Jennifer Oberth is a sweet, gorgeous, intelligent gal with a great sense of humor. She likes long walks on the beach.
Oh, this is an Author Bio? In that case…
Jenn...view moreJennifer Oberth is a sweet, gorgeous, intelligent gal with a great sense of humor. She likes long walks on the beach.
Oh, this is an Author Bio? In that case…
Jennifer Oberth is a sweet, gorgeous, intelligent gal with a great sense of humor. She likes to take long walks on the beach where she thinks up delicious ways to murder people and give them motives, means, opportunities and fake alibis.
Don't randomly ask her what she's thinking because she'll tell you. She doesn't want a repeat of that time she was with a group of strangers and she blurted out her frustration at her car. "How on earth am I expected to kill somebody in the woods without being seen when I can't turn off the automatic headlights?"
She didn't know why they shrank back and gave her a wide berth the rest of the evening.
She didn't know why no one offered advice to get around this tricky annoyance.
It's a coincidence she then started writing cozy mysteries set in 1875…
Jennifer Oberth (the sweet, gorgeous, intelligent gal with a great sense of humor) has two cats (Copper & Outlaw). When she's not at work, cursing the computer when it doesn't work, she can be found at home, cursing the computer when it doesn't work.view less