Set in Stone is now available outside of Amazon, and i have finished a set of short story prequels, including a novella, that provides various circumstances leading to the fall of society as depict...view moreSet in Stone is now available outside of Amazon, and i have finished a set of short story prequels, including a novella, that provides various circumstances leading to the fall of society as depicted in the novel Set in Stone, where the lives of two ordinary people are shaped as they battle on many fronts against the malignant forces of statism, corruption & oppression. The prequel is simply called Prequels to Set in Stone, and for a limited period, in order to gain some interest, i have let the reader choose the price. Some objective reviews would of course be very welcome.
2021 has been hectic, so i am hoping to have a little more time in 2022 to continue writing, and possibly improve on my non-existent marketing skills.
Any feedback will be gratefully received.
Nik Olsenview less