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Science Illustrated5 min read
Creatures Of The Darkness
Measuring 20-35cm in length, Sloane’s viperfish holds the world record for the longest teeth relative to head size in a fish. It lives in the tropical and subtropical deep sea, and its teeth are more than half as long as its head, overlapping the jaw
Science Illustrated9 min read
Greeks, Ottomans, And An English Noblewoman Were Vaccine Pioneers
Learn about the lost pioneers, professional duels and ‘aha’ moments that preceded the most exceptional inventions and scientific breakthroughs. “My face will never become ugly and full of pockmarks,” said an English milkmaid in the 1760s, while a you
Science Illustrated1 min read
Happiness Boosts The Entire Body
1 When we feel happy, endorphins and oxytocin hormones are released, with a calming effect on the heart and blood vessels, resulting in lower blood pressure, improved heart function, and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. 2 Feeling happy increas

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