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5-Year Results

Consolidated Income Statements

(Unit: million yen)

  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Net sales 478,566 666,460 710,575 720,207 802,996
Operating income 33,880 104,381 69,114 24,557 41,843
Non-operating income 519 861 999 1,263 1,753
Non-operating expenses 536 548 648 904 2,121
Ordinary income 33,863 104,694 69,464 24,915 41,475
Extraordinary gain 88 2,201 1,633 1,470 313
Extraordinary losses 5,749 6,173 8,299 3,854 10,963
Income before income taxes 28,202 100,722 62,798 22,532 30,825
Net Income 14,257 66,671 39,413 10,943 20,645
Net income attributable to
non-controlling interests
7,648 25,117 15,194 5,611 4,398
Net income attributable
to owners of
the parent
6,608 41,553 24,219 5,332 16,246

Balance Sheets*

(Unit: million yen)

  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Current assets 203,674 301,650 293,850 351,242 362,363
Non-current assets 57,047 80,885 89,826 126,519 158,005
Total assets 260,766 382,578 383,698 477,826 520,417
Current liabilities 87,867 140,714 130,014 133,362 168,226
Non-current liabilities 45,220 47,718 30,768 112,552 97,955
Common stock 7,203 7,203 7,239 7,369 7,440
Total shareholders' equity 78,466 119,128 138,079 137,034 146,170
Total net assets 127,678 194,145 222,915 231,911 254,235
Shareholders'equity ratio(%) 34.3 33.7 37.6 30.2 30.6

Cash Flows Statements

(Unit: million yen)

  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Cash flows
from operating activities
37,028 109,609 17,946 20,822 53,231
Cash flows
from investing activities
-16,621 -28,537 -31,412 -40,290 -38,331
Cash flows
from financing activities
-2,590 374 -2,801 53,491 -5,195
Cash and cash
equivalents at end of year
102,368 184,082 168,035 201,780 211,135

Management Index

Set the DOE 5% or higher from FY 2017 as a guideline
ROE×Dividend Payout Ratio=DOE
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
(Dividend on Equity %)
5.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3
(Return on shareholders' equity %)
7.8 38.1 17.7 3.7 10.7
Dividend ratio(%) 64.9 13.4 29.2 142.5 49.9

*"Partial Amendments to Accounting Standard for Tax Effect Accounting, etc." is applied from FY2019.