business of photography
These four strategies will end your struggle with unpredictable freelancer photographer income
Freelance photography is a fantastic career, but it comes with one major challenge: inconsistent income. One month, you’re booked solid, and the next, you’re scrambling…
“The Dip” Can be Formidable: Here’s How We Can Beat It
Sooner or later, we all enter the dip. Here are strategies for escaping it. Have you ever felt stuck in your photography career? Maybe you…
The Best Set up for ‘Easy-money’ Video Interviews
Photographing headshots is easy money, but it’s also low-hanging fruit. By this, I mean that everyone can do them pretty well. In order to stand…
Crush your photography in 1% increments this year
It’s all a numbers game, you know. One of my favourite photographic mantras is the outlandish idea of getting 1% better daily and how it…
These psychological tricks will help you nail your photography pricing this year
A new year, and hopefully, you’re raising your prices! If you aren’t, I hope you have a good reason because the start of a new…
Yes, you should give your client RAW files, this is when
If you ever want to get a photographer stressed out, you merely have to utter the words “can I have the RAWs?” Since the dawn…
Why playing it safe will ruin your creative career
I know it sounds cliche, but stepping out of your comfort zone from tiem to time is essential for growth. This works in all areas…
Avoid these seven red flags every freelance photographer should know
Choosing the perfect client is as challenging as it is for the clients to choose the perfect photographer. Still, it’s not impossible. In his recent…
This is why your portfolio isn’t landing clients (and how to fix it)
Good photographs can only go so far. Let’s talk about a problem that’s holding a lot of photographers back. And it’s not that your photos…
With these easy steps start charging $10,000 a wedding
Many photographers dream of charging premium rates for their services, but making the leap from being a $3,000 to a $10,000 wedding photographer involves more…