Created by Dan Moore, The Great American Pastime combines Generative AI with sports storytelling to broadcast an endless series of fictional baseball games on The Infinite Baseball Radio Network. This project relies on advanced Gen AI for game simulation and sportscasting, combined with a visually engaging web interface and media streaming architecture.
Projects created to run client–server computer programs in a web browser.
Walkcast is a “storytelling engine” that generates a story based on where you are, where you go, and it keeps changing. It taps into the hidden details of your environment, revealing fascinating facts about the streets, landmarks, or history around you.
Stream of Consciousness is a daily performance revealing the thoughts of an imaginary artist creating and sharing images in real time. Observe the act of inspiration unfolding one idea at a time in this boundary-blurring social experiment and ponder the nature of art and creativity in the age of AI.
Created by Moniker, Trending in the Multiverse explores novel possibilities of content production. Awestruck by the latest iteration of AI systems that are both fascinating and worrying, the project asks us to reconsider our concepts of authorship, ownership, and creativity.
Uncanny Rd. is a drawing tool that allows users to interactively synthesise street images with the help of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). The project was created as a collaboration between Anastasis Germanidis and Cristobal Valenzuela to explore the new kinds of human-machine collaboration that deep learning can enable.
Created by Lauren McCarthy, “LAUREN” is an online experiment where she attempts to become a human version of Amazon Alexa, a smart home intelligence for people in their own homes. The project will take place as an online three day performance that begins with an installation of a series of custom designed networked smart devices in peoples’ homes.
From 28 July – 23 September 2012 Tate Modern in London is the home to “Little Sun” a project by Olafur Eliasson, part of the London 2012 Festival. Purpose of the project is to raise awareness about the need to improve access to energy for the 1.6 billion people who do not have access to the electrical grid.