Ray grew up in the small town of Kimberley in British Columbia before moving to Calgary Alberta to go to college. He has remained in the Calgary area ever since.OUTSIDE FORCESA secret vigilante org...view moreRay grew up in the small town of Kimberley in British Columbia before moving to Calgary Alberta to go to college. He has remained in the Calgary area ever since.OUTSIDE FORCESA secret vigilante organization named the Order has been formed to correct the errors of an imperfect justice system. Garrod Shaw, accused of killing his three young children and dumping their bodies in a lake has beaten his murder charge on a technicality. A Russian Diplomat, while driving impaired, runs down and kills a young woman and faces no penalty or prosecution after claiming diplomatic immunity. Both men are habitually dangerous and for the protection of all citizens, the Order believes it is time to remove these two once and for all.BUMSTEAD’S WELLThe dare was simple. Spend one night down at the bottom of Bumstead's well. When Vincent's friends fail to return at the agreed time, Vincent finds himself trapped alone and reflecting on his short life.WISH ME FROM THE WATERA young boy commits suicide. The town folk believe it was another result of bullying but two brothers discover the truth and decide to take matters into their own hands. A tale of abuse, shame and standing up for what you believe is right.EXTREME MALICEIf you could create the perfect murder and get away with it, would you? A young university student is charged with murder. His guitar string is wrapped around her neck. His shoe prints are left at the scene. Her earrings found under his bed. Her husband hundreds of miles away. The perfect murder? You be the judge.THE BLUFFINGTON FOURA time travel mystery about four students who disappeared in the mid 1960s.IN THE MIDST OF A PREDATORA very short psychological story. Bobby, a young boy alone at the fair grounds, finds comfort in a stranger who reaches out to him. Having the best night of his life, Bobby is unaware his new friend has something very different in store for him.view less