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Prince Thief
Prince Thief
Prince Thief
Audiobook10 hours

Prince Thief

Written by David Tallerman

Narrated by James Langton

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Altapasaeda, capital of the Castoval, is about to be besieged by its own king—and where else would luckless, somewhat reformed thief Easie Damasco be but trapped within the city's walls? Faced with a war they can't win and a populace too busy fighting amongst itself to even try, the Castovalian defenders are left with one desperate option. Far in the northern lands of Shoan, rebels have set up the young prince Malekrin as a figurehead in their own quest to throw off the king's tyrannical rule. One way or another, the prince must be persuaded to join forces.

Once again, all hope lies with Damasco and his sticky-fingered approach to problem solving, along with his long suffering partner, the gentle giant Saltlick. But this time it's a human being that needs stealing, with his own desires and opinions, and events only grow more complicated as Damasco realises that he and the rebellious young prince have more in common that either would admit.

Release dateSep 24, 2013
Prince Thief

David Tallerman

David Tallerman is the author of the Tales of Easie Damasco fantasy trilogy, the graphic novel Endangered Weapon Band around a hundred short stories, comic and film scripts.

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Reviews for Prince Thief

Rating: 4.3125 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the third in the series and you really should read them all to understand what's going on. Over the course of the series you watch the main character slowly transform from a fast-talking thief into someone who cares about other people and tries to do the right thing (sometimes). The journey is clever, thoughtful, and occasionally plain funny. A half dozen sentences scattered throughout keep this from being a book that kids could read without some awkward questions posed to parents, which is unfortunate.