
Data Breach

The Regulation 1725/2018 introduces a duty on all EU Institutions and bodies to report certain types of personal data breach to the EDPS. They must do this within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach, where feasible.
If the breach is likely to result in a high risk of adversely affecting individuals’ rights and freedoms, they must also inform those individuals without undue delay. All EU institutions and bodies should ensure that they have the procedures that enable them  to detect a  breach, investigate, take the necessary corrective measures and report. They must keep a record of any personal data breaches, regardless of whether they are required to notify the EDPS.




PATRICIA Exercise 2024 - Personal dATa bReach awareness In Cybersecurity Incident hAndling

On 3 October 2024, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) jointly organised a table-top exercise titled “Personal Data Breach Awareness In Cybersecurity Incident Handling” (PATRICIA). The event, hosted at the EDPS premises in Brussels, aimed to raise awareness among staff from European Union Institutions, Bodies, and Agencies (EUIs) on managing personal data breaches.

Available languages: English

PATRICIA - Personal dATa bReach awareness in Cybersecurity Incident Handling

EDPS and ENISA are co-organising the cyber exercise PATRICIA - Personal dATa bReach awareness in Cybersecurity Incident Handling, a table-top exercise focusing on personal data breach management. This initiative is organised in the framework of the EDPS 20th-anniversary activities and European Cybersecurity Month Campaign on 3 October 2024 from 08:45 to 16:00 in the EDPS premises.


Vacancy Notice EDPS 02/2024

Data Breach Notification and Investigation Officer- CA (1 year renewable) FGIV - Technology and Privacy Unit - Deadline for submitting the applications via the following application form is June 7th, 2024, (Brussels time GMT+1) at 12:00 (midday).

Vacancy Notice
Available languages: English
Data Protection Notice
Available languages: English

Newsletter (99)

New Year? New Newsletter edition! In issue #99, find out more about our top consultations and complaints dealt with in 2022, our activities to mark data protection day. As well as our latest Opinions, including one that may have an impact on your holidays, and one concerning your instant payments! This issue is also part of our podcast series, the Newsletter Digest.

Have a listen now!