Summer is over—but don't worry, you're still having fun. During Virgo season, you ended your vacation, cleaned up after the party, went back to school, and got back into the swing of things. Now, after all that working and tidying up, it’s time for a break. The Sun enters Libra on September 22, kicking off Libra season 2024. The next four weeks shift your focus away from the rat race of real life towards your relationships. Air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are thriving right now, while cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn are all work, work, work.

Universally, Libra season is cuffing season. See, Libra is the sign of one-on-one relationships, which I like to call the “B” relationships. Your bestie, your boo, your business partners, and even people you’re beefing with are your focus right now. You’re making your already tight bonds even stronger, strengthening your casual relationships, and if there are any shitty relationships in your life, you’re able to squash the beef and/or amicably part ways.

Libras have a reputation for being a little flaky. They change their minds a ton, but it's just because they’re so good at seeing the other side of the situation. No matter your own zodiac sign, you’re taking on this vibe, too. It’s great for cooperating with others, but it can sometimes come off as disingenuous. Know the difference between modifying your behavior and mannerisms to better communicate and changing your opinions, thoughts, and values to fit what you think someone else wants. Yes, it’s good to collaborate, but it’s not good to be fake.

You’ll find that there’s room in your schedule opening up now that Virgo season has passed. I suggest trying to fill in the gaps in your schedule with dates and social outings—even if you're just watching a movie at home with your S.O. or running errands with your BFF. By being with others and hearing their perspective on things, you’ll be able to undergo great amounts of growth this Libra season. The solar eclipse in Libra at the beginning of October all but guarantees massive change in your relationships will occur throughout the month, too—that eclipse energy reverberates over a long period of time. Great new relationships are beginning, and shitty connections are finally ending for good.

This month, leave more room for others in your life. There are no solo endeavors right now—the quickest way to success is teamwork, cooperation, and collaboration. You have the chance to turn an acquaintance into a bestie right now, a situationship into a real partner, and a coworker into a real collaborator. Have fun!

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope for Libra season 2024 below:


Because Libra season’s energy is lighting up your chart’s relationships zone, this next month is cuffing season for you—and that's even more true for you than for any other sign, Libra included. You love your independence, but by putting yourself in others’ shoes and learning to cooperate, you’ll find that you can grow, learn, and achieve more than you’ve ever dreamed. This applies to your romantic, platonic, and even work relationships.


At work, you prefer to work on your own thing, using your own methods, and staying completely in your own lane. However, that won’t cut it this Libra season. Your workload is getting to be too much, so now’s your opportunity to learn the importance of collaboration. So what if people don’t do things the exact same way you do? They have their own methods that work for them. Listen and learn, and you might find that some of their strategies are even better than your own.


Flirting, having flings, and hooking up are the keywords of your Libra season. Your chart’s zone of romance, sex, and fun is being lit up right now. And although Libra season is great for all types of relationships, you’re focusing on your love life. Love of all varieties is easier to come by right now, and life is just a bit more fun than usual. Enjoy the extra creativity and inspiration that comes with this transit.


Libra season is taking you on a trip down memory lane. For the next four weeks, you’re focusing on the people you have history with. Old friends that you haven’t spoken to in a while are coming back around, you’re catching up with your family, and you're also finding time to stay at home for R&R. Get back in touch with your past, understand the significance of your history, and get plenty of rest. Scorpio season will be a real blast, so take Libra season as an opportunity to recharge your batteries.


Libra season is activating the zone of your chart that rules communication, so you’re spending plenty of time mingling, showing up to different social events, and going out with your friends, neighbors, and/or siblings. Your phone is blowing up, hella hotties are sliding into your DMs, and you’re always calling, FaceTiming, or texting someone. Sure, it’s exhausting being so popular, but it’ll be fun.


Over the next month, the stars are imbuing you with an objective POV, and you’re able to apply it to your work and finances. You’re smoothing out the wrinkles in your routine and re-balancing your budget. There’s a lot of stuff that you’re spending cash on that you don’t really use, and there are actually a lot of ways you could be saving money! Libra energy helps you to balance out all of your options, look at the big picture, and fix your finances.


Libra season is obviously an important transit for you. The Sun is in your sign, representing the beginning of a new year-long cycle. Anything you initiate now promises to have lasting significance—whether it’s new relationships, jobs, or personal projects. You’re famously indecisive, so it might take you a hot minute to pick what goals you actually want to go for, but once you do? You’ll be unstoppable. Happy birthday!


Your chart’s 12th House is being activated this Libra season, so there’s not a ton of action happening in your day-to-day life right now. Under the surface, however, there’s a lot going on. This is an emotional time for you! You’re being compelled to take a look at your past. In fact, don't be surprised if exes and old jobs come knocking. This is your chance to decide: Do you welcome them back into your life, or do you cut them off and move on for good? This is a month to clean your plate so you can burst into Scorpio season baggage-free and ready to take on the world.


This is one of the most social times of year for you! For the next four weeks, you’re spending basically all of your time with your friends. You’re turning buddies into besties and making plenty of new friends, too. My advice? Be open to connecting with a variety of people, not just the kinds of people you usually hang out with. You have the chance to make important new connections right now, so play nice, put on a smile, and have fun!


For the next month, you’re finding that all eyes are on you. The Sun in Libra is at the top of your chart. This is the most extroverted zone of your birth chart, and you’re shining bright. This is a time for achievements and recognition, and it’s your job to make sure you’re getting attention for the right reasons. Your great performance at work can easily lead to a promotion, bonus, or raise, but if you’re doing a poor job, that will be noticed, too. The positive recognition you get can lead to the chance to make powerful new professional connections. There’s a lot on the line right now, but if anyone can handle this kind of pressure, it’s you, Capricorn.


You’re having a great time this Libra season. In fact, every day is starting to feel like an adventure. This is a period during which you can undergo a tremendous amount of growth, and it’s important to keep your mind open. New people from completely different backgrounds or walks of life are appearing, and they carry a wealth of knowledge. There’s also a possibility for a major travel opportunity to come your way. Even if it’s just for work, I suggest you go for it. You’re learning something new every day this Libra season, and you’ll finish out the month as a much more well-rounded individual.


This Libra season, you’re being asked if you’re investing your emotions in the right places. Are you obsessively working a dead-end job that barely pays you because of the potential for growth in the future? Are you hanging onto a long-dead passion project that you don’t really feel passion for anymore? Maybe you’re clinging to a relationship that’s far past its expiration date. Even if your bond with someone/something is deep, intense, and long-lasting, you have to know when to step away. Greater, more passionate relationships and projects are waiting for you in the future. You just have to eliminate the waste you’re currently dealing with first.

Headshot of Jake Register

Jake Register (better known by his Instagram handle, @jakesastrology) is a Libra and the author of Cosmopolitan’s weekly Sexoscopes. He lives in southeastern North Carolina and loves making astrology content. Follow his IG or Twitter @jakesastrology, and to book a reading, go to