Electrostatic Pollen is an artificial plant, a system, that converts energy from the sun into the proliferation of genes. It is a surrogate host for the genetic material of the common peach tree and it continuously broadcasts the complete genomic sequence, indefinitely, as long as the electronics remain intact.
/organism (9)
Created at Goldsmiths (University of London) for the degree show project of MA computational Art, Zed is a real-time drawing device centred around the character Zed, intended to evoke a sense of sacredness akin to a religious ritual.
Created by the artist collective WERC, “Pixi” is a digital organism located in a dutch forrest, inspired by the complex patterns that exist in nature and questions whether a technical natural phenomenon can imitate the complex aesthetics of nature or interact with it.
Following from the Morphogenetic Creations we covered on CAN some months ago , Hybrid Forms: New Growth is the latest in the series of “Cellular Forms: an Artistic Exploration of Morphogenesis” research work by Andy Lomas.