Out & Equal team as they work with executives, HR and D&I professionals, and LGBTQ+ employee resource group leaders to train them on how to better their workplaces from the inside out.

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Why you should get involved: One group within the LGBTQ+ community that often gets overlooked are older LGBTQ+ people, who may not be the people dancing on the floats in Pride parades. SAGE, based in New York, wants to change that. As the largest and oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of elderly LGBTQ+ people and their caregivers, SAGE helps advocate for the community on federal, state, and local levels. Donations help members work with legislators to inform them on LGBTQ+ aging issues in the hopes of changing policies and create safe spaces for LGBTQ+ older people to come together and feel welcome.

If you don’t have a ton of extra $$$ to throw around, SAGE also asks for your support in the form of calling up your senators and telling them that you stand by the Equality Act.


The Attic Youth Center

the attic youth center
The Attic Youth Center

Why you should get involved: Starting as a weekly support group, The Attic Youth Center, located in Philadelphia, has since grown into one of the biggest community centers in the U.S. dedicated to serving exclusively LGBTQ+ youth and allies. With the slogan “OK2BU,” the center gives LGBTQ+ youth a safe space to go to find a sense of belonging, connection, and understanding, and thanks to donations from people like you (!), it’s completely free to every kid who walks through their door. Your hard-earned cash will go toward counseling, case management, social activities, and more.

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Center for Black Equity

Center for Black Equity

Why you should get involved: The Center for Black Equity fosters a multinational national network of LGBTQ+ orgs dedicated to achieving economic, health, and social equity for Black LGBTQ+ folks. They also promote a bunch of Black LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations that are held throughout the country! A donation to this center will be used to support leaders, institutions and programs that are focused on securing wellness and equality for LGBTQ+ people of African descent.


OutRight Action International

OutRight Action International

Why you should get involved: If you didn’t know, LGBTQ+ protections are just barely enacted in only 29 countries, including the U.S. The rest of the world has little to no protections for its LGBTQ+ citizens, and that’s where OutRight Action International comes in. It’s the only LGBTQ+ organization that has a presence in the United Nations, where it fights for rights of LGBTQ+ members around the world. Why you should donate? OutRight works with securing rights in some countries where it’s illegal to even be LGBTQ+.

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Trans Lifeline

Trans Lifeline

Why you should get involved: It’s been well-proven that trans people are more likely to be attacked, mentally abused, and killed. More specifically, trans women of color are the most vulnerable. According to HRC, 2021 saw more than 57 trans deaths, with the majority of those deaths being trans women of color. Trans Lifeline, was established in 2014, and it's the first-ever crisis hotline for trans people. With a donation, you can help Trans Lifeline expand its programs to be even more diverse and inclusive of Black people, Indigenous people, and people of color.


The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project

Why you should get involved: The Trevor Project is one of the few organizations with a focus on real-time crisis interventions. Established to be a lifeline for any LGBTQ+ youth under the age of 25, the Trevor Project uses lifelines, chats, and texts to make sure whoever is calling/messaging/texting is okay. By donating, you can make sure this 24-hour service stays available.

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The Marsha P. Johnson Institute

The Marsha P. Johnson Institute

Why you should get involved: If you don’t know the story of the Black trans pioneer behind Marsha P. Johnson, then you need to get on Netflix right now. The Marsha P. Johnson Institute defends the rights of Black transgender people all over. This type of service is needed right now. Johnson was a crucial piece of the Stonewall uprising in 1969 and lives on as an important part of BIPOC LGBTQ+ history.


Sylvia Rivera Law Project

Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP)

Why you should get involved: Another staple of LGBTQ+ history, the Sylvia Rivera Law Project was named after the late Sylvia Rivera. Rivera was an active demonstrator, activist, and a;;-around LGBTQ+ hero. SRLP provides legal aid to low-income transgender, intersex, and gender nonconforming people of color living in New York City.

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It Gets Better Project

It Gets Better Project

Why you should get involved: The coming out process can be long, difficult, and even lonely for many people. The It Gets Better Project focuses on retelling the stories of LGBTQ+ members who may have had their own issues coming out, as examples that negative experiences aren't singular, and to showcase how things truly can be better.


Audre Lorde Project

Audre Lorde Project

Why you should get involved: The Audre Lorde Project is a community center based in New York City that services any member of the LGBTQ+ community. Named after the famed writer Audre Lorde, the center focuses on programs like 3rd Space, an important part of the project that helps lesbian, gay, bisexual, two-spirit, trans, and gender nonconforming people of color with education, employment, and immigration assistance. While donations are gladly accepted, becoming a member and assisting with anything from administrative work to outreach is *extra* appreciated.

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Hetrick-Martin Institute


Why you should get involved: Focused on the education and safety of LGBTQ+ youth, the Hetrick-Martin Institute is partially responsible for the creation of the Harvey Milk School. The Harvey Milk School is the first educational establishment catering to LGBTQ+ students and was created by HMI and the New York City Department of Education in 1985.

Today, it is responsible for assisting the LGBTQ+ youth community with education, health care, and much more. The best way to help is by being a donor. With just $25, you can make an impact in an LGBTQ+ youth’s life.


LGBTQ Freedom Fund

LGBTQ Freedom Fund

Why you should get involved: According to the LGBTQ Freedom Fund, “Each day, tens of thousands of LGBTQ people are held in jail or immigration detention because they cannot afford bail—for immigration status or charges like sleeping in public.” What the Freedom Fund actually does is provide financial support for LGBTQ+ members who have been incarcerated in the form of bail money. What it does is extremely important, and donations are almost always welcomed.

Headshot of Emy Rodriguez Flores

Emy is a journalist and Florida native covering everything from lifestyle, travel, fashion, beauty and more.

Headshot of Hannah Chubb
Hannah Chubb
Lifestyle Editor

Hannah Chubb is the lifestyle editor at Cosmopolitan, covering all things home, travel, food, health, career, and more. She spends pretty much every hour of every day curating the internet for the best new products, trends, and travel destinations. You can typically find her looking for houses she can’t afford on Zillow or Airbnb, planning her next meal before she gets to the restaurant, or taking all of the Justin Bieber classes over and over and over again on Peloton. Follow her on Instagram.


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